Chapter 5

??? "HEY A Boat`s coming this Way!

"Ready your guns."

....? "Its Empty?"


Najasho leaps from the Boat to the other boat as he cuts them open


"Let`s go, small fries."

A young lady with long dark grey hair and lime eyes said "They`re here already babara".

The old woman in question has gray hair and purple eyes as she said "They attacked sonner than we anticipated Taeko"

Poney jumps from one boat to the other one and smashes one of the Targets head away with her Feet

Taeko draws her sword as she said "An ambush in the middle of the Line... We`re out of Formation."

"Stop right there!"

It's the opposite. We`re fortunate that we were at the end of the line."

The Tengu mercenaries are getting massacred at an incredible Speed!"

"We`re retreating before the Enemy notices us!"

"We`re Diving!" said Babara as she jumps in the Water.


After a short while they finally killed all the mercenaries as they looked at the last Boat

"no one`s here...?"

"They must have dived underwater."

"Then that´s a Job for Akame who`s waiting in the water."

Just as Najasho said that he felt that hes being watched as he looked in the air he saw a Megafu-Kurou... They`re pretty common in this area, but they`re suppoed to naturally avoid people...

Just as I wanted to kill the bird the bird turned around and flew fast away.. as I thought that was Chelsea.. Right now she is in Oarburgh If im right Chelsea had pale skin, auburn hair and red eyes. She has the Teigu Gaea Foundation that allowes her to change her appearance at will. What a tricky opponent I thought as I watched the bird fly away.

----------------------------------------After a few hours somewhere

"Phew... We should be fine if we`re all the way out here." say babara as she was exhausted from all the Diving and sat on a broken chest.

"To think that they`d even be waiting to ambush us in the water..." Taeko as she looked at her soaked clothes and tries to dry them.

"We were fortunate that there were others who dived in the Water as well. We got away while they were being killed." as Babara said that she thought that if the mercenaries were so easily defeated, they must be Rakshasa demon-Class..

"How did it go Chelsea?"

"Were you able to see their faces?"

Pant... Pant... "Being a Bird is exhausting... I saw them" said Chelsea as she kneels down to draw the Kids that she saw after a short while she had Three Pictures where Green, Najasho and Hiro where.

"They`re kids." said Babara as she was shocked to see such young people.. They are on a level with Taeko..

"Probably just slightly younger than me..."

"What about the others?"

It can`t be jsut the three of them."

"That`s all I got because that one without the glasses and the black haired boy looked at me with a overhelming pressure even if I was using Gaia Foundation I didn`t want to stick my neck in any further." said Chelsea as she scratches her head.

"You did well, heeding your instinct. Well, even jsut finding out the Faces of our previously unknown foes is already very good". As babara said that she thought about the whole situation and came to the conclusion to send the Pictures to our spies and to see if they`re in the towns around this area.

-----------------------------Timeskip to the Evening

"Ugh those Girls are taking forever"

"Just finish in five minutes and get out already"

"No, a Bath should take forty-five minutes"

"Gai, your baths are too short. Chief yours are too long". I said as I watched them bicker I noticed that the Girls are watching us I glance at Najasho and see him glance too in my direction.

My smile got bigger as I said "Gai in this town there is a Brothel too, you can go there later"

"Hehe you finally understand that not everything is training you need to have fun too!"

"No you are wrong. Im fine with my book."

"Really? Why dont you come with me im a man of culture and showing you the best of life".

I look at him like he is dumb as I thought "does he know that the girls are watching?"

"Hey I need to take a Piss. Can you untie me? said Guy as he looked at Green

"You`re just going to go Peeking with layer suit aren`t you?"

"I`m not going to let you see them naked!"

"Tch.. Why don`t we just go together?"

I look at him with a smile that looked like the devil`s smile : Hey Green, you got really worked up when you said "Im not going to let you see them naked."



"Do you like one of them?"



"THEN LETS TAKE THIS OUTSIDE" screamed Guy as he was in rage.

"How much more outside can we get" Said najasho with closed eyes

"Hehe Green could it be that you actually dont want Gai to see other woman naked, and thats actually all there is to it? With a smile on my face I looked at Greem as he went red on his face and Guy pale


"NOOOOOOOO" Screamed Greem

"Tch, I don`t want there to be some weird misunderstanding... Fine then I`ll tell you."

"Yeah I like Akame"

"Green likes me?"

"Uhh Akame" says Poney with a sly smile"

"Whoa Green with a face like that you`re not kidding."

"Thats a surprise."

"Mh not bad as a man of culture tell us why you like Akame"

"We`ll listen you to pass the time said Najasho with a interesting grin on his face

"It`s a pitiful story, so prepare your handkerchiefs says" Green as he stands up with his arm on his glasses.

"It was about half a year ago as I went to Akame to tell her that it`s time for practice just as I want into her room I noticed that she was asleep on a sofa."




"And that was the glorious day when I noticed my Armpit fetish, and began looking at Akame`s armpits whenever I had a chance."

The next thing I knew I realized I had fallen for Akame too, Isn`t it Pitiful?"

Najasho, Guy and me sat there in silence and looked at him like he was the biggest retard on earth

I just looked at him with pitiful eyes and said

"Green im sorry"

"Im sorry, small fry"

Guy just sat there in silence and couldn`t say anything anymore.


"What`s that Reaction"?!

"And why are you apologizing!?

I didin`t think that he is that stupid.. The Girls who were trying to sneak up on us must have heard everything.


Toushi Town

Gozuki sat on a bench as he thought about the whole Situation in silence

"the group that was waiting to ambus us in the River was made of tengu mercenaries...If you want to kill us you`d have to at least hire someone like Oreberg well, i`m sure they don`t have the money for that. As he thought about the Situation he noticed a young man with a muscular build that is trying to walk through the Town steathly as he noticed that the young man was someone who lives in the shadows.

He is following him in a house as the young man just went it and sat on his bed Gozuki in silence came from behind as he put a short cloth in his mouth to stop him from talking

with a grin on his face "Mind if we talk for a bit?"

A few second later he killed himself right away.

As gozuki looked around as he finally noticed his bag as he opened the bag he noticed that there were 3 Pictures from Hiro, Najasho and Green.

He says in a quiet voice "I made the right call to not have those brats in Town."

I sat in silence on a mountain as I wasn`t allowed to go in Town.

"Im going to train" I said to Najasho as he was reading his book

"mh" he answered and went back to his book

"503...504...505..506..." I grunted as I continued to curl up and down, my abs tight.

Meanwhile somewhere else Guy walked with Cornelia up to the Mountains to talk a bit

"Why won`t you already be my girlfriend?" says Guy with a smile on his face

"I already told you many times, no!" With a annoyed face told Cornelia him as they talked a few moments Guy went back to the mountains just as Cornelia wanted to return to the inn

"Cornelia I want to talk to you about the man you were just with. Can you come with me...? We wont go very far."



"Are you worried about Gai?"

"He might look like a good man, but he`s too much of a man, or it`s like he`s a pig, or..."

Just as she wanted to talk more Taeko used that momentan she drew her sword and with a speed like wind she slashed at Cornelia`s neck


"So you were able to Dodge." as she said that she notices that Cornelia has an unsteady breath and has a wound on her check.



"Are you...?"


"I`m an Assassin Hired by the revolutionary Army. I really thought we could be Friends. But... It looks like this is the way things have to be between us, Cornelia."

Cornelia with her fast speed used the her Shingu the Crushing King, that possessed the ability go greatly strengthen its users physical strength. As she did that she had a wary look on her face

"...I will finish any enemies that come after me!"

"I am the death reaper, breath of oreberg, the untamable Wind. I will show you the way to the underworld."

With a speed of wind Taeko runs to Cornelia and slashes at her knee

"Mountain Wind!"

Cornelia couldn`t keep up with her speed as Taeko slashed a few more times she noticed that the wounds would get keep more Cornelia decided with her inhuman strength to punch the ground and used the smokescreen to get near to Taeko just as she wanted to hit her her Instinct rescued her just as Taeko wanted to slash at her cornelia noticed that beside her is a house she smashes with her Shingu into it as she throws the big stones at Taeko

"Ridge Wind!"

As she cuts the Stone in half she noticed that Cornelia wasn`t there anymore just as she wanted to look around she saw her. She broke through thought she as cornelia used her move

"Pulverization King!!"

Full power she hits her arm, just as she thought that she won she noticed that Taeko was still standing but an entire arm useless its full of wounds and its hanging and shaken.

Taeko noticed her wounds as she reminds herself not to take such a hit again because she can`t block it again with a resolve of Steel she knows that she can`t let her near again.

Cornelia kicks at Taeko with a surprise moment as Taeko notices that she discolocated her Joint and stretched her Legs with a proud smile Cornelia explains that it was a technique that her "Daddy" thought her as Taeko was too focused on her Fists.

Taeko with a grin on her face

"Then i`ll remove my limiter as well"

As Taeko said that she slashed at Cornelia who dodges and tries to kick at her but parrys everything that comes at her as well that her Speed gotten even crazier

Taeko opened her mouth for a short while a needle stroke Cornelia`s cheek as Cornelia thought she can do this.

Just before she kicks at her Taeko evaded and punched at her stomach as Cornelia tries to stand up she notices that she can`t stand up


"She who lands the first Strike... Has the Advantage." You looked like you were trained to resist it, but it`s finally starting to work because you`re moving around so much. it`s a powerful Oreberg special concoction."

"There is no Antidote."

"You won`t live, Cornelia."