Chapter 17

Leaving the gym I make my way upstairs feeling flustered. 'What the fuck was that?' I yell at my wolf. 'I'm sorry okay. It just kinda happened.'  'What ever. You're giving him mixed signals. We have to be on the same page here. I can't hate him and you be in love with him.' I hiss. 'I'm not in love with him! It's the bond dammit.'

I step in my room and realize I still don't have a door. 'Shit. Looks like I'm using his bathroom.' I huff. I turn around and walk to the room next to mine and open the door stepping inside. I walk to a door on the left side of the room and relieved to see that it's the bathroom. Walking in I take my pants and underwear off first and then my black Nike sports bra.

I turn on the shower and I'm absolutely stunned. It's a rainfall shower. I step under the water and instantly relax feeling the blistering hot water fall over my body. I look around the shower and grab his shampoo putting it up to my nose sniffing it. 'It smells good at least.' My wolf chuckles. 'Yeah but he doesn't have conditioner so my hair will be knotty.' I huff in annoyance.

As I'm washing my hair I hear the bedroom door open and start to feel panicked. "I don't know who's in here but I will kill you." I say trying to sound threatening. The bathroom door slowly opens and I see Atticus pop his head in smirking at me. "You know you're using my shower right?" He says with a chuckle. "Get out! I'm naked! What the hell are you doing!" I scream out. Laughing he walks further into the bathroom "I need a shower. Can't you see I'm all sweaty." I choke on the water running down my face staring at him.

"No you're not. You can wait until I'm finished." I say firmly. "Why would I leave when it's my shower in my bedroom?" He says humorously as he takes his jeans off leaving him in just his skin tight boxers clearly showing off his bulge. I quickly turn away from him not wanting him to see my face flushed. I quickly rinse my hair trying to get done so I can leave. "Scoot over. I'm getting in." He says right in my ear.

I can't move. I'm frozen in place realizing he is in the shower with me presumably naked. I gulp really loud causing him to chuckle. "Fine don't move. I still have to take a shower though wether your in here or not." He tells me placing his hands on my hips and lightly moving me forward. 'Oh my goddess. He's touching us.' My wolf swoons. 'Shut up! You sound like a horn dog!' I yell at her. 'I'm not a dog!' She huffs.

"Your wolf likes this doesn't she?" He whispers in my ear. 'Oh goddess yes!!!' She answers like he can hear her. "No she thinks it's rather rude to offer someone your shower then taking it over." I lie. He grips my hips tighter turning me around to face him. "You're a terrible liar baby." He says laughing. "I can feel her. She's excited that you haven't pushed me away. And if I'm being honest so am I." Snapping out of my dirty thoughts I realize what he's saying just as he's leaning in to kiss me. I lift my hands up to his chest and push him away. "Don't touch me." I ground out.

I turn away from him stepping out of the shower and grabbing a towel wrapping it securely around myself.  Walking out of the bathroom and slamming the door shut. 'You don't have clothes.' My wolf reminds me. 'Shit.' 'Umm take some of his clothes.' She suggests. Huffing I agree and open his dresser drawers and pull out a tshirt and basketball shorts putting them on.

Atticus' POV

I watch as she leave the gym and can feel my face warming up. 'Did she just kiss us? I think she just kissed us.' My wolf is howling with joy. I turn away from the steps and walk over to the treadmill climbing on and start running. 'She did that on purpose.' I accuse. 'I don't think so. She seemed just as shocked as you. I think her wolf took over. Not that I'm complaining.' 'I don't think so. I'm gonna get her back.' I tell him. 'And how are you gonna do that?' He questions. 'I hear her in my shower.' I say with a smirk creeping on my lips.