Chapter 13- Self-Esteem

My self-esteem had hit rock bottom while working in that omega cafe but since I started working on my own and people started complimenting me for my work, the graph took an exponential rise.

"I always looked up to you Hyung. Your work was always served as an inspiration for me. You know what I also summarized your novel for my seminar. It was fun," I chatted non-stop with Hyung after we both returned from the hospital.

I couldn't take days off since the event is coming soon so I requested to work from home in order to look after Hyung. He told me that he often suffered from this and it was no big deal but this time it was big since he was hospitalized for that.

"Hyung what are we?" I asked him while working on my laptop.

My brother who was sitting by the window pane and enjoying the evening reflections discontinued drinking his herbal tea.

"I am everything you want me to become, Your brother, your mother, and your father. You can call me sister too if you want," he chuckled and continued drinking.

His answer baffled me. I looked at my laptop screen and then switched it off. I headed towards Hyung and sat opposite him. He gave me a warm smile and said the most apparent thing, "I suppose you are satisfied with my answer and also that you are ready," he finished drinking his tea and scooted towards me.

His perception is always precise and when it is related to me, I suppose that is the only thing I know about him.

"I don't know where should I start but let me tell you something that everything just went on with the flow and I neither objected nor did I try to rectify it. So, Neither am I going to blame myself anymore, and nor you will try to take that blame" I assured myself as well as my brother.

I told him everything starting from the time when he left me and when I met that alpha child. I told him about how I tried to take my life after that incident happened in the mansion and also my profession after that. Through that 15 minutes of time, Hyung was holding my hand although he tried to remain calm I could tell in between when he felt angry as he pressed my hand real tight in between our conversation.

"Hyung, you know what, even if you try hard to forget the wounds they still remain in the corners of your heart but one thing is for sure and it is that if you share your troubles with someone then the wounds can be less painful. Also, I know why you are so quiet right now but please let me handle the things on my own and if I am not able to then I will surely rely on you." I told him while I smiled at him but he didn't reciprocate it. Instead, he repeatedly said the word sorry and trembled.

I got worried in case he encounters another panic attack so I hugged him and assured the trembling person beside me.

"It is not your fault brother, no one is at fault. None of this is your fault and also not mine. We both tried to save each other and in the process, we both got hurt. I pushed the only child away from your parents, I spoke this but Hyung covered my mouth with his hand and shook his denial. "No, I wanted to let them have a taste of their own medicine. That's why I left home so that they could feel the same pain of separation, please I no longer consider them my parents," his head laid on my lap now.

'You see not all my memories are painful, the time I spent with you and the time I spent with Andrew was good, I told him while patting him. He stopped sobbing and looked at ease a little. He then grabbed my hands and told me to promise that if anything like this ever happens then I have to rely on him. His pale face without any expression now was begging me to agree and hence I did. But in return I somehow made him agree not to hate Andrew since he was totally unaware of that incident and also he kept my identity hidden.

"Well, I am happy that I accepted Alex's promise, and only because of that I was able to meet you and who knows if I use your promise someday maybe something good will happen again." We both sat there quietly that evening while enjoying the view outside.

Meanwhile, I thought of Andrew and ways to tell him about my past.

It's been four days since that incident happened. I bet Andy is also waiting for me for an answer. I contacted Mr. yang and Ms.Lee and they both wanted to come today to check on me. But I know deep inside they wanted to meet the famous Mr. Aloha.

The bell rang at 7 and I went to greet my guests but when I opened the door I saw Mr.CEO tagging along with them.

"Hey, buddy, we missed you." They both came running and hugged me.

"Hello" Andrew greeted me and came inside.

Seeing my curious reaction, Mr. yang explained "Oh! Boss gave us a ride as we told him that we were about to visit you since he also lived in the same building. I hope you don't mind", they all headed in after removing their shoes.

It's not like I don't mind but I am not sure how will Hyung react and also since they both are meeting for the first time and only one person knows my past and the other person don't. Oh, also Andrew thinks of us differently. Ahhhh, what have you done Mr. yang? I sighed and prepared myself for the worst.

We all sat in the living room and the atmosphere definitely felt odd. Ms. Lee was checking out the books on the shelf after she introduced herself and then Mr. Yang initiated the talk.

"Sir, my name is Oscar Yang, I work at the same company as Mr. Kiro and this is our boss, Mr. Andrew, he is our current CEO for the time being." Andrew bowed and so did Hyung.

"I guess your boss visits every employee's family member when they are going through a hard time, Isn't it right Mr. Andrew? You must be having so much free time on your hands", Hyung asked him in a taunting manner.

Mr. Yang and I looked at each other in surprise and felt nervous. "Well, not every employee but you see Mr. Kiro here is rather a special one. Isn't it right Mr. Kiro?" he looked at me and I felt the pressure. Hyung also looked at me and I froze on the spot without giving an answer.

"Mr. Aloha I would like to borrow this book for some time. Can I?" suddenly Ms. Lee spoke from behind and broke the tension.

"Oh, sure! Sure you can Ms. Lee. Hyung would not mind at all", I gave an awkward smile to Hyung and sent him signals so as not to speak any further.

"Sa....umm...Kiro since your boss is here, why don't you bring out the new flavored coffee first", Hyung as if getting my signal told me to make it for everyone.

"Ah! Yes, while I make coffee why don't you guys watch TV or you can even get advice from Hyung regarding the content for the event. Mr. Yang immediately started talking about it with Hyung while Andy asked for directions to the restroom.

The kitchen was not in the hallway but instead, it was near to the restroom. As I guided Andy to the washroom an uneasiness surrounded me. I knew it was not the time for us to be together so I urged him to leave as soon as he can. I knew he would be offended since the patience reaches its level too but still I tried my best. He went inside the washroom without replying back and meanwhile I started making coffee for everyone. I heard the door to the washroom closing behind and a sudden embrace enveloped me.

"I'm sorry but I can't wait anymore. How much more patient do I have to be? Honestly, I can't stand to see you being giddy with another person?" Andrew hugged me from behind as I was pouring coffee from the coffee machine and demanded an answer.

His answer didn't surprise me but rather made me feel pity for him. Once again I thought how selfish I was as I only cared about my own feelings and made him wait again. "Wait here", I picked the coffee tray and saw those three playing games on the PlayStation.

"Since, when did we have this at home?" I put the coffee on the table along with some snacks that Ms.Lee and Mr. Yang bought and heard Mr. Yang say that the CEO brought it as a gift since Mr. Aloha didn't work out too much maybe the virtual gaming will help him to exercise.

"Where is the boss by the way?", inquired Ms. Lee.

"Maybe he's taking a dump? Lol", spoke Hyung while being all competitive in the virtual game.

"You guys are looking like teenagers", I laughed and left the hall.

I went inside my room and came back with a pen drive in my hand. Then I handed it over to Andy.

"Here, in this, you will find answers to everything, I am sorry I don't have the courage to tell you everything on your face but I have recorded everything in this, so when you return after having dinner listen to it at home. Now, come on everyone is waiting. They think you are taking a dump", I giggled as I took the lead.

"What?" Andy felt outraged and probably embarrassed.

"Ah and also Mr. Aloha is my big brother and nothing more, in case you misunderstand again", I further added.

When Andy returned they all started laughing and soon the awkward atmosphere was filled with happy faces. The evening went fine after that without Hyung and Andy taunting each other and also because Andy now wanted to be at his best behavior and he seemed pretty cute to me.

The next morning

"Mr. Kiro welcome back, I hope your brother is fine now," my colleagues greeted me warmly as I returned office after some days.

We didn't know that you were Mr. Aloha's brother, please get us an autograph next time, they all seemed energetic.

"Ah! sure", I nodded and was happy at the same time since they all accepted me without any doubts.

I instantly got back to work and when the day was over I got a text from Andrew and on it was an address to a rather uninviting location.

To be continued.....