I Do Not Love You

   Neptunus goes to Vega's bedroom after defecating. The door of her sister's bedroom was slightly open, so he could peek inside and see Nuansa and Vega laughing for something Neptunus didn't know.

The man then knocked on the bedroom door.

"Ow." Vega stopped her laughter as she approached Neptunus.

"We have talked and exchanged stories, she is a good girl and really suits to you who have many flaws, I like her, she is fun too, I really don't mind if she will become my sister-in-law. You must tell me more about her later. Good luck, big bro," continued Vega, she then went out from her bedroom and let Neptunus and Nuansa having time together.

"So ... You're here, I'm looking for you everywhere," said Neptunus after Vega left.

"Yes, I walked around here and got acquainted with the maids here," said Nuansa.

"Why don't you just stay in my bedroom? I thought you'd be in my bedroom for a long time."

"For what? Spending time with those pornographic magazines? Oh come on, I'm straight."

"I didn't tell you about the magazines, so I thought you were just going to watch the movies."

"Don't miss the 'porn'."

"It's the same, right?"

Nuansa then looked at Neptunus with a flat gaze. "Don't you have a long movie?"

"Long movie?"

"For God's sake, if I only mentioned 'movie', surely you'd still be talking about porn."

"What's in my bedroom is all my current collection, looks like my collections will increase."

Nuansa can only shake her head because she understands that Neptunus still has no intention of collecting a real movie.

"You're not going to go to your college?" asked Nuansa.

"In two hours, I want to take you to go to someplace? We're not going to stay in this house, are we?" said Neptunus.

"Oh, it's a great idea! Where are we going? Park? Game rides?" Nuansa enthusiastically welcomed Neptunus's invitation.

"Swimming pool."

"Eh? What?"

"Yeah, swimming pool."

"But, why a swimming pool? In hot weather like this?"

"You know that the swimming pool has always a beautiful view."

"Huh?" Nuansa seems confused. "Oh, gosh." The girl then came out of the bedroom, because she's sorry that she understood what was Neptunus meant.

"Hahaha." Neptunus laughed at Nuansa. "Hey, wait," he continued as Nuansa went out.

"I better not go anywhere with you. Wherever you go, there is always a dirty side in your eyes all over the places," said Nuansa.

"What's wrong with the swimming pool?"

"I'm twenty-one years old, Neptunus, I understand that you only want to see girls' clothes get wet and tighten in the swimming pool."

"That's only one of the points."

"No, that's the only point."

"Miss know-it-all."

"Grrrr, don't start that thing again. Never mind, I want to continue selling my cassava chips."


"Where's my wage?"

"Oh, yeah, I just remembered that." Neptunus then took out an envelope filled with his money from his pocket, then gave it to Nuansa. "Wow, it's a nice job, huh? Just talk and the yo get this money." he continued.

"Sorry for the blackmail, Mr. Eighth," joked Nuansa with a smile and wistful eyes.

"Mr. Eighth?" Neptunus looks confused.

"You're Neptunus."

"Of course I'm Neptunus-, oh, my God. Hahaha, you are ... You make me want to 'blackmail' you too."

"Hahahaha. Wait, what? Blackmail?"

"I'm not having a dirty mind this time. Take it easy, I didn't mean it for your bacon."


"You're not watermelon."

"Huh?" Nuansa was silent for a moment. "Oh, my God."

"Mr. Know-it-all!" said Nuansa.

"Yes, I'm Mr. Know-it-all this time, so let me know it."

Hearing that, Nuansa spontaneously pinched Neptunus's hand, making the man unable to hold back his laughter. Nuansa then took her basket of cassava chips.

"Do you want me to take you home?" asked Neptunus.

"No, I'll just walk, who knows I'll get lots of buyers here," said Nuansa.

"Ok. Tomorrow I want to meet your parents, to make them not feel that I am dangerous as someone you just met."

"No problem."

"Okay. Tomorrow your schedule with me will be busier than today. In the afternoon to the evening, you will talk with my mom, at night you will come with me to attend a birthday party of one of my friends at her house, even though I do not like her, but we have no problem, she invited me, and I can't refuse it. As well as I want to introduce you to my friends, I'm not going to make them keep asking me where is my new girlfriend."

"It doesn't matter to me for all of that, as long as my wage is consistent and never late."


"Hey, with that, you're even free to insult my chest size."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Very well, see you tomorrow, Mr. Eighth." Nuansa waved her hand as she walked backward, the wave was then replied by Neptunus.


Nuansa is finally arriving home in the afternoon with an empty basket. Today she did not go to the police station where Reynand works, because the chips were sold out even at noon.

The girl was surprised by Reynand's arrival at her home, which her parents welcomed.

"There she is!" said Durah to Reynand while pointing at Nuansa, Nuansa then forced a smile on her lips.

"So this is the guy named Reynand, Nuansa? He is a good man, we'll really happy if you two are paired later," said Arfan.

"Emh, yes, Dad, hehe. Dad, Mom, can you two leave us here for a moment? I need to talk privately with him," said Nuansa.

"Oh, sure." Durah and Arfan welcomed Nuansa's request, they thought that Reynand and Nuansa will talk about their 'romantic relationship'. The two of them then leave Nuansa with Reynand, they really like Reynand even though they just met him.

"How do you know where my house is?" Nuansa asked Reynand after her parents left.

"Your house is not far from the station where I work, so it's easy for me to find it. The real question is, why did you just disappear?" said Reynand.

"What do you mean?"

"I've talked to my parents about our relationship, Nuansa. But suddenly you disappeared without a word, you never came to my police station again."

"That's my right, right?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Did I give you a definite answer?"

"Not yet!" continued Nuansa.

"Nuansa, I really don't get it, what are you talking about?" asked Reynand.

"I reject you, Reynand, I do not love you."

Reynand was surprised to hear this.

"But you, you force my feelings to love you. No, I could never love you, I never even thought of loving you," continued Nuansa.

"But back then-"

"I always tried to keep your feelings not destroyed. You are really nice to me, so I didn't dare to be honest about this to you." Nuansa interrupted Reynand.

"Nuansa, you ..."

"I'm sorry, Reynand, this is what I wanted to tell you a long time ago, ever since you told me your love to me. You got really bad repayments for your kindness to me."

"What has changed you? This is not Nuansa that I know, tell me, something has made you change, right?"

"No, Reynand, this is the real me, I endured all this for a long time, I'm sorry."

Reynand could only be silent and completely did not expect this. "I need time." The man then left without saying goodbye to Arfan and Durah.

Nuansa's parents then realized that something had happened between Reynand and Nuansa, so they went back in.

"What happened, Nuansa? Why did Reynand leave, and he didn't even say goodbye," asked Durah.

"I ... I just did what I should have done since long ago, Mom," replied Nuansa.


"I don't love him, never loved him."

"Nuansa, don't say it's because of your new job," said Arfan.

"No, Dad. I ... I want to be alone first, excuse me." Nuansa then entered her bedroom, leaving her parents in confusion.