Chapter 7

I walk into the mall with my purse. I'm looking for some nice clothes for Steve. I walk around the store for hours. nothing is cute enough for my Stevie. I stop and sigh.

"I miss him." I put my hands over my face trying not to cry. My face feels hot. I feel hands wrap around me I open my eyes and gasp as I feel someone kiss my neck. I blush and smile.

"Stevie I thought you were working" I lean back into his arms.

"guess again."

my eyes widen. sh*t, I get out of his arms and push him away.

"Jackson," I say madly

I back up and hit a wall I look around and see I'm in a corner. Jackson gets closer and closer to me. My heart pounds before he can get too close I run. I run as fast as my legs can carry me. I grab my purse hanging from my side. I pull my phone out still running.

I can hear Jackson yelling my name. I open my phone and call Steve I keep running.

"pick up pick up pick up," i say out of breath, Steve answers.

"Hey baby," Steve says

"Steve! help me! I'm at the mall Jacksons chasing me!" my legs start to shake as I hear Jackson's voice getting closer.

"I'll be there in 2 minutes." steve says and hangs up.

I run closer and closer to the front doors then I feel Jackson grip my arm tightly. I look at him with my eyes shaking. I try to yank myself away but I can't. He pushes me into the corner and pins my wrists to the wall hard. My eyes fill with tears.

"get your filthy *ss hands off my princess."

I look over and see Steve with a very mad expression.

"Steve!" I yell I try to push Jackson away but he pins me to the wall. Steve grabs Jackson and punches him hard he throws him away from me. I run into Steve's arms and hold onto him. He puts his hand on my back.

"Did he.." he asks

"No," I say barring my face in his shirt.

"Good. Let's get you out of here." Steve says

"B-but your clothes.." I say softly.

"Baby we can come tomorrow when this dumb*ss isn't around to hurt you," he says running his hand through my hair. I nod, we walk and get in his car. I look at my wrists and see bruises starting to form. I put my jacket on and hide them. Steve grabs my hand and pulls my sleeve.

"When we get home I'll put some ice on your wrists, and if you want you can shower and change and we can watch a movie." Steve says

"That sounds like heaven," I say smiling

We finally get home I get out and walk to our room. I grab a towel and clothes. I walk into the bathroom. I get in the shower and feel the hot water running down my face. I sigh happily I wash out my hair and wash my body.

I look at my wrist's they are now purple. My eyes widen and i get out of the shower then quickly change. I run out to Steve nervously.

"S-Steve," I say my voice shaking

"Yes?" he asks

"M-my wrists," I say nervously.

Steve pats next to him. I walk and sit by him and he gently grabs my hands. He puts an ice pack on my wrists.

"How's that?" he asks

"Better.. thanks, Stevie," I say and snuggle close to him. I sit between his legs and lay on him. He wraps a blanket around me. My eyes start to flutter then close.