Morozefa Elite Unit

FP 20, Somalia-09.30 AM EST-Fatih a.k.a Bismarck

The convoy went smooth and secure at this moment. No militia seeing around and chasing the convoy. Suddenly, Lieutenant Colonel Adden commands the convoy to stop in a faint tone.

"Lieutenant Colonel, why are we stopping here?! We'd better move now! Lieutenant Colonel? Sir?!"

After I saw it, it turned out that Lieutenant Colonel Adden had serious wounds to his stomach. He directed the convoy to stop so that he could decrease the bleeding from the shock in the vehicle that made it worse. I quickly ordered the other Black Ops members to take care of the Lieutenant Colonel while I took over the leadership of the convoy.

"All units! I, Bismarck will take over the leadership of the convoy. Continue to Marud Harbi road and advance to the Stadium!! We don't have much time!!!"

"Roger Sir!"

Along the way to the Stadium, several militias appeared in small numbers at some point. These militias thought they were only going to ambush one or several military vehicles separately, not a large convoy as their superiors had said. They were shocked and overwhelmed by a large convoy. Inevitably, the militia decided to withdraw rather than intercept it.

Mogadishu Stadium, Somalia-10.00 AM EST-Fatih a.k.a Bismarck

At the stadium, things seemed very peaceful and orderly just before our convoy came and stopped. Many volunteers immediately took the gunshot victims to the medical camp for treatment. The rest of the troops looked shocked and exhausted because the reality on the battlefield was very different from what they had thought. Even if they were trained to deal with these conditions, the feeling of killing someone for the first time would always be the thing that changed the killer's perspective.

While the elite Somali troops were resting, the BO team split up to look for some intel while the WSE troops also rested. After taking care of some of the documents submitted by the medics, I immediately searched for the location of the commando camp at the stadium. Before I reached the command camp, I was stopped by someone.

"Where's Lieutenant Colonel Adden?"

"He was in the medical camp, he was shot on the battlefield."

"Who are you? What's your rank?"

"I am Captain Bismarck of Wolfpack Special Elite, I was leading this convoy when Lieutenant Colonel Adden was injured."

"I am Colonel Munta of the Morozefa Elite Unit, I would like you to fill out this document before submitting a report to HQ."

"Oh, thank you, sir."


After handing over the document, he immediately rushed off without saying anything. But I felt like I had some luck, unexpected luck instead. In the end, I filled out the paperwork and submitted a report to HQ Somalia as the representative for the injured Lieutenant Colonel Adden.

After reporting to HQ, I walked back towards the military vehicle where I was sitting while the convoy was moving. There, the BO team had gathered and discussed something quite important.

"So.. how is he?"

"Lieutenant Colonel? He only suffered minor injuries, no problem for now. Irwan, can you find out the identity of Colonel Munta and his network?"

"Wait, how do you know Colonel Munta?"

"Just met him at the HQ Camp."

"Oh.. ekhm.. so, I've done some investigation before starting the patrol earlier. The Morozefa Elite Unit is part of the Somali Elite Force, it's just that they are more focused on mercenaries than the elite troops of a country."

"Hmm... is there any other information?"

"As for the whereabouts of the troops, they are currently at Aden Adde International Airport to carry out security operations."

"So... what's the next step?"

"How about we take over leadership of their mercenary forces?"

"Wait.. what?"

"Look, to reduce the amount of manpower and ammunition we need, one way is to force the Colonel to hand over the leadership of the Morozefa Elite unit to us. Then we'll hand them over to the Wolfpack Company, which deals more with assassins and so on. "

"Hmm.. how can we prove that we can be trusted?"

"We have to get Colonel Munta's signature/stamp. To strengthen their trust, we might shoot a video about this troop takeover. Is there any good plan other than this?"

"Hmm.. airport raid?"


"Wrong huh?"


After that, we split up and did our respective tasks. Half an hour later, we managed to capture the Colonel and interrogate him. We did many ways to force him to fill out a form and some paperwork, of course, the brute force. After everything was done, we killed and removed the colonel's body. At 11 p.m., the convoy resumed running after reloading ammunition and supplies to return to base. The gunshot victims were temporarily left in the stadium to be treated and some Somali Elite force soldiers were left to strengthen the stadium.

The journey from the stadium to the international airport seemed safe and secure because the main police and military forces were conducting sweeps and securing the location around the area of ​​the shootout that occurred.

Aden Adde International Airport, Somalia-12.30 Noon EST-Fatih a.k.a Bismarck

Arriving there, we unloaded supplies for the troops at the airport while looking for the whereabouts of the troop leader Morozefa.

"Excuse me, do you know where Captain Shabaa from MEU is?"

"Captain Shabaa? Oh.. he's in hangar no 2 with some officials."


"Your welcome."

While in the hangar, I saw several people discussing something in front of a parked Blackhawk helicopter. I immediately walked there, there were several people as described earlier. At first, I wanted to interrupt immediately, but decided not to interrupt the conversation and would interrupt when the time was right.

"So, what about my unit payment? I need your direct clarification before I finish the job. I don't want to waste my time and energy on nothing."

"Relax, here's the payment. I'm sure you'll like it."

"Yeah, whatever."

"Ekhm.. are you Captain Shabaa?"

"Huh? Who are you?"

"I'm Bismarck from Wolfpack Special Elite. Your units are currently being transferred to our elite forces. Therefore, I request you and your troops to pack up immediately. We will be transporting military vehicles using chartered LPD ships."

"Did Colonel even say that? Are you even have the document or something?"

"Yes, here is the complete document and the checkmark from the Colonel. If you still don't believe it, the colonel ordered me to show you this video."

"Sigh.. well. When are we going? Is the colonel coming too?"

"It's up to you, the sooner the better. Unfortunately, the colonel isn't coming, he will be leaving for Russia after all his business is done here. I'll meet you with another team from the Wolfpack Company."

Mogadishu Port, Somalia-16.00 PM EST-Fatih a.k.a Bismarck

We are currently onboard an Australian chartered LPD vessel. We intended to go to Australia first to meet the old man Wolfgang before returning to Indonesia and resolving some problems and reporting to the headquarters.

"Captain, will this benefit us?"

"Of course, we don't need to spend a lot of money on the mission this time."

"Then for the Wolfpack Company?"

"Don't worry, I've already contacted the old man. They will accept this additional troop as a form of additional investment. After all, they are currently understaffed as well."

"Hee... I see... so... what's the next mission?"

"Back home."

"Huh? Russia?"

"No, Indonesia."

"Oh... I thought your house was Russia"

"No, my hearts still belong to Indonesia. Why did you say that? It sucks dude."

"O... Ohh... I'm sorry."