Ch.10 Leaving Magnolia for the first time

As Jax saw this job, he immediately took it. Although the job might seem bad compared to his previous one, it was because the violin's employment was unique. The requester had no idea what might happen to her violin, and if the bandits left, she would never have the opportunity to see her cherished violin again. As such, the price was naturally higher.

However, the new job Jax took was also slightly above the market price as there was some small danger in this job. Nevertheless, Jax immediately took the job. Since the employment would allow him to travel, he would have a greater chance to find some pearls. After all, nothing ever said that the pearls had to be in Fiore.

Approaching the master with the job request, he gave it to him. The guild master looked slightly surprised at the job he took, especially since he had to escort someone older than him. However, after reviewing the job, he approved it and gave the address of the client.

After receiving the approval of the master, Jax went to see the finance worker and asked to take 50,000 Jewels. After all, he didn't know what he would encounter and having some spare money with him was important.

A few minutes later, the finance worker came back with the money and taking this chance, Jax asked a question he had on his mind.

"Miss, could you tell me how much I have in my account? I still have no idea." Jax said while looking at the finance manager of the guild.

"Hum." She said as she looked over the files. "You still have 135,000 Jewels in your account. In the suitcase you brought back yesterday was a total of 25,000 Jewels." She continued once she found the number.

"Alright, thank you!" Said Jax as he turned around and left while simultaneously inserting the money in his magically protected wallet. Going rapidly back to his apartment, he took a bag and filled it with necessary items such as clothes and the hygienic necessity such as a toothbrush and a deodorant.

Taking less than five minutes, he handled everything and when to the train station of Magnolia. Buying a ticket to Margaret town, which was at the south-west of Hargeon, was surprisingly inexpensive at 1,000 Jewels. Getting on the train, Jax relaxed and took out the massive book about the celestial spirit gate keys and started reading.

The train ride was uneventful as they arrived in Margaret's town about five hours later. Looking at the time, Jax hurriedly went to the docks to get to Divide island as soon as possible. He didn't want to waste half a day in this town when he could get to Divide island in advance and consequently finish the mission in advance.

As he arrived at the dock, he saw a passenger boat docked and a few passengers getting on it.

Approaching the boat, he found a sailor right next to the boat collecting tickets. As such, Jax went to get information, hoping that the ship would by sheer luck go to divide island or at least dock there for a short moment.

"Sorry to bother you, sir," Jax said as he looked at the sailor.

The sailor, hearing someone talk to him, turned his head, and when he saw Jax, he smiled and stayed polite despite being bothered during work.

"Yes, what can I do for you?" Asked the sailor as he continued to collect tickets from the passengers of all ages who boarded the ship.

"Could you tell me if this boat is going to Divide island or at least dock for a little while?" Asked Jax with hope in his eyes.

"Indeed, the boat will stop at Divide island for the night before continuing to sail to Caelum tomorrow at 11 in the morning." Answered the sailor still patiently due to the young age of Jax.

"I see. Do you know if there are still tickets available for Divide island?" Asked Jax as he looked at the passengers already on board the ship.

"Yes, there are still some. The cost of the ticket is 4,000 Jewels." Answered the sailor.

"Alright, here is 4,000 Jewels. Could I have a ticket, please?" Asked Jax as he took out the money necessary to board the ship.

"Sure!" Said the sailor, full of enthusiasm at having sold another ticket.

As he received the ticket, Jax climbed on the boat and looked at his ticket to find his room number where he left his travel bag before going back on the deck. It was the first time in his life that he went to sea and he wanted to enjoy the moment.

Going in front of the ship, Jax sat on a bench facing the sea. Seeing that there were still passengers coming on the boat, Jax decided to train his magic, which yet hadn't reached the full state.

This way, Jax waited for the boat to depart while his magical training attracted some kids. After all, for regular civilians, it wasn't every day that one could see real magic. As there was only four magic that needed some training to reach the full state, the earth, fairy, light and dark magic, Jax practised the last two. The Earth magic would dirty the boat, and while his fairy magic was for healing and support, there wasn't anyone hurt or sick next to him. As for boosting himself with the fairy, he could but considering that some people watched him, he decided to entertain them by using light and dark magic.

With his light magic, he created an orb of light, a ray of light and even tried to make some forms to train his manipulation. On the other hand, with his dark magic, he made his shadow move, rise in the air and finally created chains made of shadows to train his manipulation.

Soon enough, Jax emptied his magic power. However, it didn't matter as the sailors started the boat, and Jax could feel the ship beginning to move. So, under the disappointment of the other passengers, Jax got up from the bench and went to the side of the boat, seeing it get further from the coast.

As Jax was looking at the bright sea in front of him, he couldn't help but wonder when he would be strong enough to simply use his water magic to surf or walk on the sea. He had never thought of it before, but now that he was on a boat floating on the sea, he felt that his thinking was too limited. Why create something with magic when you could simply use what already existed, just like the young boy had done with the trees' roots when the silver-haired boy dealt with the bandits? Not only would using something which already existed improve the strength of his magic, but he would also save a lot of magical power.

Still lost in his thoughts, the boat continued to sail towards the destination, and after about half an hour, Jax decided to go to his cabin to read. After all, he loved to read and to consider that the subject of the book was something that interested him deeply. Jax felt even more motivated to finish the book. Touching his left chest pocket where he stored the box with the three keys, Jax made his way to his cabin.