
    At 3 am, some people may have woken up to start their activities again, or even just going to sleep after staying up late, but Nuansa and her parents will only start their activities at 6 am and wake up at half-past six.

Yes, that's how things go on a daily basis, but apparently not for today. Nuansa awakened by the sound of knocking on the door of her house. A guest is waiting for the door to be opened by whoever is inside.

Nuansa wakes up in a very messy state. Her hair is matted, her saliva still stuck to her right cheek, and was accompanied by the 'special' smell of the mouth of someone who just waking up. She didn't tidy herself up first, because she wasn't fully conscious yet.

Who is visiting at this hour? Only that thing crossed her mind now.

With half-closed eyes, Nuansa opened the door and found Neptunus grinning at her showing his white teeth that as clear as crystal.

Suddenly Nuansa was shocked by what she just saw, she shouted a little and let her bad breath out towards Neptunus's face, which of course made Neptunus close his eyes because of the smell.

After shouting, Nuansa came back in and closed the door. She went to the bathroom outside her house to wash her face and brush her teeth. She tidied herself up, then opened the door again and still found Neptunus with his big scary smile.

"What are you doing in my house at this hour?!" asked Nuansa, but Neptunus did not answer and instead froze with his scary smile.

"Ok ... I need indigo right now," said Nuansa after she's not getting an answer from Neptunus. She was a little afraid and uncomfortable with Neptunus's attitude.

"Hey! I'm holding my breath! Talking to you will waste my stock of breath." Neptunus finally opened his voice in a muffled voice.

"Why do you-? Oh, my God, I've been brushing my teeth now."

"Is it true?"

"Haaaaaa." Nuansa deliberately gives Neptunus her now-refreshing breath because of her toothpaste.

"You don't have to do that either, actually," Neptunus said as he breathed again.

"You're three seconds late to say it. Now, tell me, what are you doing here at three in the morning?! And how do you know where my house is?"

"Humph, that's easy. I will be a detective's son-to-be."

"I'm being serious, Neptunus."

"I'm serious too, did I'm joking?"

Nuansa then looked outside and saw that some of her neighbors had left their house, and she immediately understood how Neptunus could locate her house.

"What are you doing here?" Nuansa asked Neptunus once again.

"You've asked that three times in three minutes, if you ask me like that again, I'll reduce your wage," threatened Neptunus.

"That's why answers are needed after questions! Just answer me!"

"Hey, it's still three in the morning, lower your tone, you can wake up everyone on the Earth."

"It's still late in some countries."

"Isn't it?"

Nuansa then fell silent. "Are you really a rich man?"

"Nuansa, what's wrong? Why are you so noisy?" asked Durah who came out with Arfan simultaneously while rubbing their eyes.

Neptunus then smiled seeing the two of them. "Hello, Auntie, Uncle," he said.


It is 7 in the morning now. Arfan and Neptunus become very close now, they talked about so many things. The two of them had just finished taking a shower, Neptunus even only wore a T-shirt and shorts at Nuansa's house.

Not long after, Durah and Nuansa arrived serving food and tea.

"Come on, come on, please finish it," said Durah.

"Mmmm, the smell is very good, it's very different from Nuansa's bad breath this morning," said Neptunus.

"Huh?" Durah looks confused.

"Em, what is this called, Auntie? Can you please explain one by one?" Neptunus changes the topic.

"Oh, of course. These are cassava cakes, it should be made with potatoes, but we replace the potatoes with cassava. Then this is getuk, this is fried cassava, this is cassava chips, this is boiled cassava, this is cassava skin chips, and this is cassava leaf," explained Durah.

"Everything is all about cassava, huh. No wonder you are very healthy."

"Do not mince words. You know that my dad is currently sick," said Nuansa sarcastically.

"Hey, don't underestimate your dad, maybe he is sick like what just you said, but he is still very strong to harvest and plant cassava, that means he is still physically strong."

"Huft, whatever, it's up to you."

"Hmm, can we start breakfast now?" asked Neptunus.

"Go ahead, come on, you must be very hungry and tired now because you have done eighty percent of Nuansa's dad's work in our garden earlier," said Durah.

"Okay, I'll try the cakes first."

"Mmm, mmmm, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I'm speechless, it's delicious, Auntie. The foods in a five-star hotel are inferior to your cakes," continued Neptunus.

"Actually, all of it was made by Nuansa, I only made the chips, because she can't make chips," said Durah.

"But she told me she couldn't cook."

"Huh? She's better at cooking than me, I think selling cassava chips makes her forgets some ways to cook."

Neptunus then stared at Nuansa with a mouth full of cakes. Nuansa then putting on a silly face for Neptunus.

"Sorry that we can only serve this simple dish, while you had come all the way here in the early morning just to help Nuansa's dad harvested cassava very quickly, and this is all that we can give to you. All of this must be very different from what you usually eat in the morning, what's more, there is no dining table here, so surely you're not used to breakfast sitting down like this," said Durah.

"Ah, it's okay, Auntie, in fact, I am happy that you serve me with all your heart," said Neptunus.

"We are the ones who are happy with your arrival who help me with your sincerity, son. I did not expect that you are this kind of person, you are very pleasant and not a mommy boy as a person who grew up in a rich family, you have very strong energy and are very worthy of getting a wife who is very kind too. You're really kind, thank you for everything," said Arfan.

"Take it easy, Uncle, this also adds to my experience, I'm grateful because at least I have experienced how it feels to farming, even if I only do it once in my life," said Neptunus. Arfan then just nodded his head.


After breakfast, the four of them talked about Neptunus's plans that will bring Nuansa today with him.

"So, Auntie, Uncle, I ask you permission to borrow your daughter today, this one full day. She won't be selling cassava chips today, I'm taking her to a birthday party for one of my friends tonight, and this afternoon my mom wants to talk to her more, so, yeah, she won't be here until evening." Neptunus asked for permission, Arfan and Durah then glanced at each other and chuckled afterward.

"You pay her for that, right? Then why are you asking us for permission again?" said Durah.

"I think because I'm someone you just met, you'll doubt me."

"Hahaha, no, not at all, we believe in you."

Neptunus smiled at that. "So, Nuansa has given you her first wage?" he asked.

"Hey! It's already my money now, don't be annoying," said Nuansa.

"I didn't ask you."

"But ... Argh."

Neptunus then took something out of his pocket. "Here, Auntie, this money, use it to buy lunch and dinner for both of you and Uncle Arfan." Neptunus gave some of his money to Durah directly into her hand. Durah certainly refused the money.

"We still have cassava for lunch and dinner, you don't have to give this money to us," said Durah.

"Then, just accept it, if you refused your sustenance, your sustenance can be dragged down, you know."

Durah thought for a moment, then smiled and accepted the money. "Thank you."

Neptunus returned the smile with a nod.