Chapter 21

Atticus' POV

"Cain please don't take her." I beg. "She needs to get out of the house brother. If you're worried about her going why don't you come with us?" "I can't. It will put her in danger if people find out I have my mate. Everyone will be after her." I explain. "Atticus she can't stay locked up in here for the rest of her live. She needs to have a life otherwise she will continue hating you." He tries reasoning with me.

"Hey I'm ready when you are Cain." Her sweet voice says behind us. I turn around to look at her and take in what she's wearing. My wolf is beginning to surface just looking at her. 'Holy shit. We can't let her leave in that.' 'I know. We'll stop her.' I tell him. Before I can protest she grabs Cains arm and drags him out the door leaving me frozen in the living room.

I hear them pull out of the driveway shaking me from my thoughts. 'I thought you said you'd stop her!' My wolf growls at me. "Shit!!!" I scream. 'Go after her. Bring her back! Every male will be trying to take her from us!' 'I can't. Cains right. We need to let her have some freedom.' I say sadly. 'She should be here. In our bed, not out there looking like that!' He screams.

*mature content*

Shutting him out I head upstairs into my room. My jeans are making me feel constricted so I pull them off. "Shit. Why did I let her go." I say out loud. 'Go take a cold shower.' My wolf tells me. 'Good idea.' I reply. Taking my boxers off, my hardened member springs out as I climb in the shower. I put my left hand on the wall of the shower and wrap my right hand around my shaft. Stroking it up and down as images of Zara float through my mind.

"Yes baby." I moan out. "Just like that." I whisper. I open my eyes and look down. "Zara? When did you get back?" I question her. She raises her eyes batting her eye lashes at me with my cock in her mouth. "Fuck baby. Yes!" I yell out. I grab her hair and thrust into her mouth causing her to gag. She lifts her hands to my thighs pushing me back slightly. I let my dick come out of her mouth so she can breath before slamming it back in pushing it to the back of her throat.

"Baby I'm gonna cum. If you don't want it in your mouth you have to stop." I breath out. She looks up at me through her eye lashes again and begins to move her head faster. "Fuck!!!" I yell as I cum in her mouth. I bend down and grab her arms lightly lifting her up and smashing my lips to hers. "Fuck I love you baby!" I say grabbing her thighs and lifting her up. She wraps her legs securely around my waist as I walk out of the shower. I gently lay her on the bed never letting my lips leave hers.

"I want you baby. I want all of you. Mark me as yours." She whispers. "Your wish is my command Zar." I say as I position myself at her entrance. "This might hurt a little bit okay. Just tell me if you need to stop." I tell her. "Okay baby." She says as I slowly slide in to her. "Fuck your so wet baby." I hiss out. "Is this okay?" I ask. "Yes baby. Just fuck me. Please." She begs. That's all I needed to hear. All I've ever wanted to hear come out of my mates mouth. I grab her sides thrusting in fast and hard causing her to scream out.

*end of mature content*

"Atticus!!!" I hear Cain scream out. I stop my assault on Zara before grabbing a pair of shorts and running downstairs. "Cain? why are you back so early?" I question him looking at the girl in his arms. 'Is that Zara?' My wolf questions me. 'I'm not sure. She was just in my room.' I say confused. 'What's going on.'

I get broken from my thoughts when I hear that sweet melodic voice say "I, Zaraphine Knight reject you, Atticus Black as my mate." Hearing those words break my heart. I stand there frozen just staring at her. "Accept it!! Accept it now!!" She screams at me. "No." I whisper back.

'Atticus why are you doing this to her?' Cain questions in my head. 'You don't understand brother.' I tell him. 'I didn't do this. She was in my room. I swear she was in my room.' I say sounding heart broken.