Ch.11 First pearl

A few hours later, as Jax was engrossed in his book, he heard the other passenger start to move. Looking through the porthole of the ship, he saw that night was starting to make its appearance. Storing the book in his bag, Jax got up and left his cabin.

Following the other passengers, he slowly got out of the ship, and a beautiful town appeared in his view. The city, Whalestar, was located on the west division of Divide island. Around it was impressive walls, most likely to stop the waves and block the water from causing massive damage to the town. The builders have mostly built the townhouses with black rocks and built the road with sparse stone. Jax rarely saw this kind of road on the mainland. Of course, he had never gone far before.

Taking out the address given by the master, Jax saw that the requester of the job came from the East side of the island. Looking around, Jax saw a train station not far away and once again booked a ticket to reach the center of the island. From then on, he would have to walk across a bridge before taking a train on the other side.

Jax didn't understand why they didn't merely make a bridge for the train to pass through the division between the two sides of the island. However, it was none of his concern as he made his way to the train, which seemed ready to depart at any time.

Honestly, Jax wasn't very interested in sightseeing in this town as he would have plenty of it while escorting the young lady. On the contrary, he was more interested in the job as he would get to go to another kingdom and maybe, with a bit of luck, find a pearl.

Nevertheless, it seemed that he wouldn't have to wait until he departed with the young lady as he felt a tug from his magic, trying to push him towards a specific destination on the island. Closing his eyes, Jax meditated for a while to enter the small space containing the statues.

Looking at the giant statue, which didn't show much change, Jax turned towards the smaller figures, and one of them, the one with the water seal, was slightly glowing with a blue light. Approaching it, he could feel that the statue was resonating with something not far from him as the figure was shining brighter and brighter as the train went further towards the middle of the island.

Seeing this, Jax subconsciously knew that what he had been looking for since he got his powers, a pearl was close to him. Moreover, if we could judge by the magic the statue represented, the pearl which wasn't far from him was the water pearl.

Going out of his mindscape, Jax looked outside of the train with his mind entirely focused on the pearl he would soon get. Already, he was happy to have taken this job, which would allow him to continue to improve his magic.

After what felt an eternity, Jax got down from the train at the halfway point of the island. Looking at the colossal fissure which separated the island in half, Jax finally felt for the first time the strength of nature. Lost in his thoughts, Jax wondered if he would ever have that power, the power to do whatever he wanted in this world.

Going towards the source of the attraction, Jax slowly stopped in front of the same ravine which separated the island in half. Looking left and right, he saw that some stairs were leading to the bottom of the crack. Maybe it was a tourism attraction during the day when the sun could shine on the bottom of the aperture. However, now that the moon had shown up, no one was looking at the stairs and considering that the feeling came from the fissure, he decided to get down the stairs.

In the beginning, it wasn't too bad, as the moon could still light up a bit of the crack. However, merely a few minutes after entering, he was plunged into total darkness. Using his light magic, he made a small orb of light and made it float in front of him to light up the way.

This way, Jax got down the stairs, and surprisingly, ten minutes later, he finally reached the bottom. With complete darkness, Jax made a few more orbs of light, which he sent in his surroundings.

Still following the attraction of what he assumed to be a pearl due to all of the clues which pointed to one, Jax started wandering at the bottom. Surprisingly, from what he could see with his orbs of light, the crevasse's base was used as a beach. The sand was on the side of the walls while there was a large river in the center, deep enough to swim in but not deep enough to be dangerous.

Looking at this marvel of nature, Jax soon stopped thinking about random things as he focused on what he assumed to be the pearl. Moving in the direction of the tug, he made his way to the center of the river and saw that whatever was attracting him was at the bottom. He dived down.

Thanks to his water magic, Jax was a pretty good swimmer, and as he was advancing in the darkness of the water, something which sent chills in his bones due to not knowing what was down there, he saw a faint blue light.

Swiming towards the only light in the darkness, Jax stopped near what he could confirm to be a blue pearl. The pearl, shimmering with blue light, seemed extremely attractive to Jax. He didn't waste a moment more, and with a lot of excitement, he took the pearl in his hand. However, contrary to his expectations, he didn't even touch it as the pearl directly entered him through his palm.

Going out of the river and onto the beach, Jax immediately closed his eyes as he reentered his mindscape to look at the statues. And indeed, as he went closer to the blue figure, he saw that the previously filled groove had a pearl inserted into it.

Seeing nothing else of interest on the statue, he reopened his eyes and tried using his water magic. Making a wall of water rises in the air in front of him, Jax opened his eyes wide and clenched his fist in happiness with a small smile appearing at the corner of his mouth.

With the addition of the water pearl, he had an easier time using his magic, the strength had easily increased, and the consumption of magic had visibly decreased. If he were to compare his magic to before then, the first time he arrived in Fairy Tail, he barely had the strength of an E-rank mage. Once Jax filled the groove, he increased to a D-rank mage. However, with the pearl completing the first groove of the seal, he could easily compete with the average B rank mages.

With happiness, he took his bag he had left on the beach before diving and started to climb back the stairs. However, there was something he had forgotten. The train had already left!

Frowning slightly, Jax looked at the train schedule and saw that the last one would leave 3 hours later. Lifting an eyebrow while thinking, he decided not to care and wait for the next train, not that he could do otherwise. It would allow him some time to train his water, earth, light, darkness and fairy magic, which still hadn't reached the maximum.

His earth magic was about 90% completed, while his light was about 85% completed. As for the darkness magic, it was at 80%, while his fairy magic was still at 75%. As for his water magic? It was obviously at 0%.

Jax had previously discovered that to colour the grooves faster, using magic while fighting with his life on the line was the best way. It was something he had noticed when he had fought the bandits as his earth magic had increased rapidly at that time, growing about 10% in one go.

In his opinion, the reason for the magic increasing was because, when you were fighting with your life on the line, you didn't have the luxury to think and concentrate on your magic. You had to use it instinctually to survive. Even mock battles were no good as no matter how much you tried to forget. You knew that you wouldn't die in that fight no matter what. It was also another reason why the master always said that fighting using all of our potentials was the best way to improve ourselves.

So, although he wasn't fighting for the next three hours, Jax trained his magic until he had no mana left before changing to another one. In those three hours, he managed to increase approximately a percent in all of his magics except for water, which seemed harder to improve. The second groove, the right one, seemed a lot more challenging to fill. If the first groove, the top one, could be compared to a glass of water, the second groove was like a barrel. It was a few times harder.

Finally, as the last train arrived, Jax bought a ticket and sat on the train. He couldn't train his magic on the vehicle, not that he would, as Jax pretty much emptied his magical power before going on the train. As such, he took out the book "Everything there is to know about Celestial Spirits." This book, much like other books about magic, had a spell on it, which shrank the thickness of the book. The book had a few thousand pages, and Jax was only getting started. However, considering it was about Celestial Spirit, especially Celestial Spirit gate keys, Jax did not mind. Anyway, he had a lot of time on his hands.

Three hours later, the train finally made a stop at Beachwell, the only town on the east side of the island. Looking at the time, Jax decided to take a room in a hotel nearby and meet the client the next morning as it was pretty disrespectful to knock on the door of someone who was probably about to go to bed.

Buying something to eat at the hotel, Jax went into his room and immediately went to sleep.