Short Movies

   "How? Do you accept it?" asked Neptunus.

"Of course, although I don't need to know 'your size'," said Nuansa.

"It's just a small gift."

"If you don't want to do it, it's okay, I will be disgusted to know 'your size'."

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm fine to do it."

"I don't know why this human could be so happy when other people know his 'size.' It's really insane," muttered Nuansa.


"Eh? What?"

"What were you saying?"


"Yes, what?"

"Yes, what."

"Tsk, what?"

"Yes, what."

"Grrh, I asked, what did you say earlier?"

"Yes, what."

"Why are you asking back?!"

"I didn't ask back. I admit that I said 'what' earlier."


"Yes, what."

"Argh! What did you say earlier?!"

"Yes, 'what.'."

"Oh, my God!"

'Sigh, I'm safe, if I don't give those answers, he would know if I talked about him earlier,' thought Nuansa.

"Now, answer me seriously, or I'll touch your whole body!" Neptunus threatens Nuansa because he is already annoyed by Nuansa playing him.

"Yes, but you have to pay with a really high price," joked Nuansa.



"You made an offer, right? I can do it."

"Argh, you are insane."


"All right, all right. I'm sorry."

"I forgive you, but there are conditions."

"What are the conditions?"

"I touch your body with free."

Nuansa spontaneously slaps Neptunus again and leaves. Neptunus then laughed with amusement at that, even though Nuansa's slap was quite painful, but it was well deserved.

"Hey! Hey! I was just kidding!" Neptunus exclaimed while pursuing Nuansa. "I never thought to touch your body, I don't want to do it," continued Neptunus.

"If you want to talk about flat and fat again, yes mine is flat but it's original because I am grateful for what God has given to me," said Nuansa.

"What do you mean?"

"You said your exes' chest sizes are above average, right?"

"Yes, not like you."

"It's quite offensive to my heart, but it's okay, you're insane."


"Ok, ok. So, I understand what the average size is for you, and definitely, the benchmark is not our race's women, if they have a size that is above average, then it is certain that it is silicone."


"Or surgery."


"Yes, and that's the same as not being grateful for what God has given to us."

"Excuse me, but theirs all are real."

"How do you know? Did you ever ask them?"

"Eh? N-no, but ..."

"Hahaha, 'fat' but fake, who knows their originals are flatter than paper."

"How do you know? Did you ever ask them?" Neptunus asked back.

"Emh ... I'm a woman, so I do understand about things like that."

"Miss know-it-all."

"It's better to be Miss know-it-all than pretend not knowing it."

"You don't know."

"I know!"

"How do you know?"

"I just ... know."

"Miss know-it-all."

"Hey! Don't get around the conversation!"

"Miss know-it-all."

"Come on, it doesn't connect at all."

"Miss know-it-all."

"Grrrh, cut it out! It doesn't connect at all!"

"That just connected!"

"Mr. Know-it-all." Nuansa finally had a chance to get back at Neptunus so well and as the result, the man looked speechless and annoyed, while Nuansa just laughed at that.

When the two of them arrived at the door, a bus stopped in front of the gate and made Nuansa and Neptunus turn towards the gate.

"School bus?" said Nuansa.

"Yeah, why?" asked Neptunus.

"Your sister is still in elementary school?"

"No, next month she will have her seventeenth birthday."

"Then why is she still using the school bus?"

"That's called unlimited facilities."

"Really? Mr. know-it-all."

"Oh, Gosh."


Vega then got off her school bus and went into Neptunus and Nuansa.

"Hey, tell me something," said Nuansa to Neptunus.

"What?" asked Neptunus.

"Did you also get picked up by your campus by a bus?"

"Hey, don't make me laugh."

"But I suppose everything to do with your family relates to unlimited facilities."

"Miss know-it-all."

"Come on, that's a really annoying answer."

"Miss know-it-all."

Nuansa then can only snort while closing her eyes. She only opened her eyes when she felt that someone is sniffing her whole body. 

Nuansa was surprised and shouted a little when she found Vega, who was sniffing her body. She spontaneously avoided Vega.

"Wowowo, what's wrong with me?" asked Nuansa while smelling her scent. "I'm fine, I'm using deodorant, take it easy," she continued.

"What deodorant are you using?" asked Neptunus.

"Re-" answered Nuansa.

"Aaah, Rexona, it brings me very sweet memories."

"You have fond memories with deodorant?"

"Hey, I'm talking about one of my exes, her name is Rexona."

"Ok ... I don't know if her parents were overly creative or what so they did take a deodorant brand name for their daughter's name."

"Can we not talk about Rexona first?! Who is this girl?!" Vega asked Neptunus.

"All right. Nuansa, this is Vega, my hyper talkative mother, she is also very concerned about me. Oh yeah, she is listed as my sister on our family members," said Neptunus.

"I'm Nuansa." Nuansa introduces herself to Vega.

Vega was silent to hear Nuansa introduce herself. "Her name is a lot stranger than Rexona, isn't it?" whispered Vega to Neptunus as she looked at Nuansa.

"Indahsari is her last name, so I don't think it's too strange," Neptunus answered his younger sister.

Vega then looked away from Nuansa and pulled Neptunus's hand to take him away from Nuansa.

"Explain to me, who is she?!" asked Vega.

"She's your future sister-in-law, so be polite to her," Neptunus replied.

"Future sister-in-law?!"


"But, who is she? Why didn't I know her before?!"

"Now you know, honey." Neptunus then returned to Nuansa, Vega followed him.

"Forgive her, please. Vega is always like, yeah ... you know ... Maybe you can say she's like that animal that you know what its name without I have to mention it. When she saw me with a girl, she always checked them from head to toes, then she's going to interrogate them, including you, I guess," said Neptunus.

"Yes, I have the intention to do it now, but I have to change my clothes first," said Vega.

"Why did you come home so early today?" Neptunus asked Vega.

"Our talkative teacher who was supposed to teach today was being a victim of a kidnapping incident that just happened this morning and has not been found yet," Vega replied.

"Wow, this can be a case for your dad-to-be, right?" said Nuansa.

"Yes, I would love to give him a job, but the thing is we were 'partying' in our class when we heard the news, hope she will never be found, because oh my God, hearing her speak and always getting angry make our ears all tired."


"But of course I will tell Uncle Eugene about this, or maybe I should start calling him dad now. Whatever, I will change my clothes first and celebrate the disappearance of the teacher who makes us always do ear exercises every time she teaches." Vega then entered and went to her bedroom, Neptunus was about to follow her, but Nuansa held him back.

"Where are you going?" asked Nuansa.

"To the toilet, I want to poop," replied Neptunus.

"It's not because Vega and I were talking about your future dad, right?"

"No, not at all."


"You can come to my bedroom if you feel bored waiting for Vega, I have some collection of short movies there and some good books to read."



Nuansa is now in Neptunus's very spacious bedroom. She approached the small bookshelf that was there. The girl was shocked when she saw the shelf because it was filled with pornographic men's magazines.

"For God's sake, why is there a human like him?" murmured Nuansa, she then went to a place where Neptune kept his CD collection.


All the short movies that Neptunus referred to are in fact only pornographic movies.