Chapter 6- Promise

"Alex, you don't have to come seriously. You just reached home from school so you must be tired and the address you mentioned is close to my office. I will manage on my own," I left the office building as I talked to Alex on the phone and waited for a cab.

"No, no. I am coming and right this instant and after that, we are going to the orphanage together," Alex spoke over the phone and insisted on coming. I could not deny the offer since he was the one who recommended this place to me. I reached the place a few minutes early and waited for Alex.

I hope the apartments in this building are still vacant, I thought to myself. I lost my chance to avail the company's remaining apartment since, by the time I approached them, the position was already filled. How can people be so fast in a day, well there were only two places so it was inevitable, another thought ran my mind while Alex waved at me from the other end of the street and once he crossed the lane, he came running towards me.

"I am glad, I forced you to use our promise on this," spoke my best friend.



Season 2 last chapter

"Now since everything is solved. I should be rewarded. Right Alex!," Kiro spoke while patting Alex's head and giving a smile that was too hard to handle.

"Kiro, Listen to me. You have to make a promise to me, you have to let me help you when you are in dire need of it. And at that time, you can't say no. No matter what happens, YOU HAVE TO. Promise, promise me. You will right!" Alex clenched Kiro's hand and looked at him with puppy dog eyes. To this reaction, Kiro had to surrender.



"I don't think I am in dire need right now, Alex. I can always look for places myself," I replied to him as I fixed his messy hair and then let out a giggle as we both went inside the building. At the entrance, we found the retailer who showed us the way and we all headed inwards. He showed me two apartments and I liked them both but as usual, the deposit was high. Alex promised me not to help with the money so he kept quiet the whole time. Then the retailer showed us some more apartments in different buildings which were nearby my office and soon the dawn approached leaving us short on time.

"Do you have any more apartments that fit my budget and for whom I could pay the rent after a month?" The retailer sighed and looked at me with dull eyes.

"Kid, you know every day so many people approach me concerning an apartment and they offer me advances and higher deposits too. You want me to tell them to go and wait another one month because you will be getting your paycheck then. Sorry kid, you can't have me waiting till then," he shuffled through his bag and put all the necessary documents that he was holding in his hand inside. Then he turned around but halted to speak again "Also, you better be quick because there are very few apartments left nearby your choice of preference."

To his remark, I and Alex looked at each other in astonishment. I drooped my head and thought that the only thing left now is to commute every day for work.

"I will have to take my heat suppressants properly since I will be traveling during my heat too. And also, I was trying to save up but now I have to cut the expenses of commuting daily too," as I was talking to myself and calculating the changes in my lifestyle verbally, Alex ran behind the retailer.

"Um, sir wait, please wait, Is there no other option left for us now?" The retailer halted and turned around to speak to Alex. At first, he was about to say something but then he sighed. I knew the reason, it was Alex's puppy dog eyes, it is a normal reaction for him but for the other person it calls for surrender.

"Is your friend willing to share a room with someone else?" he asked Alex.

"What a room with someone else?" Alex stood there with his hands still in begging position but his loud voice reached my ears.

"Yes, as long as that person is a Beta," I replied as I rushed to reach them.

"Alright then, do you remember the building we visited just now?" the retailer questioned.

"Ah! yes, that big one," I asked while catching my breath.

"Yes, that one but there is one condition. The tenant doesn't interact much with the others and is also an absolute loner. So, he has requested that the interaction should be kept to the minimum, and also he mostly remains cooped up in his room and hence all the house chores will come onto you. But because of that, he has kept the rent to the minimum. If you are alright with it, then we can proceed further tomorrow," he finished talking and waited for my reply while looking at his watch.

"Of course, this is perfect since I'm a beta and he is a beta too, what more can a person need?" I replied enthusiastically and we exchanged some papers before heading our separate ways.

"Kiro, you sure about this?" Alex asked with worry in his voice. It was evident that he would be worried but I don't want to lose this opportunity and who knows what will happen after one month.

"Don't worry Alex, I will be living with a beta. I don't think it is anything to worry about. Moreover, the rent is pretty low and regarding the housework, that is not a big task right since I am used to it," I assured Alex while he curled his lips into a smile and nodded. He then embraced me and we both headed towards the orphanage together.



"Sir, we have reached. The meeting ended quite late so please have a good rest," Mr. Andrew's secretary bowed as she bid farewell to his boss. He nodded and closed the window pane. "Take me to the apartment," he ordered his chauffeur. "Very well, sir," he replied and shifted gears.

"We have reached our destination sir, the chauffer conveyed to the CEO.

"I will pick you up at 7 in the morning sir, have a good night," he bowed and turned the car around.

Andrew nodded and headed towards the building but suddenly something caught his eye and his feet halted as he saw two persons hugging each other and leaving him baffled because one of them was Mr. Kiro.

To be continued...