Chapter 10- Misunderstandings

Still dizzy I could see where I was headed too, but why was I dizzy? I swore I did not take any alcohol but instead it was just a normal cocktail. I could see the outside of my apartment building. Yes, it looks like that but how did he know where I lived? My body is weak to drinks containing alcohol and I am sure that the representative did something back there. Hence, I was being carried by him. Why is his warmth so comforting? Once again he saved me.

We went inside the building but the lift opened on another floor. I argued with him to put me down but he refused and soon we both entered inside a room, probably his room. He laid me on the sofa and for no reason, I blushed.

"Are you alright?" he asked me while checking my temperature.

I yanked his hand and said sorry. No way he remembers me right! This can't be happening. I saw the look in his eyes just now, it was the same as when we were together. I have to go.

"Hyung must be waiting", I hurried away from him and glanced towards the door.

"Hyung?" he asked but with a tone that should not be defied.

"Who is your Hyung?" he asked again but this time he obstructed my vision as he faced me.

"He...he is my Hyung, the one I love. I love him most but I never told him that and instead, I yelled at him and the...then I ran away, I am always causing trouble for him but he never gets angry," I spoke while he laid me back on the sofa again.

I have to go back and apologize.

"Thank you for carrying me safely, I will now return to my apartment," I spoke and saw the door. "I didn't know you lived here too sir, but it is not surprising as this building is for aristocrats and I got lucky to get a place here," still a little embarrassed, I sobered myself up while I said those words.

"He will get angry at me for sure when he will see me like this, I have to sober myself up more," I tapped my face and mustered my courage to face him. He was standing and in his eyes, I saw the sadness that I am most familiar with. I knew that instant that he recognized me or who knows maybe he knew everything all along.

"Is your feeling mutual?" he spoke while he bent down and now was sitting on his knees, he held my hands and placed them on his face. He closed his eyes and asked me again.

"Huh!" I got surprised and my eyes widened.

Wh..What is he talking about? Is he also drunk but no he carried me here so he can't be. But why is he like this then?

"Tell me I am asking you something, Hyung?" he questioned me again while I tried to calm myself.

Did he just call me Hyung?

Wait! so he definitely recognized me? way, I am doomed. He was a kid at that time but kids do have sharp memories.

"Hyung!" he raised his head now and looked me directly in the eyes. Oh no I guess he totally got the wrong idea here, he thinks I love Hyung in a romantic way but how do I tell him that the only person who ever made my heart flutter was him.

Why after all these years you are knocking on the door to a place which has lost its key? He patiently waited for my answer while I reciprocated his gaze.

Sometimes misunderstandings lead to scarring on the heart and sometimes unforeseen circumstances lead to reaffirming your feelings.

I sighed and placed my left hand on my forehead.

"Andy, I suppose you recognized me on your first day in the company right? I don't owe you any explanation. You were pretending all this time? Why everyone around me likes to mock me? I'm sorry but I am very tired right now. I can't even think straight. You helped me out today and I am eternally grateful for that. But let me get straight to the point, people like you are unpredictable. You kept quiet all this time so please do me a favor and remain to keep quiet." I grabbed my belongings and marched towards the door.

"Yes, Hyung right, You are absolutely right. You don't owe me any explanation. You actually never did. Not today and not that day that you left me all alone to suffer after we both made that promise to live together. You always run away Hyung. You are scared to face people, you are the one who is mocking yourself Hyung. You are solely responsible for your actions and no one else. You never try to amend things and if you do try your dilemma never lets one side win. So, yes, this is the best choice that you are making and i.e choosing to run away."

His sudden comment enraged me and my blood pressure rose. Just a moment ago, my body was devoid of any emotion but thanks to adrenaline, now my body was burning up in anger.

"Take your words back Andrew," I warned him while facing the door.

"Why should I? You are the one escaping reality and you are the one making silly excuses while all you have to do is tell me why you ran away from me all those years back?"

"Ran away? Huh? hahaha! Is that what your guardians told you?" I asked him with a voice sounding like an insane person.

"Yes, they told me that you ran away with one of our butlers. But Hyung you know, I thought that only I was the one who knew your real identity. Did you lie to me about that too? Was there another person who was familiar with your identity? Hyung! Hyung! What did I lack? If you could have told me then I would have polished it further. But you choose to fill the void with another person. I suppose it is the same person that I saw that day" he shouted while my back was still facing him.

I then turned and approached him. "You said you liked me then why did you believe all this bullshit? Huh!" I asked him while I held him by his collar this time.

"I didn't believe it at first and you know the funny part about it. You never returned Hyung and that made me believe it. Then ultimately after 2 years, they showed me the letter you left behind and it was the proof of your escape," he yanked my hands away and I fell on the ground with a large bumping sound.

What is he talking about? What is it about the letter? As I stressed my mind about the past, I slowly lost consciousness and everything became dark.

To be continued.....