Dancing in the Rain

    "Who invited this disgusting girl?!" exclaimed Emma, ​​but no one answered.

"Who are you?!" asked Emma to Nuansa. Nuansa chose not to answers her because she's still in shock.

"Hey! Your ears are working or not?! I asked you! Who are you?!" Emma repeated her question, but Nuansa kept her head down.

'Why doesn't she fight back? Why is she silent?' thought Neptunus.

"I swear to curse whoever took this damn girl!" exclaimed Emma.

The atmosphere then was silent for a moment. "Who brought you here?" Emma asked Nuansa again in a growl, she even grabbing Nuansa's hair that soaked in mango juice.

"Ah! Release my hair!" said Nuansa who's now in pain.

"Answer me!"

"I came here myself! What are you doing?!" Nuansa yelled at Emma, ​​at the same time she managed to get Emma's hands out of her hair.

Not accepting herself being yelled at, Emma slapped Nuansa. "How dare you yell at me! Who are you?! I own this house! I own this event! I didn't invite you! I don't know you! But you came out of nowhere and ruined my party with your stupid mango juice! Who are you?! You're a damn bitch!"

Emma stops her action when suddenly Neptunus comes in between her and Nuansa. All eyes are immediately on Neptunus. 

Neptunus raised Nuansa's right hand slowly. He then did something truly surprising: licked Nuansa's hand.

Yes, the man licked Nuansa's right hand which was filled with mango juice. Neptunus' tongue then cleans Nuansa's hand.

Nuansa was confused about what should she feels about this, she felt amused and disgusted, but she also felt this is a sexy thing and enjoyed Neptunus' tongue that walked on her right hand until her right hand was clean from the mango juice.

Neptunus then continued his action to Nuansa's left hand and even more dumbfounded everyone. Emma even gaped wide open because she didn't expect this.

After her hands were clean, Neptunus gently cleaned his hired girlfriend's face with his palms.

Nuansa no longer cares about what people would think about this, nor does care about what feelings she should feel right now, what is certain, Neptunus' action makes her feels protected.

"I hope it answers your question," Neptunus said to Emma as he cleaned Nuansa's face. Several girls were seen covering their mouths, either because they felt surprised or jealous of Nuansa and immediately fantasized about strange things.

Neptunus then grabbed Nuansa's right palm and led her away. The two of them left the people present in silence.

"Wait," Nuansa said to Neptunus as they were inside Emma's house. "I want to get my shoes in the kitchen first," she continued. Neptunus then let Nuansa go without saying any word.

Nuansa then went to the kitchen for a moment and took her high heels, then returned to Neptunus. "Come on," she said. The two of them then continued their steps out of Emma's house.

When coming out, Nuansa looked up, there were several flashes of lightning dancing in the sky, a sign that the rain will fall in a few moments.

"You come out, wait for me outside the gate," said Neptunus.

"Ok." Nuansa then obeyed Neptunus' words and went straight to the gate, then got out and waited for Neptunus with his car.

When the girl was about to come out through the gate, the rain finally fell as Neptunus approached Nuansa in his car.

Realizing that it is raining, Neptunus got out of his car to pick Nuansa up. As he got out of his car, Neptunus saw Nuansa enjoying the rain cleansing her body from the mango juice. 

The girl once again made Neptunus amazed with her. Neptunus praised Nuansa's beauty in his heart, but this time it is different from the previous one. In this time, Nuansa does not wear makeup because it has worn off, so now Neptunus admires Nuansa's natural beauty.

Nuansa dancing in the rain, her red dress was also clean again because of the rain. Neptunus, who is also in the rain, smiled at her. It seemed that he had never been this fascinated with a girl. He feels 'wow' at Nuansa for reasons he doesn't understand himself.

'She's beautiful,' thought Neptunus.

"Gosh, what was I thinking? We're just in a contractual relationship, she's a stranger to me, and I'm a stranger to her, nothing more," muttered Neptunus. He then walked over to Nuansa.

"Hey! Let's get in the car! You can get sick if it rains like this!" yelled Neptunus.

"It's okay! It's been a while since I took a rain shower! This rain also cleansed me!" exclaimed Nuansa.

"But what if you get sick?!"

"I never get sick after a rain shower! I used to take a rain shower when I'm selling my cassava chips! Don't worry!"

"Woohoo! This is fun, isn't it ?!" continued Nuansa, she was jumping up and down like a child and rocking indistinctly. The girl looked so happy just because of the rain.

'How did she feel okay very soon?' thought Neptunus. He then grabbed Nuansa's hand and stopped his hired girlfriend from dancing in this rain.

"What?" said Nuansa who was surprised by Neptunus who stopped her.

"Does it hurt?" asked Neptunus, stroking Nuansa's cheek that Emma had slapped.


"Emh, I'm so sorry, I thought you didn't feel it hurts."

"Come dance with me! Dancing in the rain is fun you know!" said Nuansa, she then continued her dance in the middle of the street. Neptunus smiled at her.

"That slap hurts her, but she's been through a lot more painful things than slaps and insults from Emma, ​​so how could I be stupid for asking her that?" thought Neptunus.

"Hey! Are you going to stay there?! You don't know how to enjoy the rain, do you?!" shouted Nuansa. Hearing this, Neptunus suddenly became like a madman, he joined in the dance and jumped indistinctly in the middle of the street. His action was much crazier than Nuansa's.

The funny thing is, the man disturbs Nuansa by nudging his waist against the girl's waist, which of course annoys Nuansa because Neptunus is addicted to nudging her.

"You-!" Nuansa mad at Neptunus.

"Hahahaha." Neptunus laughed out loud.

"Gosh, why does she even look cute when she's angry like this?" thought Neptunus.

'Nuansa, you're really weird like your nickname, but somehow everything about you just amazes me.'