Ch.31 Shopping and a magical bracelet

After finishing their lunch, Jax and Cana stayed seated at the table as they talked together.

"So, can you show me your card magic? There are no mages in the guild who uses such magic." Asked Jax as he was always ready to learn more about magic, which he loved the most.

"I can't... I... Lost my cards." Said Cana as she blushed.

"Hahaha." Jax laughed hearing this and got up, prompting Cana to do the same.

"Well, let's go shopping! I need to find a gift anyway, so we'll buy you new cards!" Jax said as he went towards the door of the guild. He turned around, only to see Cana still next to the table. "Well, do you have something else to do today?" He asked as he realized that she might be busy.

"Hum? No, I have nothing else to do." She answered while looking at Jax.

"Then let's go!" Answered Jax as he went through the doors and left the guild.

However, as she was still stunned, not knowing what to do, the master who had just finished his conversation with Gildarts talked to her. "Just go with him, Cana. If he decides to bring you shopping with him, it's because he wants to. Moreover, from what I heard from Gildarts, he might need your help. As such, don't be polite with him and go enjoy your time." He finished as he laughed loudly with the other guild members.

The members were all fond of Jax and already knew him for a few years. Unfortunately, through the years, he didn't open more than necessary except to a few people such as those who taught him, Laxus, Gildarts, the master and the two Wacaba and Macao who saved him—as such, seeing Jax taking the initiative of inviting someone to go with him made them all happy.

Hearing the laughter of everyone in the room, Cana gave a quick glace to Gildarts before rushing out of the guild to catch up with Jax, who had left first. On the silver-haired-boy side, he had enhanced his hearing with his sound magic and had heard what had happened in the guild.

As Cana caught up with him, she started the conversation. "You inviting me shopping, do you need help with something?" She asked towards Jax.

"Yeah. You see, I just finished my job and was invited to the birthday party of the princess of Fiore. Her birthday is about a month later, but I need to find a gift to bring her. Moreover, considering that she's a princess, there will be many people at her birthday party. I need to find something unique to give her." Jax explained as they walked towards the center of Magnolia.

"You know the princess! And what kind of gift did you think of getting her? What does she like?" Asked Cana as she merely stayed shocked for a minute upon hearing that Jax personally knew the princess. Before turning more serious as she asked the more critical questions. After all, Jax brought her to shop, and she wanted to be as helpful as possible.

"Well, I had thought of getting her a magical gift. Maybe something like a flying carpet or something? When I stayed at the palace, she always asked me to make her fly in the air, so I figured she might like that? As for what she likes except flying in the air, she seemed to like hearing me play piano and swim. Apart from that, she likes to sneak in the castle and play whenever she has the chance." Answered Jax as he thought slightly before continuing. "She also likes desserts, especially chocolate and fruits. She hates nuts and coffee, which she tried a few days ago." Jax finished as he didn't know what else to say.

As Cana listened to him speak, she soon understood that he had no idea and was terrible at choosing gifts. "A flying carpet? Really?" She couldn't help saying once he stopped talking. "Let's go shopping. I'm sure we'll find something more suitable." She said as she shook her head. At the same time, all of the reluctance and shyness she had disappeared. Instead, she had only one thing in mind, which was: 'I have to help him find a good gift!'

As such, they started to shop all around Magnolia. Jax had made his account clean in the guild as he had rounded up his account at 26 million Jewels, and he had taken all the change with him, which amounted to close to 600,000 Jewels. With this amount of money, Jax stopped at various shops.

He stopped at a clothing store since some of his clothes had been ruined during the job, and he wanted to find another skin-tight black t-shirt. He liked how he felt free with his movement when he wore this kind of t-shirt. He also bought a few dresses for Cana at the same time. Afterwards, they purchased some ice cream. Strawberry flavoured for Jax and chocolate flavoured for Cana.

Once they finished eating their snack, they went into another shop where Jax bought a few items he would place in his house. He felt that no matter how much he set in the house, it was always empty. At this time, he started to slightly regret making the house so big as he didn't know what weird idea came to his mind as he built it. Since he built it, no one had ever visited except Laxus once when he offered him a place in his house.

-A few days before leaving with Gildarts-

"Hey, Laxus! I bought land and built my house myself. Wanna come visit?" Jax said with a grin as he spotted Laxus entering the guild.

"Sure. Give me a moment, I'll hand over the job to gramps, and I'll come and visit." Laxus said with enthusiasm as he gave the completed job to the master before joining back with Jax.

They both left the guild, and they walked towards the mountain, which was part of Jax's property, as Jax started to explain all the defensive measures around the house to Laxus. As they reached in front of the gate, Laxus seemed surprised by the entrance made of Jax's nature magic.

As they explored the property, Laxus seemed excited at the various facilities in the house. However, in the end, he still had a home as he lived with the master, and so Jax simply gave him a room he could use whenever he wanted. The first try to live with someone else failed miserably. However, for the rest of the day, they played on the volleyball court and tennis outside, which was quite fun. A few days later, Jax left with Gildarts for a job, and the house stayed empty.

-Back to the present day-

As Jax bought a few items for the house, he stored them in his shadow to bring back later. As they walked into the shop, Jax noticed that Cana seemed to unconsciously look towards a small pendant with a small brown gem made of glass in the form of a bird. Giving it a look, Jax decided to buy it for her a little bit later as they continued shopping.

A few moments later, Jax left Cana for a moment as he went back to buy the pendant for Cana. It didn't take more than two minutes before he came back and bought a few items. Once they had shopped for a few hours, Jax decided that it was time to get the gift for the princess.

As they entered the magic shop, Jax and Cana started to look around the shop. Jax had two goals in coming to the magic shop. The first was the princess's gift, while the second was to buy new cards for Cana's card magic.

As they explored the shop, Jax and Cana looked at a lot of magical items. Some were everyday items such as the ColorS or the light pen Jax had purchased a few months. Others were consumable items such as magically charged lacrimas, and others were more specialized such as the magical cards that Cana needed, magical staffs or magical guns.

In the end, Jax searched for a long time before he found a bracelet with eight beds all around it. The beads were small, and overall, the bracelet was pretty. However, the best part of this bracelet was that the bracelet could hold magical energy inside of it. As for the beads, they could have a spell each, which would be released whenever the wearer called the spell name.

As Jax looked at the price of 20,000 Jewels, he was surprised by the price and looked at the shop owner, who explained the low price. "You see, a friend made this bracelet. While the function and the beads are great, there is a fatal flaw, and it simply cannot be improved. My friend left me the bracelets, hoping someone would be able to use them, but so far, no one has been able to use them." The shop owner said while shaking his head. At this time, both Jax and Cana were interested in the so-called flaw of the bracelet.

-----Author note

PS: Do anyone of you know great fanfics of One Piece or Douluo Dalu? If you do, I'd love if you drop a comment to this paragraph with the name of the fanfic :) Thanks

I know some people are going to cry cause he's using his money for other people. First, he's rich. Second, by completing an A-rank job, he can get between 200,000 to 500,000 Jewels for the more challenging jobs, which is 2,000 to 5,000 USD. Last but not least, he's not a miser, and he's going to continue helping the new members with cash. Of course, he won't be buying stuff worth millions of Jewels for them either.