Chapter 22

Cain picked me up and carried me upstairs to his room. Laying me on the bed he covered me up and sat down on the side of the bed holding my hand. "I'm so sorry Zar. I never would've brought you here if I knew he was gonna do this." He says sadly. "It's okay Cain. You didn't know.. but I will make him accept my rejection." I whisper. "How?" "By being exactly what he doesn't want me to be." I state matter of factly.

I fell asleep sometime in the night still clinging to Cains hand. Surprisingly I had a dreamless sleep. When I wake up Cain is gone. I slowly climb out of bed and walk to the door. I open the door and make my way downstairs towards the kitchen. 'Cain where are you?' I mind link him. 'You're awake! Oh thank goddess!! Hang on! I'm on my way!' He yells in my head. 'Cain calm down and stop yelling. My head is pounding. I'm on my way to the kitchen just meet me there.' I say before shutting him out.

I walk into the kitchen and Atticus is sitting at the island in the middle of the room with his head in his hands. I walk past him, heading straight for the fridge to look for something to eat. "Zara." I hear him whisper. "Zara please talk to me." He gets up from his seat and begins to walk over to me. "Cain! Where are you! I'm hungry and nothing looks good in the fridge!" I yell out ignoring him. "Please I don't know what happened. I thought it was you." He says making me scoff.

Cain comes barging into the kitchen frantically looking around till his eyes land on me. "Zar why didn't you stay in my room? I was only gone for a second. You had me worried." He breathes out. "I was hungry and came to look for food but there's a fly buzzing in my ear. So would you like to go get some breakfast with me?" I ask him. "Yeah. Let's go." He says walking up and grabbing my hand leading me away from Atticus.

"So where do you wanna go?" He questions. "It doesn't matter to me. But hey how did I get in these clothes?" I question looking down at my self and seeing I'm in sweatpants and a light blue t shirt. "Ohh uhh I changed you. I'm sorry. I asked you last night. You tried yourself but you were struggling so I offered to help." He rushes out. Laughing I look at him and say "it's alright. I was just curious."

We climb in his car and take off out of the driveway. "So there's this nice little diner right in town that I always go to when I come in town. We can go there if you want to." He offers. "Yeah that sounds good." We continue driving for another fifteen minutes till we pull in front of a small building parking right by the door. He shuts the car off and makes his way to my door opening it for me and helping me out. "Such a gentleman." I say smiling at him. "Just for you Zar." He replies back.

We sit down at a booth and he orders our food. "Do you wanna talk about it Zar?" He breaks the silence. "Nope. I sure don't." I tell him. "It's not good to keep it in. It's just gonna bottle up until you explode." He says. "Well then let it explode." I say brushing him off. We finish eating and get up to leave after he pays the waitress.

"What do you wanna do for the rest of the day?" He questions as soon as we're in the car. "Wanna throw a party?" I suggest. "A party? What are we celebrating?" He asks. "Getting away from assholes!" I yell out with a huge smile. "I guess Zar. I'll let Leo know." "See Cain this is why you're my best friend."I tell him.

Upon making it back to Atticus' pack we both get out of the car walking towards the door when we hear Leo yell. "Guys!! Hey guys!! The party's put back!! Come on!!" "Coming!!!" I scream out skipping away from Cain. It looks like all of Atticus' pack is here. "Party's here!!!" I yell out running towards Leo wrapping my arms tightly around his neck causing him to laugh. "Careful Zar you're not even drunk yet." He says laughing.

Many shots of patron later and I'm feeling tingly. "Cain. Cain did you know that I love you!" I slur out stumbling to him. "Yeah. I love you to Zar." He says catching me before I fall. "I wanna go swimming! Can we go swimming?" I ask looking up him smiling. "I don't think that's a good idea." He tells me. "You're no fun Cain. I'll find someone to go swimming with me. " I pout. "Hey!! Does anyone want to go swimming!!" I scream out getting a bunch of hell yeahs in response.

I grab the hem of my shirt and lift it over my head throwing it somewhere behind me. I then reach down and pull my sweatpants off leaving me in just my black bra and black underwear jumping into the pool. As soon I hit the water I hear a bunch of howls as many other pack members jump in. "Cain!! Hey Cain! Will you get me another shot!" I yell after him. "Are you sure Zar? You're pretty drunk." He says sounding worried. "Here I'll get one for the pretty lady." A husky voice says causing me to smile.

A handsome blonde muscular guy walks to the side of the side of the pool before climbing in with two shots. "Here you go hunny." He says with a grin. "Thank you stranger." I say as I take the shot from him laughing. "Why is a pretty girl like you by yourself?" He questions. "I rejected my mate." I say casually. "So you're single then. Even better for me." He says wrapping his hand around my waist pulling me closer to him. "Yeah I guess it is better." I say before leaning in and smashing my lips to his.

"Shit!!! Atticus don't!!!" I hear Cain yell but I don't pay attention to him. My mind can only focus on one thing right now and that thing is the mans delicious tasting mouth. Before I know what's going on he is pulled away from me roughly causing me to whimper. I open my eyes and Atticus is standing right in front of me soaking wet staring at him me with pitch black eyes.

"Why did you do that Atticus? I was having fun. What are you the only one allowed to have fun?" I hiss out. "Zaraphine!!! For fucks sake will you just please listen to me! I thought I was fucking you!!!!! After you left I couldn't get you out of my head so I went to cool off!! It didn't help so I figured I could just get off! But when I opened my eyes I seen you!!! I know now that it wasn't you but that wasn't what I wanted!! I wanted you!! I still want you!! I will always want you Zara!!" He screams at me.  My eyes fill with tears as I look in his eyes. I can't decipher if he's telling the truth.

"Cain. Will you help me out please." I whisper. "Cain don't touch her! I'll get her out." Atticus grunts out as he's walking closer to me. As soon as he reaches me I breath in. "I can smell you.." I whisper. "Okay? Haven't you been able to?" He questions. "No. You smell good though." I say before everything goes black.