The origin of ALEX

The mere knowledge of the existence of a constellation in the sky does not imply that we know the secrets of dark matter in the galaxy. The advent of technology is not yet sufficient to reach a conclusion only hypotheses are presented. In my case, my mind also started weaving a string of possible situations, both to my advantage and disadvantage. But since my lifeless eyes illustrated my situation, the stranger held my hand and told me to relax while waiting for a motion from the inside.

The door opened and a slender teen possessing a vibrant aura welcomed us. He looked around my age and was wearing only a cardigan. The hairs were wet and water was dripping from them. It felt like he just had a shower. He possessed such defined features and it was visible that he was an omegab just like the stranger. He lept on the stranger and they both tittered while embracing each other.

"You enjoyed your day off to the fullest, that's not fair, I envy you, Kiro", the teenaged boy with vibrant personality pouted. He shifted his glance towards me and observed me from head to toe. I looked at both of them in a daze and continued to stand there. But I got to know the name of the kind stranger.

The person who was named Kiro smiled at me again as if comforting me and wanting me to trust him at that instant. He was basically telling me that everything will be alright, only if you trust me this once. He entered inside the shabby building and I followed him from behind. As expected the building was empty and looked haunted somehow. I continued following them in the hope that there will be a vacant room where he lived like a hideout or something similar. He then opened the door to the basement and there I experienced an entirely unrelated place that no longer coordinated with the dilapidated appearance.

I entered inside rather stupified, looking around my surroundings. It looked like I entered a cyber cafe. There were computers placed in rows and people seemed working on it. I thought if this was some secret hacking agency at first. But on my right, I was amazed to see the bartender making drinks like a pro. The odd combination awoke my detective senses. I started observing things more intently. The music played was pleasant and romantic. The wall beside me had a huge wallpaper of a butterfly and the wings were enormous, below it was a tiger with ferocious eyes but seemed rather calm. Maybe because of the butterfly that sat on its head. I found it hard to relate to that painting. But it didn't take much time to decode it. As I continued observing, I heard sounds of moaning. I was shocked and my feet froze at that instant. I took a deep breath and in that instant, I smelled the faint presence of omega pheromones. The mixed aroma was perfectly capable of making me nauseous. I felt my energy draining and then at that moment, someone pulled me from behind.

"Are you alright, buddy? I thought I lost you as you didn't follow us around anymore. I'm glad you didn't run away, YET", Kiro spoke to me as I stood there like I saw a ghost. "Relax and come with us", he tried to assure me, and this time he gripped my hand so as not to leave me behind. He hastened his footsteps and so did I. I took a quick glance before climbing those stairs to another floor and the horror became evident. I saw a person masturbating in front of the computer screen and his moaning resembled the sound I heard before. We reached the upper floor that had wooden flooring. A person sat there on the sofa facing the opposite direction. He turned around while lighting a cigarette with his lighter and introduced himself as a beta. We sat there quietly as I trembled unconditionally feeling dizzy at the same time.

"So, you are suppressing it?" the Beta in front of me wearing a continental shirt rather than a proper coat, brown hairs that made him looked like a foreigner, and black goggles laid on his tanned face asked while puffing his cigarette for the third time.

"Look lad", he started speaking again without getting an answer to the first question. "You should not depend on the suppressants, considering how young you are, your health is of the utmost importance. I know your mind is not able to process the information right now but trust me, suicide is not the option. You need to treasure yourself. I will be straightforward with you. As you have guessed this is not any ordinary cafe that you visit to play games. This is a cafe solely for omegas and we guarantee your safety. You disgust being touched by those horny alphas but without it, you will not be able to deal with your heat. And if you wait for your fated pair, there is no guarantee if you will find him anytime soon or not. So, we deal with our customers on three levels. The first is..."

The tanned beta kept on speaking and every word acted like a lullaby. I became more drowsy, my heart beat like crazy, as I started to lose consciousness. There were numerous reasons to justify my condition at that time. The first being the lack of energy as I roamed the streets on empty stomach, the second could be that the effect of suppressant was wearing off and the third was because of the pheromones in the atmosphere. I don't know if there is something else that needs to be added but at that moment, my blurry mind definitely needed a rest.

"Hey, buddy, Hey, are you alright?"

"Take him inside and treat him immediately."

Those were the last words that I heard before opening my eyes to the place that became the cause for making me, ALEX, the most desired Omega.

To be continued.....