------------At the Capital a few weeks later..
"We´ll get to fight side-by-side from now on, Sis!" said Kurome with a big grin on her face.
With a small smile "You said it Kurome..!! said Akame.
"We probably know us already but I introduce myself again."
"I´m Natala."
"I look forward to working with you here after."
"And i´m gin. Same."
"We were both captives together."
"So Let´s be friends!"
"Dont bunch us together under that Label!" As Gin and Tsukushi talked to each other with a smile
"Our current Mission is to rest up."
"I hope you can get used to the way we do things by the time our next orders comes in." Said Green as he looked at Natala with a grin.
"Right. I look forward to learning from you." said Natala with a smile.
As I hear them talking I just go outside to get fresh air and I dont want to ruin the good mood as they talked.
I walk around the Capital as I noticed a nice Book store..
"mhm, Im buying a new Book to read.. Don´t got anything else to do.."
I walked in the Book store
"Welcome, dear guest how can I help you? Said a middle-aged man with dark hairs and dark eyes.
"Do you have a good book to recommend?" I smile at the man as he says
"Mhm, a classic one for Young mans that is Perfect! The man of the culture!" As he smiles at me I notice the cover of that book... Ehh.. It´s just a book so it should be fine I guess?
"Thank you I´ll take it." As I bought the book I walked to the next Caffee and sit down with my Book in my hand to read.
with a puzzled look Tsukushi looks around as she said
"Huh, where is Hiro?"
Just then they noticed that Hiro wasn´t there anymore.. But Akame knew it the moment he left the room.. She noticed that he left because he was in a bad mood so she didn`t say anything.
"Maybe he is on the toilet? Said Gin but as she noticed that the Mood of the Room went lower she didn`t say anything anymore.
"Im going to search for him!" Said Kurome as she runs outside.
"Wait we´re following you" said Green
"Im going to stay here." Says Akame with a calm look.
"Akame does something happened between you and Hiro?" Said Green as he finds it weird that Akame doesn´t even want to look for him..
"Didn´t you notice?"
"He changed." said Akame with an angry look..
"Everyone changes that is normal Akame with that kind of work we do.." said Green as he looks at her puzzled.
"No that´s not it.. Since Cornelia died he changed.. On Missions he has that cold ices but the smile on his face is so fake... He really didn`t smile anymore just when he fights he has a grin on his face but just when he fights.."
Everyone stays still at that...
"Maybe it really is hard for him to lose Guy? Because they fought over everything, laughed together, provocate each other" Says Tsukushi as she smiled a bit as she remembered how they fought each time..
"We should make a small Party for all of us" said Poney
somewhere else at a Caffeé
As I read my beautiful new Book I notice that people give me weird stares, But I give a fuck about them!
Just as I wanted to flip to the next side I see a "wild" Kurome stood in front of me.
"Hey Kurome, what are you doing" I asked her with a smile.
"I searched for you but as I see you have been having fun.." with a creepy smile she said that.
As I see that her glance is on my Book I look at the cover of it again.. Ohh Shit.. "The man of Culture" (*big tits* nice body*) on the cover.
"Wai-Wait Kurome I can explain" I panic as I got a little bit red as I don`t want that Akame knows about this...
"Hmpf you sit at a Cafeé read this Book with your gleeful look and you want to explain something?! shouted she at me.
"Ehh, Please dont tell Akame.. Please.. I will do anything" I tell her as I really panic.
With a big smile on her face
"Oki-dokii so you will go shopping with me and Akame as a punishment okay?"
"And I dont want to see the Book again if I see it again.. You will see what happens"
With a scary look I close the book and throw the book in a garbage can but as she sees that I threw it in there fast I catch it out of there and hide it in my clothes.
"I found him he was sitting in a Cafeé and reading A man mhmm"" Says Kurome with a grin. Before she could tell more I closed her mouth.
"Haha, what is wrong?" I say with a light red blush on my face.
Every one in that moment thought..
"What did you read Hiro? As your friend I want to read it too." with a sly grin Green asked me that.
"I just read a normal Book." As Green tries to talk it out of me
"Pssht, Kurome what did you saw?" Asked Poney, Tsukushi, Gin and with an interested look of Akame they looked at me.
"You really want to know?" I smile at Green and Natala
"I swear it´s the best Book."
"I give it to you to read it BUT! You need to give it back. "
I glance at Kurome and notice that she is talking with the girls, fast I took a book out of my Shirt as I gave it to Green, read it.
"He sat at a cafeé and read the Book "The man of culture.." with red cheeks as I said I notice that Akame flares up and runs to Hiro.
"Hiroooooooooo!!" screames Akame
"Ohh Shit.. Shit- Shit" I run away as I say
"Akame calm down!!!"
"Please!!" I began to beg her as I dont want to be cut into pieces.
"Give me the Book." says Akame with red cheeks.
"I dont have it I put it in the garbage can!!"
"You can check me out if you want!!" As Akame begans touching me Green became Nose bleeding.
"You hid it somewhere didn`t you?" With her sly grin I noticed that she knew already that Green had it.
With my shorts I ran to Green and put the Book in my arms.
"Give me the Book!" says Akame with her sword swinging around.
I look calmly at her and say
"I refuse!" just as I wanted to run away the other girls pounced on me as they ripped the book out of my Hand...
"NOOOOO please let me keep it!" I watch them Shot, Slash, burn it...
I had the book for 5 hours.. 5 hours.. And it already got burned..
"Hiro, I never thought you would read something like that!" Tsukushi and Poney looks at me with disgust.
"Please forgive meee!" I went on my knee as I said that
"Hehe, okay you accompany us today the entire night!"
And then we partied the entire night...