
    Neptunus is waiting for Nuansa in makeup now, there's a makeup brand that having a big discount and offering free professional makeup artist at the mall, but the condition is Nuansa has to buy up all of the brand's makeup products to get a big discount and free professional makeup services.

Nuansa initially wanted to think twice because if she buys all of them, she could spend half of her daily wage from Neptunus, but Neptunus without hesitation agreed to that condition and took all the costs to make Nuansa appear with a party atmosphere.

After the embarrassing incident at the women's clothing store, the two of them did not immediately leave the mall, but instead looked for shoes for Nuansa first and accidentally saw the makeup brand promo, so Neptunus immediately took Nuansa there. 

The man has been waiting for more than 20 minutes now, he has finished 4 ice cream while waiting for Nuansa on makeup, but the girl hasn't finished yet. Neptunus then decided to go inside after more than 20 minutes of sitting on the bench outside.

When entering the makeup brand's store, Neptunus runs into Nuansa which has just finished her makeover. The girl is now wearing a red dress and high heels with a very neat blend of makeup, making Neptunus impressed with her.

Nuansa feeling a little difficult to walking in high heels.

"Wow, you look beautiful," said Neptunus.

"See? You insisted on telling me to buy a very long dress earlier, but now you praise me, it means you like this dress," said Nuansa.

"Yes, it suits you very well. You know? I was thinking that I wouldn't pay for everything because I feel lost, but seeing the results, I feel like I will regret not paying all the expenses you need to be like this."

"Thanks to this master of makeup, she helped out in many ways."

"Yes, you're right." 

"Stop staring at me!" Nuansa protested, feeling uneasy that Neptunus didn't take his eyes off her.

"Sorry, but you look soooo beautiful," said Neptunus.

"Hey, you look more normal now, I mean, thank goodness this made your mind clearer."

"I like you in such a tight dress like this."

"HUH?!" Nuansa immediately mirrored to check how tight the dress is, which made her chest and her butt look quite clear.

"Don't you dare!" continued Nuansa.

"Hahaha, no, I'm just kidding, I didn't think about it," said Neptunus, he then completed the payment for Nuansa's makeup to the makeup's brand.


Neptunus and Nuansa are on their way to Emma's house right now. The streets are quite congested, so the two of them could have some time to chat.

"How much the price all of this?" asked Nuansa.

"As a gentleman, I will tell you that you don't need to replace it with your money," said Neptunus.

"I'm just asking, not intending to replace your money that went out to make me like this now."

"No, no, you don't need to know."


"Let it be men's business."


"Hey, I'm serious."

"Really? Then don't cut my wage, okay?"

"Oh of course."

"Ok, alright."

Both of them then fell into the silence, but a few seconds later, Neptunus say something.

"There's something I want to tell you about me, about Emma, and a few other things," said Neptunus.

"Mhm, what is it?" asked Nuansa.

"First, you need to know that only my exes and you who know how the real me, the rest don't, so in front of other people including my family, just act like them."

"What do you mean?"

"Other people know that I am a good boy, cool, do not act much, although quite friendly and not economical in talking. I'm also smart, I'm not praising myself by the way, and I'm an idol student on my campus."

"So you're full of fakes in front of other people?"

"Is it sounds like that?"

"One hundred percent yes."

"I don't think so, I'm just trying to make other people comfortable with me."

"Then what about me and your exes?"

"Oh, I behaved how the real me in front of them to knowing that did they still want to stay with me with my true nature which I think can be said annoyingly."

"I think people don't care how you are, I mean, you are rich, you know that most people are respected by how much wealth they have."

"Well, you're right, but I don't think that way because I feel that I don't have any possessions, they all belong to my parents."

"So, basically you're afraid of being shunned so you act as perfect as possible?"


"It's very strange, it's ridiculous if you act like that just because you feel that all the possessions you have now are not yours. After all, in this world, wealth is not number one, so you can still be loved even if you feel that you have nothing, at least like me, I still have parents who love me no matter how much the wealth I have. You're just afraid of being left."

"I don't think so, to be precise-, ah, forget it."


"Emh, Emma's family is now in Los Angeles on a business thing, her birthday now can only be accompanied by her maids and her friends."

"Why didn't Emma come to Los Angeles with her family?"

"She's in college, you forget about it?"

"Ooh, right."

"I warned you that the party atmosphere will be noisy because Emma hired a DJ, but take it easy because the location of her house is quite far from crowds, Emma's house to the closest neighbor's house is three hundred meters away, so, yes, quite far."


"Emma likes me, but I don't like her because she is not my type, I in front of other people seem never sensitive to Emma's feelings for me, even though I know exactly how she wants to have me. She is always hostile to girls who once dated me."

"You're so full of fakes, aren't you? I still don't understand why."

"You'd better never understand."


"Mhm, no, forget it."

"Then what about your family? I mean, they must know that Neptunus shouldn't be what they see now."

"I've been like this since my childhood, you know. In front of my family, I'm just an ordinary person, like I don't show how I am, and I don't show how I'm just acting. Besides, they can think I change as I get older, right?"

"Ok, I don't get it and I'm getting dizzy now."

"Hahaha, we better not talk about this."

"Yes, I agree."

'But why does he want to look perfect? Why is he pretending? What's the matter? This is strange for me, this is the first time I found a person who has a very big intention to duplicate his personality,' thought Nuansa.

'He's not mentally ill, is he?' thought the girl. 'Gosh, what I am thinking about?'