Emotional or Whiny?

    Neptunus and Nuansa are now on their way back to Nuansa's house, they keep talking about how fun their 'rain-shower' had been.

"Oh, I want it to rain every night so I can act like a madman under the rain," said Neptunus.

"I told you, it's fun, right?" said Nuansa.

"Yes, it was a lot of fun."

"You always did it when you're caught in the rain while you're selling your cassava chips?" asked Neptunus.

"Yes, always. At first, I fell sick, but I never gave up, until finally, I became immune," replied Nuansa.

"Hahaha, you are a strong girl."

"Haven't you done that before?"

"I think so, but when I was little, and when I grew up like this, I thought that drenched by the rain is a childish thing, but it turns out that it's fun when we adults do it, it also could be counting as remembering our childhood, right?"

"Yeah, but also seems like we're not having a happy childhood."

"Hahaha, that's right."

A moment later, the atmosphere turned silent, the two of them dissolved in silence. Neptunus and Nuansa were completely wet at the moment, but they are slowly starting to dry, although it seems like they won't be completely dry until the two of them arrive at Nuansa's house.

Nuansa accidentally remembered what happened at Emma's party. She looked at her hand and stroked it. She shuddered in disgust because she remembered when Neptunus licked her hands, but somehow it is something she doesn't want to forget in her entire life, even now the girl doesn't want to stop remembering it. "Hmm, by the way, thank you for your help at the party, I really appreciate it," said Nuansa.

"You enjoyed my licking, right?" joked Neptunus.



"Hahaha, just kidding."

"But you know? The mango juice is bitter in your hands, even though it's so sweet, I like your juice."

"Of course it's bitter! You consume what's in my hand! Gosh!"


"Sorry because maybe I've ruined your friendship with Emma, ​​maybe not even just Emma, ​​I, I didn't mean it like that, I just-"

"Shhh, never mind, sometimes she deserves me to do that. But I salute with you, you didn't intend to retaliate, even though at first I was confused why you were silent, because I thought you were the type of girl who didn't want to lose. But in the end, I realized, you don't repay evil for evil."

"But I yelled at her."

"I think it's still natural, her actions to you went too far, after all, you only yelled at her once, if I was in your position at that time, I think I would beat her straight away."

"Fortunately I'm not you, otherwise, someone's daughter could be in coma."

"Hahaha, but it would definitely be cool too if you beat her, it would look like wrestling."



"Did I wrong to made juice and gave it to you and the others? So that Emma mad at me? Tell me, what do you think about it?"

Neptunus was silent for a moment hearing Nuansa's words. If you see, Nuansa did ruin Emma's party by wanted to look smart and seemed to patronize those who are all older than her. But on the other side, it is natural because Nuansa has a bit of a kinda-stupid nature.

Neptunus is afraid that if he gives his opinion, Nuansa will be offended or something, he did not understand women's feelings, especially those who are not his family.

"Hmmm," said Neptunus.

"It's okay, just say it, I will not be angry or feel sad," said Nuansa.


"Yes, what's your opinion about it?"

"Actually you were not wrong, I understand your position, you wanted to keep us from partying like that, because yeah, alcohol is not good, but I also understand Emma's position. She was raised with a Western upbringing pattern, things like that are not big things for her, just imagine how would you feel when you're doing something you love, and suddenly someone criticizes you in a really spicy way?"

"So you think what I did was a very harsh criticism? Right?"

"Emh ..."

'Gosh, now what? I went awry, what if she gets mad at me?' thought Neptunus.

"I guess you could say that but ..."

"Is that so?" Nuansa interrupted Neptunus.

"Emh, it's not like that."

"It is."

"Please don't feel disappointed or sad. Emma remains inhuman by did that to you, she was also wrong."

"So you think I was wrong too? I just wanted you guys to change your lifestyle for the better. You guys are rich and know healthy lifestyles, but why do you guys want to drink alcohol? You guys are in college, right? You guys are smart people."

"We just enjoy being young."

"So you would prefer to enjoy your youth and then die of alcohol addiction?"

"We still know the limits too."

Nuansa then fell in silence. "I see, so I was wrong."

"No, who said you were wrong?"



"Just now."

"What? I was just saying that you should understand that people live in different ways. Everyone is raised in different ways, everyone has their own principles of life, if you think something should be like this, but they say it should be like that, let them, you should let them live in their life the way they want, no need to be disturbed. After all, if their way of life is wrong, in the end, they will realize it and choose the right way, right? I mean, everyone who makes mistakes will know their mistakes, whether it's in a short time, or even near their death."

Nuansa then thinking about it, Neptunus' explanation was quite long and wide-ranging, so she needed time to digest it in her mind.

"Sigh, alright, now I understand," said Nuansa.


"But should I apologize to her?"

Neptunus was surprised at Nuansa's question. 'She's still thinking to apologize to Emma? She had the intention of apologizing to Emma after what Emma did to her? What was her heart made of? Why is she so kind?' thought Neptunus, for some reason his tears suddenly dripped.

The man understood Nuansa and Emma's position, Emma still went too far. But the thought of apologizing to Emma is an extraordinary thing for Neptunus. After that girl hurt and humiliated her, how could she think of apologizing to her? That's what Neptunus thought.

He understood Nuansa's innocence, he feels bad for Nuansa who was humiliated and oppressed by Emma, but Nuansa's question shook his heart. He realized that Nuansa had an angelic heart.

"Hey, are you crying? Did I hurt you? Was my question wrong? Did that offend you? Or do you have any injuries? Hey, don't cry, why are you crying?" Nuansa said, she's being panic because she just saw a man crying, because to her knowledge, a man will only cry for truly emotional things.

"No, I'm fine. I just feel grateful to get to know someone like you, you are so kind, you are still thinking about apologizing to Emma after what she did to you. You're a good person, Nuansa, your heart is kind, promise me to never change, huh?"

"Gosh, so you cried just because I said it and felt touched because I was thinking about whether I should apologize to Emma or not? Hahahahaha, you're so whiny, huh."

"You may not understand how do I feel, but I still feel emotional, and somehow I don't understand either."

"Are you feeling emotional?"


"No wonder you're crying."


"As far as I know, men will only cry when they feel emotional, it turns out you feel very emotional just because of what I said, huh?"

"Ah, forget it, I'm embarrassed myself for crying. Tomorrow you come with me to my campus."


"Why are you so excited?"

"I want to apologize to all of your friends."


"Why don't you cry?"


"HAHAHAHAHA, you're so whiny."

Neptunus then snorted in annoyance.