
After leaving the LPD, the BO and WSE and MEU teams gathered at Wolfpack Company HQ to hand over new members and inaugurate several trusted superiors. The BO team did not go directly to Indonesia because they were making some documents and had to take care of some things that could not be done in Indonesia. A few days later, the BO team returned to Indonesia with equipment and weapons initially provided by TNI troops.

In Indonesia, the BO team was immediately picked up to provide reports to superiors and hand over the equipment used during the operation. After the meeting was held, the superior decided to postpone this BO operation to gather more intel and recalculate the funds to be spent. Existing BO teams are temporarily rested and reassigned before they are reassigned.

Yogykarta, Indonesia-06.00 AM WIB-Fatih

"It's six o'clock, it's best if I go straight home."

"Captain! Where are you going?"

"Going home, what's the matter Gilang?"

"Isn't there a meeting?"

"No, just a brief briefing."


"Then why are you still here?"

"Eh... dunno."

"Wait a minute.. quickly gather the BO members, I have something to say."

"Oh okay."

Then, the BO members are gathered in the building's parking lot to be notified of something (For reference, look for the Black Ops team meeting scene in CIA SAFEHOUSE E9). Fatih, Gilang, Irwan, Iqbal, Galan, Ruri, and Sebastian gathered. I immediately started the meeting by distributing some documents to them.

"So, why are we gathered here?"

"Based on the meeting earlier, the superiors have decided to postpone our BO operation. However, they informed that the fire incident at the Prosecutor's Office was something that was planned. The perpetrators themselves have been identified, one of them is Sebastian."

"Sebastian? What?"



"Well, this operation is intended to find information about Morozefa's subordinates who had entered Indonesia before the port incident occurred."

"The result?"

"We have some documents about it, it turns out they had left Indonesia before the incident happened."

"The people involved in the port incident were Somalis who were paid to do things like this. The container ship itself is also owned by a company under Morozefa's control. Chinese mercenaries in Papua New Guinea are also affiliated with Morozefa. However, some foreign parties deliberately interfere in this matter."

"Then wouldn't the mission in India be useless?"

"Not really, the chaos in India makes NATO more inclined to strengthen its military forces in Asia."

"Huh.. then what's the deal?"

"Preventing the intervention of the Chinese side in cooperation with Morozefa. This has been carefully considered by the superiors before being decided, I don't know if there are other goals for this mission."


"Some of the people we arrested in several places have major connections with Morozefa, the thing is, does he have other connections that we still don't know."

"Fatih, regarding this Morozefa group called Rebellion V..."


"I don't know, it seems Iqbal knows about this one problem."

"Me? To my knowledge, Rebellion V is a military organization formed by Morozefa that recruits members from Africa and South America. The representative I met at the port was Mr. M. I didn't know that Morozefa was fluent in Indonesian."

"It seems that this M is not Morozefa, but someone else who is used as the face and shape of this Morozefa."


"Oh, it just so happens that the superiors also provide information and new assignments. Next week we will go to Russia as the defense team's protective team, there will be some additional colleagues who will join."

"What event is it?"

"I don't know, the meeting between the defense ministers will be busy."

Moscow, Russia-08.00 AM MSK (Moscow Standard Time)-Fatih a.k.a Bismarck

I'm currently in the room where the defense ministers will meet, our initial arrival was greeted by the Russian authorities who have secured the location.

"В омнате ет опасности?"

(Is the room safe?)

"Еще ет, олиция е еще очищает ерриторию о ели."

(Not yet, the police are still clearing the area before the target arrives.)

"как олго?"

(How long?)

"не ом олго."

(Not too long.)

"Okay. Ekhm... This is Guard 1, please note that our convoy will arrive in 1 hour. How is the situation on-site? Over."

"This is Storm 2, the location has been secured. According to the report of the Russian team, they did not find anything dangerous. We will continue to monitor any movement at the site. Over."

"Roger that."

After an hour, the convoy of the Indonesian defense minister arrived at the meeting location. Many foreign media have sprung up out of nowhere, fortunately, the police around have secured the location so that there is no chaos. The meeting lasted quite a while because the foreign ministers of the two countries were also in this meeting. Suddenly, Solovetsky appeared out of nowhere carrying some documents.

"Эй, Бисмарк, что ты здесь делаешь?"

(Oi Bismarck, what are you doing here?)

"Это снова мы.. Тревожный Соловецкий."

(Damn, it's him again... Solovetsky the troubled one.)

"Успокойся, чувак, что в этом плохого?"

(Calm down, my friend, is there something wrong?)

"Слишком много проблем, ненавижу каждый раз, когда ты встречаешься со мной."

(Too much trouble, I hate every time I see your face.)

"Сволочь. Я что вообще делаю?"

(Bastard. What am I doing?)



A few hours lasted, the meeting went smoothly and seemed pleasant. Both parties share smiles and warmth. After the meeting was over, the Indonesians immediately ended their working visit. Unit 'Pusaka' (because Black Ops operation was disabled, team name changed to Pusaka) temporarily stay in Russia on orders from the Minister of Defense. Based on the order, the Pusaka unit will be trained by Spetsnaz in Russia as a form of Indonesia-Russia cooperation.

Spetsnaz HQ, Russia-06.00 AM RST (Russian Standard Time)-Fatih a.k.a Bismarck

[Russian Standard Time is used when the exact location of the activity is unknown and renamed with the country name.]

"Доброе утро, генерал! Добро пожаловать в спецназ. Как ты сегодня?"

(Good morning General! Welcome to Spetsnaz. How are you today?)

"Довольно хорошо, пожалуйста, не называйте меня генералом. Я пришел сюда с намерением тренироваться с вами, ребята."

(Pretty good, please don't call me general. I came here with the intention of training with you guys.)

"Не может быть, командир, что ваша помощь позволила нам продвинуться так далеко."

(It can't be that commander, the help you've provided has allowed us to progress this far.)

"Хорошо, хорошо, решать тебе. Представляем членов нашего подразделения, Гиланга, Ирвана, Галана, Рури, Икбала и Себастьяна."

(Alright alright, it's up to you. Introducing our unit members Gilang, Irwan, Galan, Ruri, Iqbal, and Sebastian.)

"рад встрече с вами."

(pleased to meet you.)

"Это генерал Алексей Егоров, так сказать, мой давний знакомый и нынешний командующий спецназом."

(This is General Alexei Yegorov, so to speak, an old acquaintance of mine and the current commander of special forces.)