
Brandon's concert (part 2)

Clark emerged on stage with so much coolness and swag, he was an artiste that was always cool and fresh all the time, never to be caught uncool. He happens to be one of the youngest artistes in the USA. He came into limelight at the early age of 19 years and happens to be 21 years of age as of now. Within the two years of his emergence into the music industry, he had been able to prove to the world that he didn't come into the music industry to play games.

His music videos were always colorful because of the cool dance steps he uses to spice them up all the time. Singing without dancing was just like extreme doldrums to him, he couldn't do without dancing, and his fans love and cherish him for that. His music videos gather up to 40 million views to 100 million views on YouTube, and his songs do generate lots of streams on the music streaming platforms. He holds up to 5 music awards and 16 nominations to his name within the two years of his music career.

The crowds couldn't stop screaming and cheering his name the moment they set their eyes on him. The girls were already going crazy at the sight of him, they couldn't stop screaming his name. His dressing from head to toe revealed that there was going to be a lot of breakdancing from him tonight. He wore a black hat, thick clothing that was in form of sweaters, dark blue jeans, and a sneaker. Positioning the microphone he held in his hand to his mouth, he inquired of the crowds,

"Who is ready to enjoy some singing and breakdancing tonight?"

"WE ALL ARE!". They replied to him screaming at the top of their voice.

"Ok then, feel my nice vocals and cool dance steps, if you know the lyrics to the song I am about to sing, sing along with me".

"Pretty girl, you know you've got my heart"

"Your beauty is surely one of a kind".

The crowds immediately took over from the lyrics as they sang along with so much joy. The rest of Clark's performance was so lit and vigorous, not only that he stunned the crowds with his melodious and glamorous voice, he also gave them enough of his breakdance. He sang and danced at the same time as the crowds couldn't stop hailing his name. After the climax of his performance on stage, he took off his hat from his head flinging it to the crowds as they fought over it joyously.

The next artiste that was about to perform on stage happens to be an artiste that had been in the music industry for a long period of time. He goes by the stage name, Orson. He had been in the music industry for over 22 years now, he came into limelight at the age of 24 years and happens to 46 years of age presently. Within his 22 years of being in the music industry, he had acquired lots of knowledge and experience which had kept him going and not shrinking down in the music industry.

He happens to be one of the most experienced, talented and awarded artistes in the USA. Though lots of talented artistes are emerging into the music industry year in year out, Orson keeps on churning out hit songs regularly and his fan base keeps on increasing daily. He is not ready to back out in the music industry and he keeps on standing his ground. He does more of the slow types of music with a lot of guitar strings accompanied by it or the lento( The Italian way of describing slow music) types of music.

His music videos gather lots of views on You tube and his songs gather lots of streams on all music streaming platforms. With how experienced he was as an artiste, he had been able to groom two young artiste educating them about the music business without signing them into his record label until they blew up in the music industry. He has a record label of his own and he has some talented artiste signed to it.

The moment the crowds sighted Orson mounting on stage to perform, they began cheering his name and most of his male fans began yelling out the word,


And truly, Orson was a legend 'cause for an artiste to stand his ground and keep on dropping hit songs for 22 years without shrinking down in the music industry wasn't an easy task to accomplish. It requires hardwork, focus, and determination for an artiste to accomplish that.

All Orson did was to smile at the crowds waving at them which incited their loud cheering to increase the more. He began playing the guitar he held in his hand as he accompanied the guitar strings with a nice and melodious lyrics matching it up with his nice vocals. The song he was singing was such a slow-paced and calm melodious song, the cool vibes the song was producing could make a person feel drowsy and fall asleep. Not because of how boring and tiring the song was, but because of the cool energy the song was producing.

Orson did his best on stage satisfying his fans with his mellifluous style of singing before he departed from the stage. Before he left the stage, he waved at the crowds once again as his male fans kept on hailing him and yelling out the term,


After Orson departed from the stage, two guys abruptly appeared on stage and began dancing in such a funny way. From the way they dressed and painted their faces, it was clear for everyone to see that they were clowns. They did all sorts of funny things that kept most of the crowds laughing throughout, it was also part of Brandon's concert.

Meanwhile, at the backstage of the event, Mark was as anxious as ever. The reason for his anxiousness was as a result of how terrible the crowds would respond to his performance on stage. From the very commencement of Brandon's concert, Mark had been waiting patiently for an upcoming artiste to perform on stage, but no, it has been from one famous artiste performance to another famous artiste performance. The crowds wouldn't even give a f**k about any upcoming artiste that climbs on stage to perform, all they want right now is for the famous artistes to keep on spicing the event with their performances.

"Are you sure upcoming artistes are gonna be performing at this concert tonight?" Mark asked Jeffrey in doubt.

"Sure, why not". Jeffrey replied.

"But I haven't seen any upcoming artiste that climbed on stage to perform since the commencement of this concert".

"It hasn't gotten to the time for the upcoming artistes to shake the stage with their performances". Jeffrey stated as he paused a little, "You look anxious, are you?"

"To be sincere, I am". Mark said as nervousness could be seen on his face.

"Why?" Ben chipped in.

"I am sure my performance tonight would be more shallow and dry than my previous performances".

Ben and Jeffrey glanced at themselves in a way that indicated that they were a bit confused by his words,

"Why do you say so?" Ben inquired of Mark.

"The crowds are already engulfed by the performances of the big artiste, they wouldn't give a f**k about any upcoming artiste that mounts on stage to perform. As far as they don't know you, they haven't listened to any songs before, they haven't watched any of your music videos, men.....they don't care about your performance. I am used to these types of things, but tonight's own might be worse". Mark explained.

"All I can say to you is for you to climb on that stage and give them your best performance, even if they don't cheer your name and boost your morale, at least you know you've done your best, and don't forget about the cash that comes with it". Ben said stimulating Mark's spirit as he patted his right shoulder.

Mark smiled a little, Ben had been able to stimulate his spirit a bit, if not for Ben, what would he have done. The two clowns had kept the crowds laughing throughout to the extent that the crowds didn't want them to vacate the stage, but nothing could be done about it, they had to leave the stage for other artistes to perform. Other famous artistes performed on stage as they kept the vibe flowing, the likes of, Drip( performed at the 'VIP CITY GATHERING), Roslyn, Robert, Griffin, and other big artistes shook the stage with their performances.

Few upcoming artistes also performed on stage, but as usual, they didn't receive the energy they used in performing back from the crowds, their performances were just as shallow as ever. It was about time for Mark's performance on stage, and he was still a bit nervous, so Ben placated him down with his encouraging words once again,

"You don't need to be too anxious Mark, just mount on that stage and bestow them with your best performance, you can do it. You've done it numerous times, you can also do it now".

With Ben's word in mind, Mark mounted on stage steadily, clenching the microphone to his hand.