The fashionable and expensive outfits all belonged to Mark now, to be more precise, the ones Dylan purchased for him at the boutique for the photoshoot. Dylan never had plans of taking the clothes for himself, he bought them mainly for the photoshoot and for Mark to wear later on. Mark was happy and worried at the same time, he was glad 'cause the clothes and shoes were expensive and they fully belonged to him now.
He had fashionable clothes of his own which he purchased with his money...but they weren't as expensive as the one Dylan bought for him. He was worried 'cause Dylan's ideas might all be in vain, yeah, he was still bothered about that. The fashionable clothes, the photoshoots, the money Dylan spent.....all might be to no avail.
But he did as he was told anyway, he posted all the photoshoot pictures on all his social media handles. He posted them on Instagram, his WhatsApp story, Twitter, and so on. And Dylan found a way to get the photos on the internet, how he did that, Mark had no single idea of. One thing was for sure, those pictures were absolutely cool and pleasant to glance at. Mark was dripping in swag on each of the photos 'cause the clothes fitted him well.
The suit looked more fabulous on him, plus the shirt he wore inside and the casual shoe well fitted to his feet. Lots of thanks also go to the photographer, if he wasn't good at what he does, the pictures wouldn't have been that terrific and outstanding. But even with how cool and outstanding the pictures looked, even with how good the outfits looked on Mark...they didn't add much impact to his followers on his social media handles.
His followers on Instagram and Twitter increased by just a few numbers, very few numbers. The numbers it added were so little that the pictures haven't gotten up to 60 likes on Twitter and Instagram. That's an indication that the idea was gonna be a failure. If his followers increased by just a few numbers after posting such fabulous pictures, then how was his fanbase gonna increase that way? it was totally impossible.
As Ben said, the idea was invalid and dumb to him. The idea of posting cool and amazing pics regularly could work out for some other artistes, their fanbase and followers could erect from there, and they could rise to stardom. But not for Mark, the idea was too weak to rise Mark to stardom. Ben tried to make his point clear at the time he, Mark, and Dylan were discussing it.
He said something like Mark couldn't attain fame after collaborating with Arnold, a whole Arnold.....a legend in the music industry. Maybe it would have been easier for some other upcoming artistes to rise to stardom the moment they had the chance to collaborate with Arnold, but most of them haven't gotten the opportunity to do so yet. But Mark had gotten the opportunity to do so, and before that was possible, Ben had to keep on sending Mark's songs relentlessly to Arnold for months before the songs finally caught Arnold's attention.
They recorded a very nice and melodious song together, the song dropped but didn't blow up not to talk of making it to the music billboard a result of that, Mark couldn't attain his topmost heart desire, fame. Then was it some shitty consistent posting of cool pics that was gonna rise Mark to stardom? The idea had been invalid to Ben's ears from the start.....and here was the result.
For the past three days after Mark posted those photos on his social media handles. He, Dylan, and Ben hadn't been able to meet to discuss the low outcome of the picture stuff. Ben was really busy with some music production, he was producing different songs for two different artistes. Dylan was also busy with music production and some other stuff, his studio was filled up with artistes for the past three days. Both the ones he was producing songs for, the ones that just came to visit and so on.
Mark was also occupied with some stuff that wasn't related to music.....just his personal stuff and others. Ben had been meaning to call Dylan to tell him that his idea wasn't working out, but because he was too occupied for the past three days, he hadn't gotten the chance to do so. But this very morning, Ben decided that he must call Dylan either by hook or by crook.
He and Dylan exchanged phone numbers the last time Dylan was at his house, so he didn't have to start worrying about not having his mobile number on his phone. He put the phone call through, and with just the first attempt, Dylan picked up.
"Xup Ben, why are you calling?". Dylan inquired the moment he answered the phone call.
"Dylan, the stuff isn't working". That's all Ben said.
And Dylan was like, "I don't understand".
"Ok, let me elucidate, your idea isn't working out. I saw the pictures Mark posted on IG, Twitter, and other social media platforms. To be sincere, those pictures were incredible and dope.....but the photos haven't gotten up to 60 likes on Twitter and Instagram. His followers increased by just a few numbers, that's bad. How is his fanbase gonna increase that way? How is it even gonna help in attaining him fame? As I said from the very beginning, the idea sounded dumb to my ears.....its too weak to make Mark famous".
"You can't be too sure yet, time would tell. If Mark can keep on posting dope pics and advertising his music videos continuously on his social media handles, something spectacular could happen". Dylan expressed.
"On a very low probability, let's stop deceiving ourselves, the possibility of it working out is very low. The signs are there already".
Dylan sighed deeply then said, "Let's meet at your studio tomorrow for a talk together with Mark. Since there is a high possibility that this idea of mine wouldn't work out..... it's about time I reveal my second idea".
"First of all, do you know my studio? do you know where it's located?". Ben asked Dylan over the phone call.
"Yes, I do". Dylan responded.
"How is that even possible? I don't remember taking you to my studio or explaining the direction and location to you".
"Umm, I and Mark went there one certain time....yeah, around the time when you were enraged with Mark for not keeping to his promise".
"Ok then, we would meet tomorrow, at what time?".
"Let's say 11 pm, I wouldn't be too busy by that time, I'd also call Mark and tell him about it. Remember, we are doing all these for Mark to attain the fame that he deserves. So as I voice out my ideas, you can also add your suggestions of what you think would make it better". Dylan stated.
"Sure, I understand, we would meet tomorrow then, bye". Ben said lastly ending the phone conversation.
Things went on smoothly for that day, Dylan called Mark on phone and told him about the meet-up that was gonna happen between the three of them at Ben's studio tomorrow. Ben engaged in numerous activities, mostly music production. The day went by very quickly, morning rolled to afternoon, afternoon into evening, and before you know it, it was complete nighttime.....24 hours was going to be over soon.
Ben was the first person to arrive at the studio the next day, the time wasn't up the 11 pm yet, but he was there already. He came in his Audi A3 car, that's what he purchased it for.....for easy movement. Mark arrived at the studio next exactly at the time 11 pm, he kept strictly to time. After about 10 minutes, Dylan arrived at the studio, he was the one that scheduled the meeting time...but he was the one coming late.
Mark and Ben had been discussing the picture stuff even before Dylan arrived at the studio. Dylan took his sit on one of the chairs as Mark and Ben were already seated. With just some seconds of silence, Dylan said,
"There is a high possibility that the consistent posting of picture stuff isn't gonna work out, according to Ben", Ben was about to speak up in an attempt to defend himself before Dylan rephrased his words. "And also, there are signs already that it wouldn't work out".
"Yeah, these are some of the stuff that does make me frustrated and tired, why is life so unfair? things that could easily work out for other artistes don't work out for me though I keep striving. Those amazing photos haven't gotten up to 60 likes on my Twitter and Instagram account, not to talk of the little followers it added.....I'm still far from attaining fame". Mark stated expressing his innermost thoughts.
"Continuous striving is the best option, you have to keep on striving though it can be so tiring sometimes". Dylan let out in words of comfort to Mark.
"The expensive clothes and photoshoot would just go to waste". Mark uttered.
"Yeah, but let's forget about that, the money I spent on it is just a piece of cake for me".
"Wow! you must be some sort of rich dude". Ben stated with a type of 'Wowed' expression on his face.
"Yeah...yeah, let's forget about that also and talk about the main issue on ground. Since this idea of mine didn't work out, and there is also a very high possibility that it wouldn't work out in the future...I think it's about time I voice out my second idea".