The Guilt

There were days that were full of a series of misfortunes. There were moments when all my effort and hopes vanished. Once again, the haunting memories echoed in my head as I hugged Kiro outside the gate of the orphanage and the twilight shone brighter than before. With my hazy eyes, I gripped him tighter as I thanked the people around me who never let me have even the faintest tinge of quitting my life again.

"I am so glad you came today, as this is all because of you. You were the reason for my motivation and because of you, I was able to truly fulfill the dream I had. I really wanted to see us graduating together, but you.....mmhm" I placed my hands on Kiro's mouth and that became the reason for his muffled voice.

"I told you that your achievement is mine too. And don't thank me because you are the reason for my existence and the reason I met Hyung," I smile while holding hands with Kiro but gazing at Hyung who was cheerfully playing with the kids.

Kiro tilted his head as if baffled by my remark and was interrupted by me again as soon as he was about to speak, "Why don't we enter inside now, the breeze feels a bit chilly."

I grabbed his hand and headed inside where Hyung was already sitting and having a nice chat with other kids inside. The decorations were precise as I demonstrated and the kids seemed to be enjoying the new toys that we offered them. My heart ached rather than feeling at ease by these warm smiles and the pleasant atmosphere. I know we cannot predict the future but as soon as I imagine the fate of an omega, my heart automatically starts aching and the pulse hastens.

As I stood there stupefied, Hyung noticed my anguish. He called out my name and slowly bringing me back to reality.

Would you like to dance with me? , I saw Hyung offering his hand to me and everybody else cheering for me to say yes. Hyung definitely noticed my expression and hence came to divert my mind. I offered my hand and nodded slightly. The whole atmosphere was filled with loud and happy voices as we entwined our hands and smelled the sweet scent that only we both were able to identify in this place filled with omegas.

I placed my head on his chest while we moved our bodies slowly and started swinging with the beat. Once again the dilemma arose and I realized that the word yes is like a conundrum to me. Whenever I encounter a question regarding yes as an answer, my feet start trembling and I get frozen in my place.

But how will I bear the guilt once I actually say that word?

Every day is the same as I encounter this dilemma on a daily basis. Hyung has been so kind towards me and he respects my choices. He treats me as if I am his actual mate and he has never forced me to alter my life according to his desires. Not a day passes by without him waiting for my reply. He never says it but inside I am aware that he is desperate for the answer. But why do I feel like I am betraying someone and this feeling has become a cause for my nightmare.

I raised my head and glanced towards Kiro, he waved at me with moist eyes and cheered for me as the song ended. I really want Kiro to be happy. He deserves the best in the world. He too deserves to have someone he can rely upon. I hope I am not the cause of his teary eyes. I never want to. Never! But still, I cannot face him properly to this day.

To be continued...