Screwed Up

    Nuansa, Bulan, and Vega are now chatting in the living room accompanied by some snacks.

Meanwhile, Neptunus finally came home and told Nuansa to get ready while he cleans up, but Nuansa has been ready since a few minutes ago, so there is no problem, the girl just needs to wait for Neptunus.

Neptunus only needed 5 minutes to take a shower and get dressed, he then returned to the living room to invite Nuansa to leave, of course, this is made his mom, his sister, and his hired girlfriend confused because of the time he needed to take a shower and get dressed was only 5 minutes.

"Come on." Neptunus invites Nuansa.

"Huh? You've done everything? Wow, that was so fast," said Nuansa.

"How the way did you showering? I don't think it's been five minutes since you came back," said Bulan.

"I didn't need to take a long time to take a shower because I took a shower before I went to the college," said Neptunus.

"Emh, alright, Auntie, Vega, I have to go." Nuansa saying goodbye to Bulan and Vega.

"Alright. You guys are going to Emma's birthday party, right?" asked Bulan.

"Yes," replied Neptunus.

"I hope there's no single thing that out of limits at the party."

"What do you mean?"

"You know what Emma is like, I'm worried that the party show throw won't have a difference with a club."

"I think it doesn't matter, all of the attendees are more than twenty-one years old, except Nuansa, she's exact twenty-one years."

"But the kind of those things are not good, son."

"We know our limits, Mom."

"Sigh, it's up to you."

"Come on, Nuansa," said Neptunus.

"What? I don't know what did you talking about with your mom," Nuansa whispered to Neptunus.

"Ssssht, don't be curious," said Neptunus. Nuansa then could only snort.


On the way to the mall to buy a dress for Nuansa, Neptunus and Nuansa don't forget to chat in the car.

"So, as you know, my friend's name is Emma, ​​I don't like her because she is 'naughty' as a girl. She also has some friends who have the same traits as her, but she's the worst in my opinion, she is bitchy, whatever, I'm confused about what word is suitable to describe her figure," said Neptunus.

"Maybe you wanna say 'sickening'?" said Nuansa.

"You could say that. She is an arrogant person because she is from high-class people, she forced all of the people from our college to come to her birthday party."

"Where does she throw the party?"

"In her house."

"Isn't it will interfere with her family her neighbors?"

"No, her whole family is now in A country, on a business thing, and Emma's house has no neighbors because its splendor makes the house take up a lot of land until the house that can be in the area is only one house."

"Wow, that's impressive."

"Wait till you see Emma, ​​you'll immediately disgust on her."

"Then why do you want to come to her party?"

"I told you she forced us to come to her party with anyone, you don't know how she when she's forcing, she can disturb our lives just to make sure that we'll come to her party."

Nuansa could only swallow her saliva.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine at the party, I guarantee you," said Neptunus, who seems to know that Nuansa is now feared to being bullied at the party later.

"But I was just a lower-class girl, she will have thrown me out if she knew how my life is."

"That's why I am with you, don't be embarrassed, and don't be afraid, only rich tacky people who like to oppress people because of their wealth."

Nuansa then smiles to heard Neptunus' words just now, thank goodness even though he's annoying, but his heart is kind, thought Nuansa.

They finally arrive at the mall which also the mall where Neptunus resets the smartphone that he has given to Nuansa.

"We'll take your smartphone first," said Neptunus.

"Whatever, I'll just go with you."


Neptunus and Nuansa then entered the mall and went to a very busy gadget repair center. Nuansa let Neptunus take care of everything because she doesn't understand anything.

"Here." Neptunus gave the smartphone again to Nuansa.

"There is already a sim card on it, even the mobile data is filled, you only have to use it," continued Neptune.

"Thank you," said Nuansa.

"You're welcome. Now, let's go find a dress and shoes for you."

Nuansa then just nodded and walked following Neptunus' steps. They then went up to the second floor and that's where the clothing store is. The store is large and busy, specifically for selling women's clothing, so the visitors are mostly women, although some of them shop here with their husband, boyfriend, or children.

"Can you just go? Most people here are women, I'll feel uncomfortable if you accompany me shopping," Nuansa whispered to Neptunus.

"What? What's the problem? That woman is accompanied by her husband and children, that one is accompanied by her partner but I don't know whether they are dating or married, the point is you don't have to feel bad, I'm not the only man here," said Neptunus.

"But you have to promise that you have to act normal."

"When did I become abnormal?"

"Grrh, never mind." Nuansa became worried that Neptunus will make a mess because she saw there is some underwear there. The girl then decided to enter the store alone. Neptunus catches up behind her, but in the end, they're apart.

Nuansa takes a long time to choose clothes that suit her, she doesn't want to wear a complicated dress, so the girl chose a red dress that looks so beautiful, but at an affordable price.

When she's about to pay the dress at the cashier, Nuansa realized that she had lost Neptunus, who was supposed to pay for the dress, because the girl didn't have any money.

"Wait a minute, please," said Nuansa to the cashier, she then went around the store and looked for Neptunus.

Nuansa finally found Neptunus who's playing with a little boy who's lost from his parents' supervision. Instead of asking the child to play positive things or looking for his parents, Neptunus made the boy laugh with a bra he wore in his eyes.

Suddenly Nuansa became very embarrassed because Neptunus became the center of attention of the visitors here with his action.

"What are you doing?" Nuansa asked in a slow but growling tone, she also pinched Neptunus' ass which of course made Neptunus moan in pain, this also added to the little boy's amusement.

"Hey! What are you-!" protested Neptunus.

"You embarrassed me."

"I'm just comforting this kid, he looks very sad because he is separated from his parents."

"But this is not the right way!"

"Well, I don't think of any other way, it's an emergency."

Nuansa really can't stop thinking with Neptunus' way of thinking, she is very embarrassed by this and annoyed because Neptunus acted as if he is not wrong and he also returned the bra.

'He screwed up everything! Gosh!' inner Nuansa.