I wake up and my head hurts. I groan and look around. Steve is no where t be found. I stand up and hear Steve on the phone. I walk out and hear him talking.
"No no baby I'll come back soon I know you miss me but I still have to see Sara, ugh she's so pathetic. She thinks her life is sooo bad because her family died. I'll see you soon honey. Ok love you bye" Steve says on the phone. I cover my face and tears roll down my face. I walk out to him and flip him onto his back.
"You are a peace of SH*T!" I scream and grab my stuff. I walk out and step on his face as I walk out of the house. I buy an apartment and walk to it I move in and put my stuff away. The other girl who lives there walks in.
"Oh hey! I'm Kathie whats your name?" Kathie asks
"Sara," I say softly. I pull my hoodie sleeves to hide the bruises.
"Nice to meet you Sara!" she walks over and hugs me. I feel tears bursting into my eyes. The tears trickle down my face.
"What's wrong Sara?" kathie asks
"I...I just broke up with my boyfriend who cheated on me." I say quietly
"Oh" Kathie says and hugs me tightly. I smile a little and hug her tightly.