"what! love no i cant! h*ll no! that's insane!" i yell
Steve slowly gets closer to me i can feel his breathe on my skin.
"theres a first time for everything princess." Steve presses his soft lips on mine. my eyes widen then close. i feel like im in a dream. a dream i never want to end. i've been alone so long i forgot what love feel like. but with him, everything feels right. Steve slowly pulls away and looks in my eyes, he smiles.
"i forgot how that felt" i say blushing like crazy
"if you don't mind me asking what happened. you said you didn't want to date but i saw fear in your eyes." he asks
"oh...he um...his name was jackson i met him when i was at a party suuuuuper drunk. he took me home you can guess what he tried to do. some how i was able to run away from him. i got home with a torn top and lip sick all over my face. thats when i new, i should never trust someone i just met."
"dang." Steve says shocked
"unless, its true love" i look into Steve's blue eyes. i ruffle his brown hair then i lay back on his chest and close my eyes.
he holds me, his arms are gentle and soft. i take a deep breath and slowly go to sleep. i wake up to yelling. i open my eyes and notice Steve isn't there. i sit up and here Steve yell as if he's hurt. my heart pounds i fly out of bed swing the door open and run out.
"i don't care what you do to me! i will not let you touch her!" Steve yells at the guy with a black mask on. the guy hits Steve in the face with a bat Steve falls over.
"Steve!" i yell i run to Steve's side and look up at the guy "who are you what do you want with me" i ask
"me well, i asked your little boy here if i could have your body. seen as he's down and out look like i get it." the guys voice is raspy.
"Then come and get me." I roll up my sleeves. the guy walks toward me then runs at me. I stand my ground he puts one hand on me then WHAM! He's out like a light. I drag the guy out and leave him there. I walk back to Steve he has cuts and bruises everywhere. I lift him up witch is very hard and put him on the bed.
I put ice on his cheek thats swelling and i wipe the blood off. Steve groans and slowly opens his eyes.
"S-Sara?" he says softly
"Yes love I'm here don't sit up it'll make you bleed more." I say wiping the last of the blood off.
"Did he touch you?" Steve asks his voice returning to normal
"No. You forget i can protect myself." I say as i sit next to him
"I know you can i was just worried about my girl." Steve says
"Aw thanks Stevie. You know how about we make this offcial. Steve will you be my boyfriend."
"How could I say no to my princess." He brushes his hand on my cheek and I smile. My phone buzzes.
"Oh, some of my friend want me to go to the cafe with them. I'll be back in a few hours don't move too much if you need anything call me." I kiss his head and stand up. I change into a white crop top and shorts. I grab Steve's keys and get in his car.
I drive down to the cafe where my friends are sitting by a window. I park and get out I lock the car and walk into the cafe. I sit with my friend we talk for 3 hours. We talk about Steve, the bar where we all met, and lots more.
"She's late.." Steve says. "I should go pick her up." he stands up and calls his friend. His friend comes and picks him up he pulls over and Steve gets out and waves. He walks into the cafe and sees me with my little cup.
I laugh then I feel a hand wrap around me and someone kiss my neck. I blush red and hear Steve softly whisper in my ear.
"hi princess."
"Steve you scared me!" I say smiling happily
"Sorry princess" Steve says
"awwwwww!" the girls all say together
I glare at them all.
"Anyway." jackie says "back to the fight I think Steve would get his butt beat." she smirks.
"Haha woah ok do you see him his build it's perfect your little boy toy would be crushed," I say madly
"boy toy! Say it again Sara!" jackie stands up with her hands on the table staring at me.
"He's just your little pet do you really love him you don't act like you do you whine all the time and keep the spot light on you." i say standing too
"You little! Fine lets take this outside! meet me in the ally way in 25 minutes!" jackie yells
"FINE!" I yell
"FINE!!" she yells
Steve grabs my arm and looks mad he pulls me out to the car.
"What the h*ll! do you know what you just got into!" Steve yells
"Yeah! She's a dumb*ss! she deserves to be knocked out!" i say madly back, but not yelling.
"Get in the car." Steve says his face filled with rage.
"No I'm going to fight her. You cant change my mind." I turn away to start walking but Steve grabs me. He opens the car door and throws me in.
"hey!" i yell
Steve closes the door and locks it he walks to the other side and gets in. I'm yelling my head off like a child trying to open the stupid door. I yell at Steve trying to get out of the car. Steve drives away and parks at his house. I'm no longer yelling but I'm hot with rage.
Steve opens the door and I try to run back but he grabs my waist and puts me on his shoulder. I give up I feel like a bomb counting down. Steve opens the door and walks into his room he set me on the bed and sighs.
"I'm not doing it to be mean. I'm doing this because I love you. I love you too much to see you get hurt." he says, I don't answer.
"How about you have a bath I know those calm you down." he kisses my neck and holds me close.
"please talk to me." he hold me tighter
"I love you Stevie I'm sorry I was acting like a child your right. I shouldn't fight for stupid reasons" I say putting my head on his shoulder.
"Now, how about that bath huh. you still feel a little steamy" he chuckles
"Yeah, that sounds nice. And maybe after. we can go to the bar." I say, I get up and walk to the bathroom.
"The bar sounds fun. ill be waiting for you," he says.
I slowly close the door and watch Steve lay down. I take off my cloths and look down to the biggest spider I've ever seen! I scream and grab my towel I wrap it around me quickly then I open the door and run to Steve screaming.
"spider! spider! spider! SPIDER!" I hide behind Steve holding his shoulders. Steve chuckles and stands up he walks to the bathroom with a cup and a paper.
"Oh cool a tarantula," Steve says
"TARANTULA!!" I yell and Steve laughs. He takes the spider out the puts it outside. Steve comes back and walks into the bathroom. He turns the water on and puts in a lavender soap. He walks over to me I'm still in a towel scared to death.
Steve puts his hand on my leg and smiles he picks me up and walks to the bathroom. he sets me down.
"There princess." Steve closes the door.
I turn the water off and let my towel fall. I get into the warm water I take a deep breath. I'm relaxed but yet, somethings wrong. I feel sad and lonely.
"Steve" i shout
"Yeah," I hear Steve say from outside the door.
"Can you come in here please.." I say softly Steve opens the door and leans in the door way.
"whats up?" he asks
"I miss you," I say softly Steve smiles and sit next to me on the outside of the tub.
"Is this better?" he asks
"Yeah." I reach out and grab his hand then I close my eyes finally able to relax. A while passes then I feel a hand brush my feet then the water starts to drain. I open my eyes and look at Steve.
"You're getting real hot. I felt you're head. don't you feel hot?" he asks
"Uh, a little I mean not really. Will you hand me my towel." I feel the water drain all the way reveling in my body. I blush softly as Steve hands me the towel. I look at Steve's starwbary pink face. I chuckle and wrap the towel around myself.