Ihih, The Head Maid

    It's been more than 20 minutes since Nuansa is standing in Emma's front yard's house with the cars and the big motorcycles of Emma's friends. The girl is standing in her high heels for the last 20 minutes, so she started to feel achy in her legs.

Nuansa then looked up at the sky and realized that soon it will be raining, so she goes on 'war' with herself.

'Should I'm in? Should I?' she thought.

'If I'm in, I will only be greeted by drunken people, and I will be forced to get drunk too.'

"But they're just drunk people anyway, they're a little out of their mind, so I should be able to avoid them."

'But if I walking in and suddenly got curious about alcohol, I also can get drunk.'

'Heh? Why should I curious about it? Alcohol is not good, I don't need to be curious about it.'

"But how this house inside looks like, huh?"

"Ah, never mind, just getting in, it's not a hard thing to do." Nuansa then entered Emma's house. The house is as big as Neptunus' house, but Nuansa also needed time to adapt to memorize every corner of a big house like this.

"Oh, so they're party there," murmured Nuansa as she looked at the backyard which only bordered by a transparent glass barrier with the inside of the house.

Nuansa seeing the backyard door, she understood that she only needed to go through that door to join those who are partying. But Nuansa decided not to go to the backyard and looking for the living room, so she looked at the rooms at Emma's house one by one.

There are not many rooms on the 1st floor, only the dining room, the kitchen, and the living room. First, Nuansa comes to the living room, but there are some of Emma's friends who are drunk and then fall asleep, or even some are still conscious but still, they all are drunk.

The girl then closed her intention to rest in the living room, so she looked for another room on the 1st floor, and found the dining room, it's closed because it is not in use. Nuansa knows that it's the dining room because the door was made of transparent glass, just like the large glass barrier in the backyard.

The door is not locked, but she did not dare to enter it because she's afraid of being seen as presumptuous, moreover Emma's house is different from Neptunus' house, here, CCTVs are everywhere, while Neptunus' house has only 3 CCTVs on the 1st floor, 2nd floor, and the front yard.  

She then decided to look for another room. The last room on the 1st floor is located at the very end from the entrance, close to the stairs to the 2nd floor. Yes, Emma's house design on the 1st floor is just a long hallway with stairs at the end, 3 rooms on the left, and the backyard on the right which is separated from the 1st floor, separated by a barrier made of glass.

Nuansa then entered the kitchen and found an old woman in pajama who's now drinking water. The girl knocked on the kitchen's door before the old woman invited her to in. The old woman immediately finished her activity quickly.

"Auntie, can I come in?" asked Nuansa.

"Oh, yeah, Miss, come in," said the old woman. Nuansa then entered and sat on a chair that was there, she also took off her high heels.

"Shall I make you a drink, Miss?" asked the old woman who seemed to be Emma's maid.

"No, Auntie, I'm not thirsty," said Nuansa.

"Oh, alright. Why did you leave the party?"

"I didn't even join."

"Huh? Who are you? I've never seen you before."

"I'm Neptunus' new girlfriend, I don't even know Emma yet, I should have known her today, at this party, but I didn't expect her birthday party to be like this, so I decided not to join them and just go here."

"I see. I am Ihih, the head maid here."



'Is she a lost sibling of Auntie Haha, Auntie Hihi, Auntie Hehe, Auntie Huhu, and Uncle Hoho or something?" inner Nuansa.

"Emh, I'm Nuansa, Auntie, nice to meet you. Sorry I'm sitting like this because I feel sore after standing in high heels for a long time," said Nuansa feeling uneasy.

"It's okay, Miss." Ihih then sat on another chair that also in the kitchen.

"Why do you use pajama? Do you want to sleep?" asked Nuansa.

"Yes, I have fallen asleep, but I woke up because of that loud music and suddenly felt thirsty, so I went to the kitchen to have a drink," replied Ihih.

"You have fallen asleep?"


"Why don't Emma got scolded by her parents for throwing a party like this?"

"No, it's normal. We maids always go to bed when Miss Emma throws a party in this house."


"Because we won't have any more jobs, their party is from the evening to the midnight, we don't have to wait for them to finish the party, tomorrow morning we have to wake up so early, so, yeah, we'll be sleepy tomorrow morning if we wait for this party to finish."


"Miss Nuansa, why are you not join the party? This is the first I see a girlfriend of Mr. Neptunus doesn't want to join a party."

"Yes, I'm not used to alcohol, and I don't like it."

"I see."

"Yeah, that's not good, right?"

"Yes, but for Miss Emma and her friends, that's normal."

"It looks like that."

"Has Emma never had a 'healthier' party for her birthday?" asked Nuansa.

"Previously yes, but since her eighteenth birthday, Miss Emma always throws parties like this for her birthday," replied Ihih.

"Why didn't her parents forbid her?"

"There's no problem with a thing like this for Westerners, Miss Emma and her family were in the US quite a lot, so their lifestyle is like the people there too."

"Oooh, that makes sense."

"For us, the Easterners who live like the most Easterners, this kind of thing is quite strange, right?"

"Yes, it is not normal for me."


"Can't they replace alcohol with healthier drinks?"

"I don't know, I don't understand either."

"Hmmm." Nuansa then thinks something.

Ihih looks very sleepy, she yawned many times when Nuansa was thinking of some idea.

"Miss, I'll go to sleep first," said Ihih.

"Oh, yes, Auntie," said Nuansa.

"Sorry I can't accompany you here."

"It is okay."

"Auntie, I borrow three kilos of sugar, ok?" continued Nuansa. "And also a blender."

"For what?" Ihih asked.

Nuansa then whispered to Ihih.

"Are you sure?" asked Ihih.

"Just watch," said Nuansa.

"Alright, whatever. This house has a lot of sugar, so I guess if you use three kilos of sugar it's fine."

"Thank you, Auntie!"

Ihih then smiled. 'She's very different from the others, I hope there are lots of girls like her in this world,' thought Ihih.

"I'll go to my bedroom first, Miss," said Ihih.

"Alright, have a nice dream, Auntie," said Nuansa.