
Rap music.

Dylan was about to release out the second idea which he thinks could make Mark famous and take him to greater heights. His first idea was invalid, the signs were there already that it wouldn't work out. It might work out for other artistes, but not for Mark....it was just too weak to make Mark famous. The question remains, would any of Dylan's ideas work out? The idea he was about to voice out, would it work out?.

Well, Mark and Ben paid rapt attention as he was about to speak. Though the idea he was about to voice out was still based on probability, Mark and Ben were still willing to listen.

"Mark, have you ever tried rap music?". Dylan asked abruptly.

Mark was a bit perplexed by that question, what does he mean by 'have you ever tried rap music? Doesn't he know that he is a singer? Rapping and singing are both different styles of music.

"I'm not a rapper, I am a singer, so why should I try rap music when am not good at it?". Mark retorted with a type of confused expression on his face.

"But there are some of your songs that I've listened to that sounded like rap music". Dylan uttered once again.

"They aren't rap music, they are just fast-paced, I sing according to the pace of a beat. A singing pace should always go along with a beat, you should know that as a music producer. So I sing according to the velocity of a beat. If the beat is slow, I follow along with its pace, if it's rapid, I follow along also....but I don't do rap music".

"Yeah, I know all these, I've been producing songs for a long time, you just made your singing style more clearer to me. The suggestion I am trying to make is for you to try out rap music".

The moment Dylan made that statement, Mark and Ben glanced at him with a facial expression that screams 'what are you saying?' and Dylan was like,

"Why the look? is what I said too hard to understand?".

Ben replied to him saying, "We clearly understood what you've just said. But Mark isn't good at rapping.....it's not his style of singing. I've produced lots of songs for him, so I can fully testify to it. He is good at doing fast pace kind of music, but not rap music".

"He would have to try it out then, he would have to learn. Mark is very talented, and I know with just a little practice, he would learn how to rap....even if he doesn't become an expert in it, he would be good at it to a certain degree". Dylan stated with so much belief in Mark.

Mark didn't understand how learning rap music would help in making him famous, so he asked Dylan with a confused expression on his face, "I don't understand how this will help in making me popular as an artiste. Can you elucidate?".

"You both should listen carefully as I'm about to explain. Mark, you've got fans out there that do listen to your music and show you love no matter how little they are, that's for sure. Now, do you know how they'll feel if you drop a song that has a bit of rap in it, something different and unique to their ears from the same artiste? That would be great,

Now let's shift that aside and talk about this. You really are a talented artiste, that's for sure, anyone that listens to your songs would easily concur with that. Now if you can master rap kind of music then mix it up with your normal style of singing, do you know the type of blast you would make? The same artiste sang with such nice vocals in his song and rapped also? that would be so amazing that your songs would have to reach out to more people and you could become a mainstream artiste,

People love it when things are unique and different, stuff that isn't that common. Normally, a singer and a rapper would have to collaborate to make such kind of music, the chemistry would be there. But if you can do both alone in one song, it would be so amazing, your fame could trigger from there and you could become a mainstream artiste,

But note, it working out is based on probability also, but the possibility of it working out is higher than my first idea. You should try it out". Dylan clarified.

The words that just oozed out of Dylan's mouth made a lot of sense to Ben's ears. He liked the idea, he preferred it to the previous one...but he still doubted if the idea would work out. Mark liked the idea also, but he doubted the efficacy of it.

"The idea sounds great, but it's still based on probability". Mark stated.

"Yeah, that's true, but the efficacy of the idea is high". Dylan uttered.

Ben added with his statement, "It's a nice idea, I like it too, but the fact remains that Mark doesn't know how to do rap music, so what are we gonna do about that?".

"He would have to learn it now". Dylan uttered standing up from the chair he was sitting on.....its about time for work.

"Right now?". A bewildered Mark asked.

"Yeah, right now".

With that, Dylan began coaching Mark on how to make rap music, he wasn't good at singing, but he was good at teaching people how to make different styles of music...weird right? but that's the truth. The coaching wasn't an easy one 'cause it took Mark some time to fully grasp the techniques of making rap music. After some time of coaching, Mark said that he had fully understood the procedures of rapping, at least, he could try to mix singing with rapping to make a melodious song. Then Dylan inquired of Ben,

"Are there any available beat in your computer that would be suitable for recording normal singing mixed with rapping?"

"No, it's been long since I produced songs for rappers, so I don't have any beat that would be suitable for blending rapping and normal singing. But there are rapid beats available on the computer". Ben retorted.

"Then we would have to produce beats that would be suitable for it right now". Dylan uttered and his facial expression didn't seem like he was joking.

"Right now?". Ben asked the same question as Mark with that same bewildered expression on his face.

"Yeah, right now".

"Damn! that would be a whole lot of work, you know that creating such kind of beats isn't that easy. A person would have to be utterly focused to accomplish that".

"Yeah, I know that, but we would have to do it now, there is no time to waste. Remember, the main purpose why we are doing all these is for Mark to attain the fame he deserves. So we don't have to waste time or procrastinate things".

Ben took a sudden glance at Mark, focused his attention back on Dylan, and questioned,

"What if all these we're doing is just a waste of time just like your previous idea? What if none of your ideas ever workout?".

Dylan hesitated a bit before answering Ben's questions,

"Then we would try out new things, we won't relent. You have been with Mark throughout his depressing and sad times, and you didn't back down neither did he.....so we won't capitulate now no matter what may".

With that, Ben stood up from his chair and sauntered over to the music producing equipment, sat on a chair closest to it, and uttered,

"Let the production begin".

It took time for Ben to create a suitable beat that would fit the singing and rapping stuff, it wasn't an easy task. After Ben concluded with his production, Dylan also made use of the music-producing equipment to create his own beat also. It didn't take up to 50 minutes for Dylan to complete the production. Now it was up to Mark to choose one out of the two beats which would fit the lyrics he was about to inscribe. In the end, he chose Dylan's beat for reasons best known to him.

After that, Mark made use of the notepad on his phone to began jotting down lyrics that would match with the beat he chose. Writing the lyrics wasn't that easy for him 'cause rap was involved, he had never written a rap song before.....so Ben and Dylan gave him their full support. After the writing was done, Mark wasted no time in putting on one of the studio's headphones...it was time for the recording to begin.