
Brandon's concert.

Though Mark and his manager, Jeffrey, aren't that close to each other and they don't seem to get along some times as a result of Mark's unprogressive music career. Jeffrey still tries his best to be a good manager to Mark. He had been able to secure for Mark a performance at one of the biggest upcoming concerts hosted by Brandon, one of the most famous artiste in the globe as of now.

Brandon happens to be a very famous artiste in the USA and also globally. He has been in the music industry for 7 years and has been able to make a name for himself in the music industry. He came into limelight at 21years of age and he happens to be 28 years old as of now. His music videos gather nothing less than 70 million views to 300 million views on YouTube.

Since his emergence into the music industry, he has hosted two consecutive concerts in addition to his upcoming concert, amounting to three concerts. He holds 24 music awards and 58 nominations to his name, an indication that Brandon is an artiste to reckon in the music industry.

Mark woke up that Sunday morning as the events and conversation that occurred between him and Andrew the previous day began to rush back into his mind. He wasn't aware that Jeffrey had been able to secure for him a performance at Brandon's upcoming concert. He had no activities to engage in for today also, no music video shootings, no recordings, no performances at any concerts or shows, no music tours, an upcoming artiste don't have many privileges.

His plan for today was to head over to the studio to create some new beats. Before he could dash into his bathroom to shower, his phone rang, the caller ID indicated that it was his manager calling. He was reluctant to answer the phone call at first, but it wouldn't be nice to ignore his manager's phone call just like that, so he answered the phone call with immediate effect,

"Hello". Mark uttered after picking up the phone call.

"Mark? is that you?" Jeffrey asked as he was still unsure of the tone of voice.

"Yeah, it's me, don't you recognize my tone of voice anymore?" Mark inquired.

"I do, but it sounds a bit different from your actual tone of voice".

"It should be the network".

"Yeah, I think so".

"If I may ask, why did call?" Mark inquired.

"I don't know If you would be glad after hearing what I am about to tell you, but there is a high possibility that you would be happy to hear it". Jeffrey said.

Jeffrey's utterance made Mark curious as it made him more eager to know what Jeffrey was about to tell him.

"Tell me, what is it?" Mark inquired in inquisitiveness.

"You are aware of Brandon's upcoming concert, right?" Jeffrey asked using a question to answer a question.

"Yeah, I am fully aware of it".

"You are gonna be performing at Brandon's concert coming up on Tuesday and commencing at 8 o'clock pm". Jeffrey finally broke the news to him.

"What! you can't be serious".

"I am damn serious Mark, you are gonna be performing at Brandon's concert".

"Wow! that's huge, how were you able to secure a performance for me at his concert?" Mark asked curiously.

"Umm, I took advantage of the little connections I possess to secure the performance for you". Jeffrey stated.

"Thanks a lot, I appreciate".

"Yeah, I should do these things for you as your manager, but there is something you have to take note of".

"What is it?"

"A lot of big artiste are gonna be performing at Brandon's concert, very few upcoming artiste are gonna be present there, so you've got to be fully prepared".

"Hmmm, am gonna be prepared for it, I am used to it".

"Ok, trust you on that, see you later".

"Till next time, thanks a lot once again". Mark said appreciating Jeffrey's effort once again before the phone conversation ended.

Mark was delighted and anxious at the same time, he was delighted 'cause it was a privilege for an upcoming artiste like him to perform at Brandon's concert. His last performance was at the 'VIP CITY GATHERING' show, and it wasn't much of a lit performance for him. He was anxious 'cause a lot of famous artistes were going to be present at the concert, so people wouldn't even give a f**k about him and his performance on stage.

But there was still something to be happy about even though he was anxious, performing at Brandon's concert was a privilege enough. Not all upcoming artiste has an opportunity to do so. He entered his bathroom, brushed his teeth, and freshened up, wore one of the best clothing he had available in his wardrobe. Ate some handy snacks before departing from his apartment. He arrived at the studio, but Ben wasn't present there, calling him wasn't an option for Mark either.

So he just sat down as he began using the music producing equipment to produce some slow beats. As he produced, he thought of how people would react to his performance at Brandon's concert. He knew his performance at Brandon's concert would be shallow and dry as usual. People wouldn't react positively to his performance on stage, the energy he would use in performing would all go to waste 'cause no one would cheer or boost his morale when he is performing.

Though he was anxious, he wasn't that scared of how people would react to his performance on stage, he was used to it, whatever comes. He spent most of his time in the studio creating slow beats before heading to his favorite restaurant to eat lunch.

Time passed by quickly as it finally got to the day of Brandon's concert, lots of people had high anticipation for it. The whole place was crowded with people as they kept on trooping into the main building of the event. Mark, Jeffrey, and Ben were already present at the concert, Ben had insisted to come with them no matter what even if Jeffrey refused of it. Ben's major aim for coming to Brandon's concert was to encourage and boost Mark's morale before he mounts on stage to perform.

Everyone was settled as they were waiting patiently for the commencement of the concert. Nothing happened for a whole 20 minutes before the lights of the stage suddenly turned on. Brandon sauntered onto the stage with a microphone in his hand completely dripping in swag. His dressing from head to toe revealed that he was a fashionista, the moment the crowd set their eyes on him, they began cheering his name at the top of their voice. Girls going crazy and the guys kept on hailing.

Brandon waited patiently for the praises of his name to soothe down before he proceeded with his speech,

"If you are happy to be here at this concert this evening, say yeah yeah".

"Yeah Yeah!" The crowds roared at the top of their voice.

"I can see you guys are really happy to be here this evening, and I promise it's gonna be fun fun fun". Brandon said positioning the microphone at the front of his mouth, "If you know the lyrics to this song I am about to sing, sing-along".

"In the midst of haters"

"I would always glow"

"I would never fall"

The crowds immediately took over from the lyrics,

"They would never get to me"

"They would never mortify me"

The remaining part of Brandon's performance on stage was so lit as he performed with so much energy, the crowds kept on singing along with him as they kept on cheering his name. He performed three of his hit songs before resuming with his speech,

"I am sure you guys enjoyed that performance of mine. Now it is about time for you guys to enjoy the performances of your favorite artistes.....give it up for Lisa".

Lisa happens to be a big and famous female artiste in the music industry. For the 6 good years she has spent in the music industry, she has been able to make a name for herself. Her songs gather lots of streaming numbers on the music streaming platforms and her music videos gather lots of views on YouTube. She emerged on stage with so much energy as she began performing immediately. She sang one of her hit song titled 'I won't chase you' as the crowds sang along with her and kept on cheering her name.

The female fans couldn't get enough of her performance as they kept on dancing and singing praises to her name. Her performance on stage was so vigorous 'cause she put her best into it. She performed three more of her hit songs before evacuating the stage for the next artiste.

The next artiste that was about to perform happens to be a dancer and an artiste at the same time. Whenever he performs on stage, he makes sure to spice up his performance with his dance steps. He goes by the stage name, Clark.