7months later
I sit on the couch thinking about steve and Jackson. My head hurts then my phone rings. I pick it up.
"Hello?" I say
"Hey, shorty!"
"Kitty!" I smile
"I'm bringing home some food ill be back in a little" Kathie says
"Ok bye kitty" I hang up
I lay there and close my eyes I think of what Jackson did and then I think of what Steve did I start to shake. Kathie walks in and I quickly stand up. I look at her and she smiles and walks in and sets the food down.
"Wait..your hands are shaking, where are you shacking again?" Kathie asks
"I...I was thinking about..them again," I say softly, Kathie walks over and holds me. She brushes her hand through my hair and hums a lullaby. I lay my head on her shoulder and close my eyes.
"Your safe with me shorty," Kathie says in a soft and gentle voice
"I know kitty...I just can't stop thinking about them...how much they hurt me" I start to shack again and Kathie picks me up.
"Sh sh sh, come on, let's get some food," Kathie says
She puts me down on the rug where the table is. She opens the bag and puts food. She puts it in front of me and smiles. I look down and scratch my thumb. I scratch it raw then look up at Kathie. She is frowning with her arms crossed. I pick up my fork and start shoving food in my mouth choking it down.
"Don't choke," Kathie says, she gets up and sits behind me, and holds me. She kisses my cheek. I start coughing then run to the bathroom I throw up in the toilet. Kathie walks in and holds my hair.
"I told you not to choke," Kathie says
"You're really not having a good day are you?" Kathie says
"Today has sucked," I say laying in her lap and closing my eyes. She brushes my hair and hums to mas and I slowly fall asleep.