Episode fourteen

Damon: here comes Bonnie

Bonnie: let's go

Klaus in a warning tone: oh no you're not going anywhere until you tell me the information you just learned or I can just return the favor of what this old woman just did!

Bonnie confidently: you're not going to touch her, you are on Bennett ground, and you should know that you're at disadvantage here

Kol: Nik! As a formal witch and have been hanging out with them for quite a long time I suggest you listen

*Klaus looks furious*

Bonnie: I suggest you listen to your brother

Klaus: hand it over!

Bonnie: it wasn't you who risked his life to get it

Elijah: Niklaaaaus, don't do anything you might regret

*Klaus gets blinded by rage and captures Gramz*

Klaus madly: I'm sick of all of you being in charge! Throwing orders and controlling us! We owe you nothing! Now hand it over or say goodbye to your old lady here

*Klaus begins to feel weak by the dead witches, having visions or what seemed like memories of him, his siblings, the girl he saw in Alaric's memories, sees himself breaking the curse, his mother plotting against him, trying to kill his child, while he does everything to protect her, sees Marcel and him biting his siblings then puts the Pope Tondey in his heart, he sees Camille and Aurora all those visions hit him, making him weak, he hears Elijah's voice as if it's far away, and sees Camille trying to hold him and then he becomes unconscious*

*At the compound*

*Klaus wakes up with Camille at his side and Elijah hurries towards him*

Elijah: what happened?

Klaus: I saw her

Elijah: who?

Klaus: I saw Hope, my daughter

Elijah: your what? You don't have kids

Klaus: no, the witches made me see my alternative future, I had a daughter! The witches wanted me to realize how important she is to me, they wanted me to help the Bennett witch!

Kol: and let me and Finn die!

Klaus: you were alive! Mother brought you back, Finn killed you and then another witch called Davina brought you back! After that Freya saved Finn before I kill him in that Vincent witch's body, but Lucian killed killed him

Elijah: Lucian? As in your first turned vampire?

Klaus: you compelled Aurora! She took our sister's body, but....

*Klaus looks exhausted*

Klaus in anger: why am I this tired!?

Freya: the witches didn't just gave you memories, they have weakened you

Elijah: you can just rest for now

Klaus: Camille! You're alive again *he said gently*

Camille: I... I died in the alternative future?

Klaus: you died in my arms twice! I mourned you, I loved you!

Elijah confused: you need to rest, and then you can just show us your memories brother

Camille: I... I need to.. I mean, you.. you need to rest..

*Camille walks out of Klaus's room*

*Meanwhile Bonnie is telling Damon about what Emily said*

Damon: so you were tricking me! You didn't intend to destroy the compass at all! That's called betrayal! Not to mention the fact that you preferred to use our worst enemy's help! Really?! Kathrine! The one we're in this whole mess because of?!

Bonnie: look I'm sorry for that! But I'm telling you that this device can clone him, Enzo, Jena, Caroline's family, John, Lexi, my dad, even your mother! And that wouldn't be a changing in the past! They will be living the same past, and when they die, we'll be having them cloned here!

Damon thinking: it's a pretty good idea, but how are you going to use it on Stefan, Lexi, or Enzo?

Bonnie: we give them the cure! There are three of them, we have one here, one in your mother's prison world, and one with Sails

Damon: we have four actually

Bonnie: four?

Damon: before Stefan died in the fire, he left me a goodbye gift, the cure that was in his blood

Bonnie: I know that, did you bring it here?

Damon: I didn't take it off of me in the first place, it reminded me of him

Bonnie: why didn't you tell us?

Damon: I was going to give it to Amara but you and my stubborn ass brother went to get it from the prison world so it didn't matter

Camille interrupting: I'm sorry I didn't mean to eavesdropping, I just learned that I would be dead in that future, can you help me with that device?

Bonnie: so one cure for you to take it, then Stefan take it from you, no one takes it from him, the second one is to Enzo, the third is to your mother and the last one to Lexi!

Damon: solid thinking, I should go tell Alaric that his wife won't be saved, to go say goodbye with the kids

Bonnie: I'll tell Enzo to get my dad, Jena, you know the rest of the list, so we can clone them when we get the rest of the pieces

*At night*

*Klaus shows his siblings his new memories*

Rebecca: seems we were having quite the adventure

Elijah: I killed Tatia? And loved your daughter's mother?

Kol: this is messed up

Elijah: this is overwhelming indeed

Klaus: I want to go back for hope!

Kol: from what I saw Finn killed me, so I'm not arguing on letting him die

Rebecca: he is our brother! For God's sake!

Camille: you might be able to save him, if he wasn't a witch before he became a vampire

Elijah wondering: you are calm..too calm for just knowing you'll be dead

Klaus: it seems you have got something in mind, do you mind to share it?

Camille: the device is to clone humans

Kol: then it can't help him, he was a witch darling!

Rebecca: will it work if we get him into a human's body?

Elijah: that's an excellent idea, I need to call him... *Elijah realizes that he doesn't know his number* Niklaus?

Klaus: I don't have his number either brother

Freya: I can contact him, he'll be pleased to hear from me, but I need something his to contact him

Klaus: does his coffin count?

Rebecca: charming as ever brother

*Klaus giggles*

Freya: I assume that this device will only work with Bennett's magic, I mean I sure felt the powerful magic, but the witches only responded when the Bennett witch held it, the same thing could be for the compass

Elijah: so that means that we will have to work with them, not race them to the rest of the parts

*Elijah takes Freya to the basement where Klaus keeps the coffins, Rebecca takes Kol out of the room to let Camille talk to Klaus in private*

Camille: you said that you loved me in that alternative future, can you show me?

Klaus nervously: you won't like it...

Camille: why is that?

Klaus avoiding her eye contact: because the moment I realized I'm in love with you, my ex compelled you to kill yourself while I was sleeping, and then you because a vampire

Camille: you're right.. it sounds awful, but I want to know what made someone complicated like you likes someone like me?

Klaus laughing: are you seriously studying me?

Camille: it's just sounds very.. unreal...

Klaus: you saw the best in me *he said in joy*

Camille: you seem happy about it, is it because no one saw it in you?

Klaus: it's just I used you to write my memoir, compelled you to forget about it, and you still saw the good in me, loved me

Camille: I want to see it please

*Klaus takes a deep breath, looks at Camille with love and shows her the memories*

Camille: my brother was hexed!! And you avenged him!

Klaus: you weren't happy about it love though *he said laughing*

Camille: and I shouldn't be okay with it now either! Why am I happy about it?

Klaus: your emotions are heightened love, and it's not like she didn't deserve it anyway

Camille: but it's still not okay!

Klaus: she made you think that your brother was mad, and so did the other witch that hexed your uncle

Camille: oh my God my uncle too!

Klaus: it sounds weird even to me to admit it, but what we had together was epic, and I'm surprised that the witches even gave me those memories, but I won't let anyone hurt you love

*Camille smiles and blushes*

Klaus: and as for Aurora, I'll let you kill her yourself with Freya's knife, I won't deny you your  right for revenge

Camille: this is a lot to process, I betrayed you to get my dark objects

Klaus: you were just feeling unsafe, I was the one who didn't kill Aurora, you weren't safe and you were right to do so love

*The next day*

Bonnie: we'll have to leave here, we won't like more threats to us in here, you did your end of the deal, we'll take it from here, thanks for the help

Klaus: wait!

Bonnie: what?

Klaus: we would like to help, I've had my memories, the witches give them to me

Damon: I'm pretty sure you didn't have a change of heart overnight

Klaus: Camille told me about the device, I'd like you to help my brother Finn with it

Bonnie: what? You told him?

Camille: he means well I swear it on my life!

Damon observing: that's suspicious, something is going on here

Camille: it turns out that me and him were lovers

Damon shocked: well I didn't see that coming

Caroline: you were lovers?

Elena: wait, Klaus is capable of love?

Klaus: is it really that hard to believe?

Kol sarcastically: no sweetie, you were quite the sweetheart type, how could they not believe you?

*Elijah, Rebecca and Freya laughs*

Freya: I mean, he was a jerk to me at first to in that alternative future, but I have got to admit, he did save me

Kol: I can't believe I'm saying this but he did spent five years in a dungeon to keep us alive, so I'm grateful for him too

Caroline: that's where you were when I came to you to help me

Klaus: oh Caroline, I liked you too, now I see why you were the one they chose to speak to me love

Elijah: even though he killed Gia, now we can bring her back with that device too, she didn't deserve to die either, I killed Marcel once, but he's still alive thought

Kol: well Marcel almost killed us too, so we're even

Stefan: I've had my head blowing up since you started talking, but how come he had all the emotions he felt and we didn't?

Klaus: you can always go back and piss the witches off to get your emotions and memories friend

Damon: I was worried for a second that you weren't Klaus, that just confirmed me I'm wrong

Klaus: well, let's all cut this chit chat and catching up short and see where we're heading next

Damon: to the armory

Bonnie: we are? And why are you telling them!?

Damon: they liked to collect magical objects, they have Rina Cruise, a siren, and an army enough to kill us within minutes, having originals on our side will be super helpful

Klaus: they have a siren? Is that a joke? They don't exist

Damon: considered that she was mind controlling me, made me kill Tyler, and I made a deal with literally the devil because of her I'm thinking she's quite real

Klaus surprised: that's madness!

Damon: tell me about it!

Klaus: what are we doing here then? Lets go!

*At the armory*

Klaus: well, you know it more than any of us, so be our guests

Alaric: well Caroline, let's head through this entrance, we'll stop the cameras so you won't be spotted, and set fire into one of the cells to make a distraction so you can get in get the piece and get out

Damon: if anything went wrong just shout out for me, I'll come for you

Alaric: then what? Get held in one of their cells?

Damon: I'll survive it you moron! I'm a vampire, and I can just get anyone's hand in my pocket to get out, it's a piece of cake, you have kids and you're more killable!

Klaus angerly: do all of you need to make a bloody debate every time!?

Damon: temper temper, alright just go and don't get killed

*After some time they hear the fire alarm so they head inside*

Klaus: spread up, and grab as many objects as you can

*They all spread and start to collect the items*

*One of the armory men gets in Elijah's way, starts to shot vervain at him, Elijah runs towards him and rips his heart out, then takes his hand to open a door which led to some cells*

Elijah wondering: what is this place?

*Someone catches Elijah's eyes*

Elijah: Hayley?

End of episode fourteen