Eight years later, Present day.
Mount Rousei, near the Northwest border of the Empire.
After 8 years is Hiro a tall young man with a moscular build.
He has short black hair.
He wears a black vest with white sleeves and a white collar.
His pants are also white.
I stand on a Mountain and see a Flying Death rushing to me with rage in his Eyes.
"Damn, I just stealed your eggs calm down"
as I looked at it with a smile as I equip my knifes as I run to the Monster so fast that it doesn`t notices that I am near it I jump in the air as I kick it at the ground
Easy snack, as I smile I absorb the Energy, I thought about 8 years ago where I killed my first Monster where I was so happy at the Energy and now.. It literally does nearly nothing..
In my annoyance I just walk with the corpse down as I saw a short young man with spiky blond hair and golden eyes. He waers an outfit resembling a military uniform consisting of a long trench coat with golden epaulets.
"Chief I got a Flying Beast what about you"? As I say that with a provocate smile Najasho our Chief just says "shrimp shut up and let me read my book."
I tzk and just as I wanted to walk away to sell the Beast I saw Akame wo kills a Monster and tell her "Good job Akame"
"Thanks Hiro you got a Flying Beast mh? Keep something of it I want to taste it"
"Hahaha Akame if you say it like that I can`t say no"
Just as we talked in the Sea a girl in bikini appeared with green eyes and long auburn hair worn in a ponytail and decorated with a few hairpins.
"Shrimp you are going to let the beast away if you dont get it Father will get angry"
the Girl Poney looked at him cheerful and just said " How could it get away?" as she said that Behind her the monster appears and with a powerful kick she Kicks its chin away and Kills it.
As I walk away I saw 2 Boys one is a tall young man with a sturdy and muscular build. He has short brown hair and a scar on his left cheek. He wears a brown vest with white sleeves and a white collar. His pants are also white.
The Boy said "Green is that ore enough?"
The Boy in question is a young man with black hair and green eyes. He wears a green jacket with a black T-Shirt and black pants. His shoes are also black and he wears glasses.
He looks at him and says "Guy yes thats enough for us lets go sell it".
"With that money I can go have fun hehe"
"Guy are you really going to buy another Prostitute? What about Cora?"
"Just to have some fun.. Dont be nerdy Green".
I just walk with a smile to them and say : "Tzk tzk Guy you really dont have enough mh"
"I just dont want to train 24/7 like you and enjoy life" says Guy as he tries to provocate me
I just go with a speed of wind right in front of him and say with a strained smile "Want to fight?"
Just as we wanted to fight, 2 girls happen to come to us as one of them was a young girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore a long white shirt with black pants and shoes. As she said "you`re fighting again mh?
I smile at her and said "Well Cornelia I just wanted to hit some sense in his head he wanted to go have "Fun" with his Money.
Cornelia in question looks at guy with a sharp smile and says "Is that true Guy?"
Guy in question just looks at the other girl to evade the question and says "Tsukushi you picked herbs to earn the money?"
Tsukushi just smiles at him with her amber eyes and short brown hair as she says "Mh I just picked a few herbs with Cornelia"
After we talked a bit we went to sell the Corpses and in the evening we went back home.
Gozuki just smiles at us as he says " Kiddos you are ready for your first Mission? I hope you are there is no back anymore.
"You are all equiped with "Shingu" and have trained enough I hope you are ready.
All of us were ready we all went into Kill-mode and didn`t smile anymore and were completely concentrated.
Gozuki looks at us and says
"I wont tolerate Failure"
"I want the heads back tomorrow Morning. They`re all Evil Villains that want to throw this nation into Chaos. Don`t feel bad, chopping them into Pieces.
We all said "Yes Father" I just smile as I get my Target as I thought we all get a random Target or like Akame we get one where we were to close too.. Gozuki wants to test her loyality I can`t help her with that. I just walk around and want to take my Target out before..
"Hiro give me your Teigu you won`t take it for your first mission."
I in question look at Gozuki and say "Why Father isn`t it my Strength to have it? "
He looks at me "Dont think I dont know that u can stop and speed up the Bleeding"
"hehe Father I can`t hide anything from you mh,"
as I hand him my Teigu he gives me some Iron Knives instead
In the evening I found my Target its a old man with gray hair. He wears a black shirt. His pants are also black.
"Hey old man can you tell me where the next village is?"
the old man looks at me with sharp eyes his sword ready to draw and said
"Kiddo I can feel your Killing Intent from here so just stop your trashtalk will you?"
As the old man talked I already run forward to give him no time to breathe I speed up as I slice at him he stops it with his sword.
Just as he wanted to move I kick him away as he falls back I throw 2 Knifes at him he evade one of it that went to his heart and the other one went into his leg before he can stand up again im next to him and cut his head open
"That was easy but I noticed something I need to learn it to contain my Killing Intent its no problem to contain it if im Staying in one place but if I run around it sways like a domain and everyone can feel it.. Mh I need to train on that.
I walk back to the village and notice Akame crying in some corner I walk to her as she hears my steps she looks at me and tries to wash her tears away.
I ask her "Whats wrong Akame? Im here for you if anything is wrong."
Akame looks at front of her and sees Hiro walking to me I try to wash my tears away but it doesn`t work right now as I heard his voice I look at his eyes and the concern for me as he smiled and waited for an answer as I remembered that he asked me something I got red and said:
"ehh its nothing just my first Target was something I knew."
"Come Akame stay up we`re going home and you`re going to eat much then it doesn`t hurt much anymore."
As I said that I notice as she tries to stay up that she is poisoned I quickly go to her with a smile and say "Wait you are poisoned, come im going to carry you".
Akame got sad again and just mhms as we walk in silence home. I stop mid-way and say
"Akame everyone is going to die someday its normal. Just like Father tought us the dead will never come back to life. We´ve already been taught that many times."
"That's Right, just when I notice that I lost someone dear to me I get sad."
Finally we were home and went to give our Missions target head.
Gozuki smiled at us satisfied as he says :
"Im proud of you kiddos!" You can be proud of your first Mission most people won`t return from the first Mission.
"Now lets celebrate with a Feast" smiled Gozuki as he thought "Everyone achieved his mission perfectly thats great soon we will go to Team missions the death-rate is going to be high.. I hope everyone is ready to die if not its going to be hard to be a great Assassin.