Get used not to Think too Much

The Audi car stopped at a restaurant. Jessica recognized it right away because the place stood in her heart, she had appreciated the restaurant before they even earned a Michelin star.

That place is called MOZAIC. Although their building was not that big, it was the number one recommended restaurant in B City. Looked at the luxury vehicles parked in the courtyard. You will immediately understand that only the upper class eats there.

A Caucasian man in a chef's uniform greeted them at the restaurant lobby.

"Jessica, long time no see. You look even more gorgeous."

"Thanks, Phil." The man is Philip, Mozaic's main chef. Jessica had been waiting several months to be able to eat lunch there but Hans messed it up.

A long time ago, Jessica's father always booked a table and ate there together every month. The place has changed a lot since it got a Michelin star.

Even so, Jessica remains loyal to Mozaic even though now she can only eat there a few times a year and of course without her father.

Now Mozaic has a long queue for every table available in the restaurant. It took some time to get a table there.

Then how did Hans get a table for dinner there?

"Hans called me earlier, he apologized for canceling our appointment yesterday. Because I know you really want to eat here, I gave Hans another schedule."

Hans, damn it! The man canceled the appointment arbitrarily, then got a chance for a new schedule, and didn't tell her. Then now Hans wants to call this a gift. Gift your ass!

"You guys are lucky, at that time I had an empty table with the best spot in this place. But where's Hans?"

"He's in S City for some work."

"Then this ..." Philip glanced at Jonathan questioningly.

"He's my new secretary. Hans has asked for resignation and will soon stop working with me. So I need to find a replacement and here he is, Jonathan ."

Philip escorted Jessica and Jonathan to the top floor of the restaurant. It was an open space with only a few tables you could count on your fingers. The tables are set apart to provide privacy.

Philip led Jessica and Jonathan to a table in the corner of the room. "Sorry that I couldn't accompany you to eat, I have to prepare some special dishes."

"No problem, please do your job and don't think too much of us."

Jonathan enjoyed the meal. He watched how Jessica interacted with Philip. Jonatan is not sure if Philip falls into the same group as Thomas or any other man. But if he gets through Hans, then he is sure Philip will not cause any trouble with Jessica.

Jonathan glanced around, there were eight tables including theirs. Six tables with men and women pair up while the other table contains a small family. They all seem like a harmonious and romantic couple.

"Do you often eat here with Hans?" Jonathan tried to bring up something to discuss.

After Philip left, Jessica said nothing more. The woman just opened her mouth to eat every dish that came.

Jessica is in a very good mood because she can eat special dishes cooked by her favorite chef. "Isn't this your first time eating with me?"

"Yes, this is my first chance." Jonathan followed the change in the topic that Jessica raised.

"In the future, there will be many opportunities for us to eat like this. Get used to not thinking too much and only eating what is in front of you." Jessica warned Jonathan very clearly.

It seems that the woman has looked into Jonathan's petty mind. They are indeed a romantic dinner in a classy place with a supportive atmosphere. But they were nothing but superiors and subordinates. What does Jonathan expect from Jessica?

December 29th, 2020