Chapter 16

Once we were finished eating I tell Cain and Atticus I'm gonna go take a shower so we can leave. "Umm. You can use my shower. I can't get someone in to fix your door until tomorrow." Atticus says. "Thank you. I'll only be a few minutes." I tell him.

Walking up the stairs I begin to realize that I don't know which room is his. 'Hey Cain.' I mind link him. 'Yeah?' 'Where's Atticus' room?' I question. 'Right next to yours.' He chuckles. Those sneaky bastards I think to myself. Making it to the door I open it and to my surprise there's a disgustingly looking blonde laying on his bed completely naked. "Uhh who are you?" She spits out sounding annoyed. "Nobody I was just leaving." I say walking out and slamming the door shut.

Storming downstairs they are both sitting at the kitchen table. They look us as soon as I enter looking worried. "I'm leaving." I tell them turning away and head towards the front door. "Wait Zara what's wrong?" Atticus yells out. "Your little whore is waiting for you." I holler back walking through the door. I picture my wolf and begin to shift. Once fully shifted after a minute I take off running toward the border.

Atticus' POV

Watching her walk out the door had to be the hardest thing I've ever endured. 'What happened?' My wolf questions. 'I don't know but I'm about to find out.' I grunt out. Turning away from Cain I march up the steps towards my room. 'Why is this bitch even still around?' He huffs out angrily. I open my door harshly and immediately she jumps up from the bed running towards me. "Baby what's wrong? Whatever it is I can help. Let me just take your frustrations away." She says seductively reaching her hand down to the button on my jeans.

Roughly I grab her hand yanking it away from me glaring at her. "What are you doing in my room." I grit out. She looks shocked by my tone but brushes it off quickly. "Baby I just heard how upset you've been with your brother losing your mate and all, I thought you'd like for a distraction." She says batting her eyelashes. I roll my eyes shoving her away from her. "I don't want you Kira. Nor will I ever want you. I want my mate! Now leave!" I yell out.

'Cain. Will you please go get her and bring her back.' I mind link him. 'I'm already on it brother.' He replies back immediately.

Zaraphine's POV

I'm running through Atticus' pack when I hear someone approaching me. Turning around with a snarl I'm tackled by Cains all black wolf. 'Zara. Come back please. He didn't know she was in there.' He pleads in my head. Shaking my head I try pushing him off but it doesn't work. 'Zar please. He kicked her out. He's trying. You said you'd give me a week. Please don't go back on your promise.' He begs.

Shifting back I now lay on the ground naked underneath Cains wolf. I've got tears rolling down my face as I look at him. "Just get off of me. Please just let me go." 'No Zar. Not until you agree to come back.' "Cain I'm naked. It's weird." I say trying to distract him. 'Not gonna work Zar. Promise me you'll come back with me.' He says. Huffing I push him off not me and make my way back to the house. "I need clothes." I yell back to him.

He runs past me to the door before shifting back. Coming back out a few minutes later fully dressed with a pile of clothes. "Here. They're a little bigger than the clothes you had before but you destroyed the other ones." He says handing them to me. I slip the underwear on along with the sweat pants and the sports bra throwing the shirt at him. "Where's the gym?" I ask him. He looks confused for a minute before saying "Down in the basement. Go through the kitchen and the door to the right of the fridge leads down to it."

I walk past him heading through the house following the directions he gave me towards the gym. Making my way down the steps I look around and see just what I'm looking for. Walking up to it, I grab a set of gloves and begin hitting the bag as hard as I can. Hitting the punching bag for just over what feels like an hour I stop and take the gloves off and head towards the treadmill.

After a few hours I'm drenched in sweat staring at myself in the mirror breathing heavy. Just I'm stepping off I see Atticus in the mirror walk in the room. I turn around and glare at him before trying to brush past him before he grabs my arm sending tingles through it. "I'm sorry.. I didn't know she was in there." He says with his head down. I'm not sure what came over me but I raise my other hand to his chin and lift his head so he's looking into my eyes and lean forward giving him a peck on his cheek. He lets go of my hand and looks at me surprised. Not knowing what to say I turn around and head back upstairs.