Neptunus's 'Size'

   "Since the closeness of my mom and the Detective, I thought that I didn't need a family anymore to achieve true happiness, so I became a man who might be could be called a playboy, but in fact, having the heart of many women is not true happiness for me, because the only thing that can make my life feels perfect is the integrity of my family. So I want to tell you, love your parents while their turn to 'come back' has not come," said Neptunus.

"So now you're going to retire to be a playboy?" asked Nuansa.

"I don't know, I really can't accept the Detective until now, and that's what I think is the reason for my lack of close relationship with my sister and my mom. I thought that if my mom and the Detective didn't fall in love with each other, I wouldn't be further away from my family, but the reality is different. And they haven't get married yet because they don't have my blessing."

"They're going to get married?"

"Hahaha." Neptunus laughed, a sign that he answered 'yes' but with a heavy heart. Nuansa then could only smile.

"Is that how bad your future dad seems to you?" said Nuansa.

"I do not know, what I see he is a good person, but somehow something inside me rejects his existence to be a part of my family, even though he is a Detective, who works as a whistleblower, it is certain that he is a good person and maybe deserves to be loved by my mom, but I also do not understand why I refused and felt sad at the same time when seeing him so happy with my mom."

"It's natural I guess, what else you are a man, it must be difficult to see your mom fall in love with a man who is not your dad. You only need time to understand your mom's feelings, because it seems Auntie Bulan really understands how do you feel about this, so you also have to understand her feelings."

"What do you mean?"

"Yeah ... I think Auntie Bulan really needs another man who can protect her and her children."

"So do you think my dad was failed to protect us?"

"What? I didn't say and didn't mean it like that. Your dad was an amazing person, and he also realized that you need someone to replace him, so that at least you have a shield that protects you from evils, just get it. I know that you love your dad very much, but this is what he wanted, and all of this is for your good too."

"But my dad didn't say he wanted my mom to marry the Detective."

"Oh come on, you only understand bra sizes?"

Neptunus fell silent.

"Don't you think that your mom must have had some trauma from that incident? She must have felt like she had to be protected after all of that. You also have to understand very well how the trauma can happen and work, because you don't seem to understand the effects of the terrible incident in later by people who experience it while they are still breathing," said Nuansa.

"Maybe it's because my life has always been going well all this time. But, you're talking as if you've also been traumatized, or are still traumatized by something, am I right?" said Neptunus.

"Well, that's true. I was the victim of bullying when I was in middle school, even though everything was normal during my elementary school days, and I never thought that I would be part of the bully, as a victim of course."

"Are you being bullied?"

"Don't think that because I'm a lower class citizen, my old school friends could bully me arbitrarily. Actually, they are all good, but love problems changed everything."

"I thought you were being bullied because of your small size."


"Eh? No, no."

'I have to be patient, this guy is insane,' Nuansa thought as she rubbed her chest, which Neptunus said was rather flat for a girl who is not a tomboy.

"You said love problems changed everything, it means you got into love problems in your early teens, whereas before you said that you never dated, so which one is correct?" asked Neptunus.

"Hey, I have never dated before, what else in middle school, I never thought of dating at that age, called 'baby' to the opposite sex that you liked while you're still a kid is disgusting, you know?"

"It's not disgusting, I never found it disgusting. Maybe it's because you don't have a love interest in your opposite sex."

Nuansa then fell silent with a flat expression.

"So, about the bullying that I experienced, it all started when there was a boy who liked me, even though he was already liked by a girl who was also a gang leader who was quite famous in my school, but that boy did not return to her feelings." continued Nuansa.

"Then you were bullied by a gang?" Neptunus guessed.

"Yes, you will not be able to imagine how it feels, the pain is not much, but the trauma has been a problem for me until now. I decided to out of my school because of that, besides because my parents were also unable to pay for me to go to school. I became less willing to make friends again because honestly, all the gang members who bullied me were my close friends, that's why now I almost have no friends other than my chips customers."

"Is that all the trauma?"

"I know. What I know, trauma can disappear if the person who experiences it has a strong mentality and a strong desire to get rid of the trauma, but depending on how severe the cause is, the lighter the cause of the trauma, the faster the feeling will heal."

"Then, why are you being bullied?"

Nuansa spontaneously opened her mouth wide at Neptunus's question just now.

'I know his mind is dirty but is it too dirty and makes him being that stupid?' inner Nuansa.

"I mean, that fuck boy wasn't dating you, was he? In the end, you didn't return his feelings, did you?" asked Neptunus.

"Fuck boy?"

"He deserves that nickname, he's the one who made you bullied."

"You are more deserving I think."


"Ok, you're my client, so I have to be polite to you, even though you keep mentioning my chest size, but I have to remain polite to you," said Nuansa very forced.

"Do you want us to talk about breasts?"


"Oh, yeah, the girl gang bullied me because their leader didn't like it when the 'fuck boy' liked me, even though in the end we weren't dating. Hey, is there a better and better-to-hear nickname for him?" continued Nuansa.

"What if 'The less handsome than Neptunus'?" suggested Neptunus.

"Huh, forget it, it just sounds more disgusting. No less disgusting than you."


"No, no!"

"That's a pretty nickname, you know."

"Yes, I know. Are you satisfied now?"

"You have to understand the point, you must not understand what it means, right?"

"Yes, I don't understand the meaning. Wow, the meaning might be so good. I wonder what it means. What does that mean?" asked Nuansa in a tone that strongly indicated that she was asking very forcefully.

"You didn't accept him as your boyfriend, did you? That means he is much uglier than me."

"If I don't get paid, I really don't want to be your girlfriend. Which woman wants a man who always alludes to bra and breasts in their conversation."

"Hmm, really? Then let's bet. If you really like me later, then you have to tell me your bra size."

"What if I get even more disgusted to you later?"

"I'll tell you 'my size'."

"Oh my gosh."