Ch.51 End of the mission

Releasing his nature magic in the entire tower, Jax confirmed that he didn't miss any dark mages in the building and immediately took out a communication lacrima to contact the magic council. They had to send people over immediately to take care of the situation. Hundreds of dark mages, a total of four S-rank dark mages, thousands of slaves, and a group that had been trying to resurrect the legendary wizard Zeref in a particular tower.

"Jax! What can I do for you on this fine evening?" The magic councilman asked with a good attitude since Jax had taken down hundreds of dark guilds since he started hunting them down.

"I found another group of dark mages. However, they are slightly different. There are hundreds of dark mages, including four S-rank dark mages. The most important thing, however, is that there are thousands of slaves here in this tower, which they call the tower of heaven. Their goal is to resurrect the dark mage Zeref supposedly. Anyway, can you send a few hundred people over with transportation? I am seven kilometres from the coast, near Akane beach. However, there is an illusion around the tower. When you get closer with your men, call me, and I'll send a signal in the sky." Explained Jax with a grave face.

"Understood. We will prepare everything to bring the survivors out of this place and bring back all the evidence of the tower of heaven before destroying it. As for the dark mages, I guess there shouldn't be many alive, right?" Asked the magic council worker.

"Well, you know I have problem with slavers and people who experiment on others. Moreover, I was alone against all those guys and couldn't afford any mistakes. There is a lot still alive, but they either lost a limb or are on the verge of death. The faster you arrive, the more chance to get them alive. I also kept their leader alive." Answered Jax with a dark look.

"Alright, we have a few teams not far away; we'll be there within the next twenty minutes. Don't let anyone enter the room where the leader lived." Added the man before rapidly closing the communication lacrima to order his teams to move.

On the other side, Jax once again used his communication lacrima to call the master at Fairy Tail.

"Oh! It's Jax! It's been a long time since you've been to the guild. What can I do for you today?" Asked the master with curiosity since Jax rarely needed help.

"Well, I'll be coming back in a few days to the guild. Also, I called this time because I found information on the member Rob you mentioned to me a few years back. I'm afraid I have bad news." Said Jax as he shook his head with a sad face.

Seeing the face of the master, who seemed to have been aware that something happened to his former teammate, he asked Jax to continue. "He was captured and turned into a slave before being forced to build a tower called the Tower of Heaven. I just took care of all the dark mages in the tower. Rob died while using his magic to protect a few kids during a rebellion in the tower. He saved their lives but was hit by fire magic and used all of his magic to protect the kids behind him, resulting in death. I'm sorry, master." Jax said as he saw a few tears on the older man's face, who rapidly chugged down one drink after another.

"A-Alright, I see. Thank you, Jax. I'll see you in a few days. I have to notify Porlyusica." Said the master who tried to hold back the sadness in his voice before immediately hanging up.

Jax wasn't that surprised as he sealed up the room where he fought the two S-rank mages and the kid before going down to meet Erza's friends. Walking down to the seventh floor, Jax arrived in front of four rooms next to each other. As he walked to the left-most room, he knocked on the door only to have a girl the same age as Erza open the door in front of him.

"Hi, are you Millianna?" Asked Jax with the kindest smile, he could muster.

"Hi, yes, I am Millianna. Who are you?" Asked the young girl with a curious look.

"I was asked by Erza to come and get you out of the tower safely." Explained Jax.

"Erza? That traitor? But she just left today!" Said Millianna with her brows in a constant frown.

As Jax was about to explain, a big man appeared behind him and started to explain to Millianna that everything Jellal had told them about was a lie and that Erza had to leave for their security since she was forced. Moreover, his story collaborated well with Jax's presence in the tower of heaven since Erza was the one who told him about the four of them.

"Right, before I came here, Erza asked me to bring you back with me since she wanted to meet the four of you. Of course, it's also fine if you would rather go back with the members of the magic council, they should be coming soon." Just as Jax was explaining, his lacrima crystal immediately lit up, and Jax made a hole in the side of the tower before releasing the brightest beam of light he could make into the air.

"Alright, we see it. We will be coming as soon as possible. Please open the entrances." Said the man before once again closing the connection between the lacrimas.

"Well, I'll come with you." Said Simon, which was soon followed by Millianna and the other two young men.

"Alright. We'll be leaving as soon as the members of the magic council arrive." Nodded Jax as he started to manipulate the tree around the tower to lower and return to the bottom of the ocean.


"Well, Jax, thank you for the hard work. As always, you can leave everything here to us, and you can leave first."

"Alright. Also, I need to bring those four with me. They were slaves in the tower who were friends with my informant. I promised to bring them back." Explained Jax.

"Alright, I just need your names, and you can go." Nodded the man before taking their names.

"Alright, let's go!" Said Jax as he brought the four friends of Erza with him. As they arrived at the tower's exit, Jax controlled a boat to move to their position before having everyone seated in it.

"Wait! How come there are still boats left? Jellal told us that Erza destroyed all of the boats before leaving the tower, leaving us here to fend for ourselves!" Exclaimed Millianna, who was a bit slow on the update.

"From the moment Erza told me about the tower and the four of you, you should have realized that she didn't want to leave you behind. So, why would she destroy the boats?" Asked Jax as he shook his head, wondering whether she would be fine in the future.

"Alright. Hang tight. I'll accelerate the boat for us." Said Jax as he controlled the water around the boat to accelerate it towards the coast where he had found Erza.

As they arrived, Jax saw from afar the small cabin made of wood. So, he pointed the house to the four friends as he made himself another place for the moment. He didn't doubt that the five of them had some things to talk about. Besides, he was getting tired and could take a nap.

As he entered his newly built cabin, he took out a bed and installed various defences and detector traps all around the place before falling into a deep sleep. Due to the two consecutive dark guilds he had taken care of, he had been awake for almost 30 hours and was truly tired.

A few hours later, someone activated his detection traps. It woke Jax up as he immediately took a stand, ready to fight. However, as he scanned his surroundings, he noticed that the four he had saved and Erza were standing outside the cabin.

Walking outside, he looked at them. "It seems like it went well. So, what do you guys plan to do from now on?" Asked Jax as he saw the five of them in a line in front of him.

"Do you think I can join Fairy Tail? Me, Millianna and Simon want to join. As for Shō and Wally, they want to go and travel as they have people to find." Explained Erza.

"Sure, the three of you are welcome to join Fairy Tail. I was originally going back there, so I'll take you guys along. As for the two of you, I hope you can find who you are looking for." Said Jax as he nodded his head at Erza's request.

"Well, let's go. We will leave now and arrive at Fairy Tail in a few hours." Said Jax as he turned and stretched himself, inadvertently showing the scars on his back.

Taking down the two temporary cabins, Jax brought the five of them to Akane town and gave Wally and Shō some money so that they could live freely for a while before taking the three others and flying in the direction of Fairy Tail. It was a lot faster than taking the train, which would stop at every town.