Ch.52 Relax

After a few hours, the four finally arrived at Magnolia. Jax, however, didn't stop at the gate as he wanted to get to Fairy Tail as soon as possible. It had been a long time since he saw the guild, and he missed Cana very much.

While he had met Hisui a few times over the year since a few dark guilds had established their base in the royal city, he had been away from Magnolia and didn't have time to stop at Fairy Tail due to amount of dark guild across the continent. Due to this, he hadn't met Cana for a while. They talked from time to time through the communication lacrima, but it wasn't the same.

As the four arrived in front of the gate, Jax couldn't stop his excitement as he pushed the gate open with a lot of noise. Behind him, the three followed closely.

"Jax? Hahaha, Jax is back!" Shouted a member as cheers suddenly resounded across the guild building as a member fired magic in the air. However, it wasn't long before a brawl started as someone threw a spell on someone else.

Laughing a bit, Jax walked across the guild building with the three future members following behind as they looked shocked at the crazy guild members. Whenever an object came close to them, however, a burst of air would appear, and Jax would reflect the thing directly in the face of the person who threw it.

As he was coming closer to the bar, Jax was tackled by Cana, who had been eating and drinking by the bar. As soon as she saw him appear in the guildhall, she stood stunned, and as he approached, she couldn't help but hug her first friend and the one she cared the most for.

"Hey, Cana. It's been a long time." Smiled Jax as he tightly hugged her back.

"Mmm. Why didn't you come back sooner?" Asked Cana with slight tears of joy appeared in her eyes.

"Well, you know. There were way too many dark guilds across the continent, and almost all of the S-rank mages across the continent had to take part in this hunting mission. But it's finally done now. I'll stay at Fairy Tail for a while." Smiled Jay as he used his thumb to dry the tears coming out of her eyes gently.

"Hmm. We'll be sleeping together tonight." Said Cana in an irrefutable tone.

"Alright." Nodded Jax happily as he also missed sleeping with other people. He would always feel better this way.

"I'll tell sister Hisui to come as well tonight. She'll be happy to learn that you are back." Added Cana as she held him tighter.

"No problem." Nodded Jax again.

"Right, let me introduce you." Said Jax as he turned towards the three people behind him. "Cana, this is Erza, Millianna and Simon. They will be joining Fairy Tail from today. Guys, this is Cana. She has been a member of Fairy Tail for five years already." Smiled Jax as he introduced the four people to each other.

"Nice to meet you." Nodded Cana as she looked at the three new members.

"Nice to meet you too." Answered the group of three simultaneously.

"Right, Cana. Is the master here? I have to report and introduce them." Asked Jax once he saw that the greetings were over.

"Yes, he is in his office." Said Cana as she pointed towards it.

"Alright, thanks. I'll be back soon." He said while he passed his hand in her hair.

Walking up the stairs with the three future members, Jax made his way to the office, where he knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Asked the aged voice of Makarov.

"Master, I'm back. I also brought back three people who would like to join Fairy Tail." Said Jax loudly through the door.

"Alright, come in." Answered the master with a cheerful voice.

Pushing the door, Jax looked at the pile of paper on the desk and the mug full of alcohol next to the master. However, compared to regular days, Jax didn't say anything about his drinking behaviour and introduced Erza and her friends.

"Master, they are the members I was talking about. She is Erza." He said as he pointed to the red-haired girl. "She is Millianna." While pointing to the browned-haired girl. "And the boy his Simon." At the same time, swinging his head towards Simon, who was behind him. "They were captives of the Tower of Heaven, and I met Erza as she managed to get out. Afterwards, I heard about the tower from her and destroyed the dark guild there, saving those two at the same time." Added Jax as he simplified the process.

"Well, I see." Answered the master while nodding at Jax, who went to the side. "Are the three of you sure that you want to join Fairy Tail?" Asked the master as he became serious.

"Yes." Answered Erza, which was soon followed by the two others.

"Alright. In that case, we will give the three of you the Fairy Tail guild mark, and you will formally join Fairy Tail. Congratulations." Said the master as he smiled kindly at the three new members of Fairy Tail. "Where would you like to receive the guild mark?" Asked Jax as he took the magic stamp tool from the desk of the master and approached the three of them.

This time, Simon was the first to walk in front. "I would like to have it in green on my right pectoral." Said Simon as he lifted his shirt just enough to show the area for the guild mark.

After giving the guild mark to Simon, Jax turned towards the two other new members. Millianna came forward and showed her back to Jax. "I would like to have it on my lower left backside in colour black." She said gently as she lifted the back of her shirt to show her lower back to Jax.

"Alright." Nodded Jax as he used the tool to put the mark. "Here, it's done." Said Jax a moment later while smiling at her.

"What about you?" Asked Jax as he looked at Erza, who was silent in the background. "I'd like to have it in silver on my left arm." Answered Erza shyly as Jax approached her and held her arm to imprint the new guild mark.

"Well, welcome to Fairy Tail." Added Jax as he finished giving the guild mark to the three girls.

Upon seeing them nodding, the master interrupted. "Well, since this is done, go back to the guildhall to meet with your colleagues. I still have some things to talk about with Jax." He said as he sent them out of his office.

Seeing them leave with a smile while Erza was looking at her new tattoo, the master lost his smile as he looked at Jax. "How was the mission?" He asked with seriousness.

"It went pretty well, but it was tiring. I don't know how many guilds and dark mages I took down, but it easily goes above a hundred dark guild and ten thousand dark wizards. I have no idea how there can be so many across the continent. Except for that, my magic got stronger across this mission. I should have around the strength of a top S-rank mage while coming closer to the ten wizard saints' weakest. However, I can tell that it's getting harder to improve my magic." Answered Jax as he took a seat in one of the few chairs in the office.

"Yeah, it happens to every mage. What do you plan to do now?" Asked the master as he looked at Jax. "I plan on taking a break of a few months. This last year and ten months have been way too hard, and I'm exhausted. I'll relax for a bit and take the new members on two jobs each before leaving them to themselves." Answered Jax as he wanted to spend more time with Cana.

"Well, that's good. Gildarts left on a long job this time so that you will be the only S-class mage in the guild. Next month I plan to take Laxus and a few more mages to take the S-class trial. I'll have you stay in the guild to look over it while I'm gone." Said the master as he looked at Jax.

"Alright, no problem. I don't plan to leave for at least half a year this time." Nodded Jax.

"Perfect. This time you should be getting huge pay for the job you just took, so use this time to relax. Maybe open the clinic a few days each week and make some more bracelets. The guild members have bought them all since you left." Smiled the master as he gave him some jobs.

"Alright, I'll do that." Answered Jax as he turned around and left the office. He would offer the three new members to live in the guild house he built and enjoy the day with Cana, who was undoubtedly waiting for him.

Going down the stairs and arriving in the guildhall, which had already stopped fighting while welcoming the new members, Jax walked down and sat next to Cana while the guild worker prepared him some food.

"So, do you have another mission from the master?" Asked Cana as she looked hopefully at Jax.

Deciding to mess with her a bit, he nodded. "I do. He just gave me a new mission which will have me occupied for the next half a year."

"What?" Exclaimed Cana while showing a sorrowful face.

"Yeah. The master had me stay in the guild for the next six months so that he can take some members to the S-class trial. He also wants me to open the clinic and make some more bracelets." Smiled Jax fondly at Cana while taking her hand and squeezing it a little.

Hearing Jax's words, her sad face turned happy all of a sudden as she once again threw herself in Jax's arms with a bright smile on her face. "That's great! I won't be taking any jobs for the next six months in that case." She said in Jax's ears in an excited voice.

"Perfect, let's enjoy some holidays. Right, how's snow? I haven't seen her for a year already. Did she grow bigger?" Asked Jax as he hadn't brought his pet to his mission since she was still too young.

"Yes! She became big enough to ride on. However, she won't let anyone ride her until you do, I think." Answered Cana. "She is living in the back of the house. However, from time to time, she will leave to the mountains to hunt and train. Her body has also changed a bit since she now looks a bit more like the dragons in legends." Smiled Cana as she explained the changes of Snow.

"Well, that's good. Blizzardvern is the evolution of wyverns which are the descendants of dragons. Blizzardvern is also the closest race to dragons in this world. I wonder if there's a chance to help her evolve into a real dragon." Smiled Jax as he liked the thought of it.