Chapter 3

I wake up in a house I don't know. I slowly sit up and my head throbs. I look over and see Steve with no shirt on I look down and see myself in a small bra and underwear. I get out of the bed quickly then I fall to the ground making a loud thud. I hear Steve move and he slowly sits up.

"Steve! what the h*ll happened last night!" i yell

"Oh good your awake. Well, you passed out fell on the ground, and got a concussion. I was working at the time so i took you home. You woke up and throw up on your clothes. So I'm cleaning them..uh thats it I think."

"Ok...then why don't you have a shirt on," I demand

"Oh it got hot with two people," he says

I grab a blanket and wrap it around me. I sit back on the bed and sigh.

"Sorry," I say not looking at him questions rush through my head.

"It's ok, hey your cloths still need a few hours want to wear some of my old stuff. Just so your more comfortable."

"Oh um...sure if you wouldn't mind."

Steve gets up and walks to his dresser. He begins looking for stuff he grabs a space shirt and red pants with draw stings. He walks over to me and gently sets them by me.

"Go get in the shower theres a lavender soap for you. Then change into these they're very comfortable." Steve smiles.

I smile back at him for the first time. I grab the clothes and walk to the bathroom. I shut the door and turn on the water. I get into the nice warm shower.

"Ahh" I relax and wash off the extra beer and throw up that Steve missed with his wipe. I use the lavender soap in my long brown hair. I don't want to get out but I know I need to. I turn off the water and step out of the shower.

I put on the cloths and put the towel around my neck so my hair doesn't drip on my back. I open the door and Steve is on his bed with his phone in his hand.

"Hey, how was your shower?" Steve asks putting his phone down.

"Relaxing." I sit next to him and pull out my phone. I can feel my heart start to beat faster. I look at Steve. I'm so close to him, too close.

"Steve... I have a weird feeling in my gut." I say nervously

"Oh? are you worried about something?" he asks

"No...but my heart is fast." I grab his hand and put it on my chest so he can feel my heart. Steve blushes.

"I think I know what that feeling is." he says

"what is it? Am i sick or something?" I ask

"no silly, your in love."
