Episode two

*The next morning*

*Alaric calling Damon*

Bonnie: still not picking up his phone?

Alaric: honestly I don't know how to feel worried or angry

Bonnie: I'll pay him a visit

Alaric: his house isn't as you remember it to be it looks like a haunted house

Bonnie: don't worry about me I'm a witch, if there's a ghost it's him who should be afraid of me *she says with a smirk on her face*

Caroline: where are going? It's 8 A.M aren't we going to wait for Damon to join us?

Bonnie: don't worry I'm going to drag Damon's ass with us, Alaric prepare the car, we leave in two hours

*Bonnie calls a cap to drive her to Damon's*

*At the Salvator house*

*Bonnie gets out of the car*

Bonnie: oh my god what the hell happened here?! Alaric wasn't kidding when he said this place looks like trash how did he managed to burn it all down like this

*Bonnie calls out for Damon*

Bonnie: Damon! Get down here! It's so dark I don't see anything!

*She tripped into a lamp on the floor*


*Bonnie heads to the curtains to let the sunlight into the house*

Bonnie: this place was amazing, when I was young I thought vampires lived in some shitty places like this, you just confirmed my theory

*Bonnie heads to Stefan's room and sees Damon laying on Stefan's bed holding the diaries that Stefan wrote for Elena to read when she wakes up*

Bonnie with a soft voice: hey..

Damon: what do you want? To take me on that lame trip to meet brother and say "hey I'm here from the future because I miss you because you're dead" sorry hard pass I'm not coming but you can tell him I said hi

Bonnie: don't be so hard on yourself you couldn't do anything he snapped your neck

Damon: exactly he snapped my freaking neck! And he was human, he played me to protect me while I'm the big brother I should've protected him, I should've known

Bonnie: at least come with me, I'll feel safer in your presence

*Damon smiles*

Damon: isn't that ironic? The time where you're headed is where you hated me and I'm the reason your Gramz died but here you are!

Bonnie: that was Kathrine's fault, but seriously I'd like for you to come and protect me

Damon: and here I find a purpose to live another day yay *he says in a mocking voice*

Bonnie: come on I want to ride your car I missed that metal thing

Damon: that's right, it's metal

Bonnie: huh?

Damon: I'm afraid it wouldn't work

Bonnie: is it broken? Is it the engine?

Damon: I guess the engine is the only thing that works, but anyways I think Alaric is already here to give us a ride

Bonnie: I'll wait you in the car go shower you smell terrible by the way

Damon: still better than you

*In the car*

Alaric: here we are girls

Gosey and Lizzy: I'm not going in that scary house

Caroline: we're here to pick Bonnie and Damon up you don't have to go in there honey

*Bonnie gets in the car*

Alaric: did you convince him?

Bonnie: yes, although it's not to see his brother, he is coming for me

*After 20 minutes*

Damon: ugh here I'm let's get this thing over with

Alaric: alert the media Damon is sober and oh dear he cleaned himself up that must've been Bonnie's magic

Damon responds annoyed: shut up Ric!

*Bonnie and Caroline both laugh*

*After a tough journey that lasted two weeks they finally reach the cave*

Damon: please tell me that cave is the one I don't want to fight a dozen angry snakes again or at least ask your witch ancistors to tell us the exact location

Bonnie: I'm feeling magic in this one I think we're here

Lizzy: my legs hurt!

Gosey: I'm hungry!

Lizzy: me too

Caroline: come on girls sit here I'll get you sandwiches

Gosey: no I don't want a sandwich I want a cookie

Lizzy: me too

Gosey: why are you mimicking me?

Lizzy: I'm not!

Caroline: girls girls don't fight, I'll go get you your cookies

*Bonnie tries to enter the cave but there's a spell which doesn't allow her to get in*

*Bonnie tries to lift the spell but fails instantly*

Bonnie: this spell is too strong I won't be able to get us in with it

Damon: great, let's go home

*Alaric looks at Damon in disappointment then talks to Bonnie*

Alaric: can Gosey and Lizzy help?

Bonnie: that's actually some good idea at least someone's helping

*Bonnie looks at Damon while speaking*

Damon: so let me just get this straight, you want to give your toddlers girls a massive amount of magic while here miss "we have to be careful" is okay with it?! Am I the only one who sees the danger of the situation here?

Alaric: relax, they learned to control their magic

Damon: that's true because you didn't call me last month to get to their school immediately because they started a freaking fire in the school's Lab and told me to get everyone out of the school

Alaric: that was an accident!

Damon: that was what I compelled the headmaster, teacher and students to say and report instead of reporting that your girls literally held and started to throw fire with their bare hands

Bonnie: they what?

Caroline: what?! How don't I know about that?!

Alaric: it was not a big deal I didn't want to to be worried

*Caroline gives the cookies to the girls*

Bonnie: I can't lift the spell on my own this spell is about 3000 years old!

Damon: just get it over with!

Bonnie: hey girls, who of you two can help me over here?

Lizzy: me me me I can!

Gosey: I will help you better!

Bonnie: why don't you two help me?

*The twins starts to syphon the magic from the cave*

Gosey: woha this is a lot of magic

Lizzy: you're just weak I can syphon more

Gosey: I'm not weak I can syphon more

Bonnie: it's a strong spell girls don't overwhelm yourselves

Damon: I think that's enough magic for them to eat

*Lizzy lifts Damon up and throw him far away*

Lizzy: I said I can syphon more!

*Caroline runs to Damon*

Caroline: are you okay?

Damon: this is a bad idea! A crappy one!

Caroline: I guess you deserve it after all!

Alaric: why did you do that Lizzy!? Damon is a friend!

Lizzy: sorry dad, he made me angry

Alaric: he also helped you many times, say sorry to him now!

Lizzy: sorry uncle Damon

Damon: you don't have to be I think that's what you both need to do

Alaric: you want them to beat the crap out of you?

Damon: no smart ass, they need to use the magic battery they just filled not to kill anyone in the past

Alaric: that's ridiculous

Bonnie: quit Pickering both of you and lets go inside!

*Caroline takes the girls and go inside the cave, so did Alaric*

Bonnie: get inside!

Damon: I'm good over here, I'll wait for you and gaurd you until you come out, I'll go to set the tent up until you finish in there, if you need me just scream

*Damon goes to get the tent and set it while Bonnie get in the cave*

*In the cave*

Alaric: so what year are we going to go in first?

Bonnie: I want to visit my Gramz before she died and that will give us the opportunity to see both Stefan and Elena too

Alaric: so this compass, how does it work?

Bonnie: I didn't use it before but remember that we only have just 24 hours to say our goodbyes, and I guess we give it a year here

*Bonnie chooses four numbers as the year date of the time destination and a huge door opens where Gramz was doing a spell to open the tomb for Damon*

Bonnie: oh my god that was right before she died and if I'm not with her she'll die now!

*Bonnie crosses the door to help her Gramz and so did Lizzy and Gosey crossed the door, pushing Gramz aside and used their magic to open the tomb

Gramz: what is happening? Who are these kids and where did they come from?!!

Caroline: oh my god LIZZY GOSEY!!

*Outside the cave Damon hears Caroline's voice and goes into the cave*

Damon: what's going on? What the hell is that a time portal?!

*Alaric grabs Damon and forces him to cross the portal*

Damon: why would you do that!

Alaric: they changed an event in the past, they shouldn't be here in the first place and we don't know how that will affect everyone in the future!

Damon: so they saved a Bennett witch, you want me to kill her?

Alaric: I don't know, but we're in this together

Damon: it wasn't my idea to give two toddlers a full spoon of magic

Alaric: are we going to play the blaming game now! Really?!

*Damon sees Stefan and Elena getting out of the tomb*

Damon with tears in his eyes and joy in his tone: Stefan! Brother!

*Damon runs over Stefan and hugs him*

Damon: I missed you little brother I really missed you oh my god you're really here!

Stefan: oookay? What are you doing? Are you okay? I know we didn't find Kathrine but..

Damon: I don't care about Kathrine we killed her, you killed her to be more specific, twice I might add I hate that bitch!

*Elena looks at Damon with confusion in her eyes*

Damon to Elena: it's so good to see you awake *Damon hugs her*

* A weird and very strong earthquake happenes where they all stand*

Bonnie: Damon! The portal! It's not steady! I think the compass will shatter! We have to get out of here! Caroline grab the girls and go! You too Alaric!

Damon crying and in a very devastated tone: no five more minutes, I just want five more minutes with my brother!

Stefan: what the hell is going on? What portal? And why are you acting so weird?

Elena: I don't know but I guess he's still in shock

*Damon hugs his brother again*

Damon: I missed you I missed you so much

*Bonnie grabs Damon and tries to drag him out of the portal*

Damon in angry voice: I want to take him with us or I'm not going anywhere!

Bonnie: you have to let him go!

Damon: I won't! Not this time, if he goes, we go together

*Bonnie snaps Damon's neck and drags him out of the portal leaving Stefan, Elena and her Gramz in confusion*

*When Damon wakes up*

Damon: where's Stefan? STEFAN!

Bonnie: he isn't here and neither is the compass!

Alaric: and there's posers of Klaus Mikaelson everywhere! They say that he is a demon who killed half of the humanity!

Damon: what the hell does that mean? And what do you mean by the compass isn't here?!

Bonnie: I guess the different event we caused in the past formed this future

Damon: how does saving your Gramz get half of the humanity killed?

Caroline: I guess we're about to find out

End of Episode two