Ch.53 Six months

At night, Jax sat in the bath as he completely relaxed. He hadn't had the chance to do so since he always had to think about whether a dark mage would suddenly creep upon him. However, now that he was back, he could enjoy life once more!

He spent half an hour in the bath before he got up and changed into his pyjamas bottoms and went to bed. He hadn't gotten a night of good sleep for a long time, and today was the day he would enjoy his bed once more.

Going under the sheets, Jax yawned as he was ready to fall asleep. However, the next moment, he showed a smile as he felt Cana and Hisui enter the room and get on both of his sides.

Spreading his arms, both of them were surprised to feel his arms under them. However, a moment later, Jax brought them closer to him and hugged them both on his sides as he kissed them on the cheek.

Giving a quick look at both girls, he saw a red blush on their faces as he smiled a bit more. He had missed them a lot. Simultaneously, both girls came even closer to him and rested their heads on his shoulders with an arm on his body. Hugging them a bit more tightly, all three of them rapidly fell asleep as they enjoyed the proximity they had with each other.


The following day, Jax didn't bother to get up for his training as he had decided to take a month of rest, something he hadn't done in years. Instead, he looked at the two girls who were sprawled on his chest with a smile. They each had half gotten onto him during their sleep, and their heads were close to his.

Due to his small movements, as he got more comfortable, the two girls slowly woke up and looked up only to see Jax staring at both of them.

"Good morning." He said, smiling towards the two girls.

"G-Good morning." They replied bashfully as they tried to distance themselves from him. However, before they could, Jax softly hugged them again. "I missed the two of you during my mission." Smiled Jax as he looked at them gently.

With a red hue appearing on their cheeks, they looked away from Jax. "I missed you too." Answered both girls at the same time.

Seeing them looking so cute, Jax couldn't help but hug them before giving them a quick kiss on their mouth one after. A moment later, Jax opened his eyes wide, not believing what he had just done. However, compared to him, the two girls were only stunned for a moment before they looked at each other and replied to him with a kiss.

Seeing and feeling their action, Jax smiled brightly while the two girls buried their heads on Jax's chest.

In this way, the three of them spent an entire morning simply cuddling and giving a small kiss here and there as they wanted to refresh their memory of the feeling they felt.


Next week, Jax accompanied the new members to complete their first jobs before the master left the guild. Simon and Millianna took some low-ranked jobs in the surroundings of Magnolia as they were a lot weaker than Erza, who came back with them.

As for the latter, Jax accompanied her on a job the second day she joined the guild. Due to her already high strength, she was allowed by the master to take B-rank missions. As such, the two of them took the train and left Magnolia behind. The job was pretty simple as they had to take care of a group of bandits in a village's surroundings.

Along with their mission, Jax and Erza chatted a lot, and they got closer quickly. Moreover, during the night, as they camped, Erza joined Jax's bed in the temporary wooden house he had made.


Hearing the sound of knocking on the door, Jax lifted an eyebrow in surprise. "Come in." He said as he watched the red-haired girl open the door shyly.

"Can I sleep with you? I've been having nightmares of that place since I came out." Asked the girl with her head hung down, looking at her feet.

"Sure, come here." Answered Jax as he didn't mind at all. He was used to sleeping with someone, and he prefers that to sleep alone.

Nodding her head, she quickly climbed on the bed next to Jax and took one side of the bed as Jax was on the other.

That night, they talked a lot about her experience and nightmares as she talked about everything to Jax, who listened to her.

In the end, as she got more sleepy as it was the middle of the night, she got closer to Jax, and he hugged her in her sleep as he saw some tears flow down from her eyes as she remembered her past in the tower of heaven.

-End of flashback

From that day, Erza came more and more often to his bed to sleep at night.

The first time she did so in the mansion back in Magnolia, she was surprised to see both Cama and Hisui already sleeping with him. However, while she was hesitating, Jax invited her to come, and they all slept peacefully. From that day, his bed changed from three people to four.


For the next six months, until the beginning of April X777, a lot of things happened.

Firstly, Jax relationship with the girls improved tremendously. He soent times with the girls and went to dates with them. They spent some time kissing while Jax also helped them relax by using his fairy magic while using massaging skills.

Except for his personal life, Jax received his payment from the magic council. In total, he easily surpassed a hundred million Jewels, and he decided to use this money on essential things. Firstly, under the guild members' incentive, they bought a lot of alcohol with his money, and they stored it in his cellar, which became full soon after.

Besides, Jax spent some time with Snow, his female mutated blizzardvern. After such a long time, she already had the strength of an S-class mage, and after growing up, her body was surprisingly big, a lot bigger than the one he had killed during his mission. Moreover, he was surprised to hear from Snow that with some chance, she would be able to one day evolve into a dragon as long as she managed to purify her blood and get some opportunities.

Hearing this, Jax bought her five dragon blood leaves. Each leaf was worth 10 million Jewels and could only be taken by a monster with dragon blood as it would improve their bloodline, purifying it. The monsters could only take these scarce herbs five times in their lifetime, and the reason they had such a fantastic effect was that they had been washed by the blood of the dragons in the past. Simply with this method of growing, it was possible to see that the herbs were limited, and they would become even rarer in the future unless a dragon reappeared.

Along with the dragon blood leaves, Jax bought her the ice dragon blood. This blood had been sold to Jax for 50 million Jewels by the magic council. This blood had been found a hundred years back by the council and kept in case that there was some research value. However, until this day, the blood hadn't been used, and the magic council, who hadn't thought that so many dark guilds would be destroyed, were tight on finances. As such, they sold the dragon blood to Jax, regaining some money that would allow the council to function correctly.

After giving Snow the ice dragon blood, she could feel that there were chances for an evolution. As such, Jax personally sent her to dragon island. An island ruled by dragons hundreds of years ago that wasn't accessible to humans due to the island's dangerous currents. According to a few books he read on this island, the island had been the paradise of dragons in the past, and maybe Snow could find what she was looking for, a way to evolve into an actual dragon.

Once Jax did this, he often contacted Snow to ensure her safety while returning to his previous business. He reopened the clinic in the guildhall as he had to be present when the master was gone.

With the clinic's news reopening, countless civilians, mages, mercenaries, business people, nobles and royalty came to meet him. Over the months, Jax spread his and Fairy Tail reputation across Fiore, Caelum, Bosco, Seven, Ministrel and the Iceberg kingdom. He was already known as one of the best healers on the continent, if not the best. However, the clinic reopening and the increased reputation came many gifts as thanks for healing them. Silver celestial keys, magic armours, magic weapons, random magical objects along with some money was often given as thanks.

However, with his attitude to treat everyone even if they didn't have anything to pay with, Jax's reputation as the Fairy's Hand spread. It was both due to being a Fairy Tail member and due to his magic being named Fairy magic.

Finally, in the free time he had, Jax made a lot more magic bracelets, selling them to the guild members and simply storing the excess under the mansion, next to the safe of explosive lacrimas. Finally, he improved the house's defences, allowing it to resist an S-rank mage attack easily.

On the side of the trial for the S-rank mage, Laxus was the one to complete it. He had been training a lot harder thanks to Jax surpassing it, and he had become one of the youngest S-rank mages on the continent.

---Author note

You know what? I received all kinds of opinions telling me to do something or not. Sometimes I asked for your opinion on what would be the best but you know... now that I'm writing with your opinion, I don't enjoy writing it as much as before as it is not 'my fanfic' anymore. So, while I'm certain a lot will drop because of it, I'll go straight through and not care for opinion cause I'm really getting tired of writing this fanfic.