Episode fifteen

Elijah: Hayley?

Hayley: please get me out of here

*Elijah uses the hand of the man he just killed to get her out*

Elijah: what are you doing here?

Hayley: you know me?

Elijah: in a way, yes but I'll fill you in when we are out of here

*He takes her and gets her out*

*Meanwhile Alaric and Bonnie*

Alaric: Bonnie! Open the damn tunnels!

Bonnie: and release the evil siren?!! Hell no

Alaric: Sybil is here, but her sister isn't, we need to have the fork if we crossed paths and then you can spell the whole place again

Bonnie: and who is fast enough to go grab the fork?

Enzo: I'll do it, it won't be my first

Bonnie: absolutely not!

Enzo: why? Didn't I fight her mind control once? I can do it again, but Alaric has a point, we need to take control over the situation, to be prepared if we faced any surprises

Bonnie: alright I'll do it, ugh! I hate when you're right

*Enzo smirks*

*Bonnie opens the tunnel*

Alaric: be quick about it! Go!

*Enzo gets in, grabs the fork and heads out*

Alaric: that's great, now give it to me

Bonnie: why?

Alaric: in case we saw the devil, I want the dagger too

Bonnie: I'll cover you, I'm coming too

Alaric: as much as I like to argue, and there's no time, but need I remind you that this fork affects you too?

Bonnie: alright I'll wait here

Enzo: I'll be with him don't worry love

*Enzo steals a quick kiss and goes with Alaric inside the tunnels*

Sybil using Lizzy's voice: help me dad!

Alaric: you're not getting inside my head this easy *he hits the fork and Sybil screams and reveals her position*

Enzo: that way! Keep ringing it mate!

*They hurry inside, Alaric gives the fork to Enzo, puts closes his eyes, destroys his ears, and get the dagger*

Enzo ringing the fork, let's get out!

Alaric: what?

*Enzo sights, and gives him his blood then get him out*

Bonnie: come on let's go!

Enzo: won't you spell the tunnel first?

Bonnie: she would be already out before I could trap her

Alaric: I'm feeling better, alright let's go get that gear

*After an hour outside the armory*

Bonnie: I got the second gear!

Alaric: me and Caroline got more important stuff they have

Freya: that's great, I've got some magical objects that could come in handy

Kol: and I collected the dark objects

*Damon snapping one of the armory men's neck*

Damon: I've been snapping necks with big old Klaus here but it's getting boring, can you hurry up?

*Caroline notices Hayley*

Caroline: you! You snapped my neck!

Damon sarcastically: uh oh, run for your life

Stefan: she isn't hybrid now, calm down Caroline!

Hayley: what do you mean? I haven't even met you!

Damon: this group just keep gets bigger every day

Kol: we will explain later darling

Klaus: alright folks, one last thing before we go, you said that the huntress is here

Damon: he's talking to you Bon, you know where they're keeping her right?

Bonnie: through that door over there

Klaus: I'll go kill her then

Damon: she'll just keep Phoenixing back to life

Klaus: so she cannot be killed?

Damon: naaah, she only has eight lives

Klaus: won't be a problem, I'll keep killing her until she's not coming back then...

*Klaus sees Hayley*

Klaus: Hayley? Where did you come from?

Hayley: I was their prisoner here, I was gathering information about my family, they said they have it, but they got me since then, but how do all of you know me, I'm not famous ,but you... Oh my goodness..

*Hayley recognizes Klaus's face*

Hayley: you're that Original! The one who revealed the supernaturals to the whole world! You caused this freaking war!! *She said angerly in a pissed tone*

Klaus: not now love, we have a kid to get back to, Hope needs us, and I am supposed to be carrying a dark magic in me and as far as possible from my siblings

Elijah: that's funny because you got there in the first weak to visit clueless old me

Klaus: I missed you terribly I couldn't help myself

Elijah: then you started "vanqueshing my enemies"

Bonnie: that's an interesting story and it seems like you were killing half of the humanity too because they're your brother's enemies, so we should find a solution to your problems too, they seem serious, but we need to get the hell out, Sybil got out!

Damon: are you kidding? Really releasing the siren?!

Klaus: the female Sails yes yes, I don't want her to mess with my mind too, if I can't stay here to kill the huntress, I'll get her with us, to kill her as many times as I can, so she doesn't escape and come after us

Damon: let's just hope she doesn't stab you with her sword

Klaus: I will take one of their cars, it'll hold her down

*Klaus get inside the armory once more to get the huntress*

Elijah: alright, let's go

*They all leave the armory*

*At the compound*

Camille: you're back! And *she looks surprised* you brought more people

Klaus: this is Hayley love

Camille: you daughter's mother yes, but the unconscious woman you're carrying is?

Klaus: she is not unconscious love, she is dead, I've killed her many times on the way and this would be her last

Camille: why would you do that?!!

Klaus: because she's a vampire killing machine love

*Meanwhile Elijah takes Hayley and shows her Klaus's memories and tells her about the situation*

Hayley: so Klaus knows my family? He trapped all of us to be wolves because you daggered him! But he spent five years captured to save all of you while I gathered your cure

Elijah: it's quite the overwhelming news, I'm still processing this whole thing

Hayley: I have a daughter too from one night stand with your brother, and then I fall in love with you

Elijah laughing: it's messed up isn't it?

Hayley: that's one way to put it, definitely messed up, fighting the evil mother, the evil aunt, the dead witches who gave power to Klaus's first turned vampire who tries to kill us all with your brother's crazy ex, and then the hollow's problem the 2000 years old witch, this is insane

Elijah: a big adventure won't you say?

Hayley: it looks more like a lifetime of dangerous fights, but your brother doesn't seem to be the sentimental type, he started a war! How can he care about that?

Elijah: well, the witches gave him his emotions back, all the things that he felt

Hayley: well that explains why he was concerned, he definitely was quite the jerk in your memories, except for a few times

Elijah: well that's my brother for you

*Meanwhile Damon talking to Klaus*

Damon: that was the last of her, you should join Stefan and get a hero hair too

Klaus: oh, just quit acting like the bad guy, if it wasn't for you these folks could have been dead by now, as far as I remember it was you who stopped me from killing them

*Damon gets annoyed*

Damon: buff that's not true

Klaus: they can count on you, why do you act like they can't?

Damon: I don't want to be reliable, no one should count on me

Klaus: you might think that, but they need you to admit that you're on their side

Damon: and what do you know about that?! As far as I remember you are not a person they can count on too

Klaus: when I got my memories back, I realized that when I acted the same way you're acting, Elijah didn't trust me and neither did Rebecca although my intentions were pure, I worked alone and drove them away, but when I united with them, we became more powerful, so I wanted to give you the same advice Elijah told me repeatedly, family is power, so instead of always fighting with your brother, driving him away because of your fear of loneliness, you should involve him in every move you take, this friend will make you both stronger, each of you on his own is weak

*Klaus leaves Damon's side as Stefan is coming his way*

Stefan: is this villains bonding time over? Or have I interrupted an evil plan?

Damon: he was actually..., Being nice! *He said in a shocked tone*

Stefan: Klaus? Klaus is being nice?

Damon: it's creepy I know, it reminds me of Kai, one night he is trying to kill all of us and the next morning he came to apologise

Stefan: but this is Klaus Michaelson, he is not capable of being nice

Damon: the witches played his mind, so it's affecting him

*Stefan sits beside Damon*

Stefan: where to next?

Damon: we can split up to cover more ground, benefits of being on the same page

Stefan: let me guess, and I have to stay here?

Damon: no, you'll be coming with me

Stefan: did you hit your head? I thought you wanted to lock me up until you finish your journey

Damon: your stubborn ass won't just sit here, I tried to do that, but if you're coming with us, best to keep an eye on you

Stefan surprised: well that's.. progress, you should spend more time bonding with him

Damon annoyed but smiling: oh shut up

*Elena is with Caroline from across the room watching them*

Caroline: it's nice to see Damon smiles, I don't remember the last time he smiled, or was happy, to be fair he deserves to be happy even though he's a jerk

Elena: it was weird at first to see Damon acting different around us, but I guess it's explainable, weird but acceptable

Caroline: I can't wait until this is all over, to get our lives back, to get back the way it was

Elena: it's complicated but I agree with you

*Meanwhile Alaric is on the phone with Jo*

Alaric: I missed you, and the girls are asking to see you too, you made a good impression on them

Jo: I missed you too, I'd like to see them too, but does that mean that it's goodbye?

Alaric: I don't want it to be, I wish there was a way to save you

Jo: it's okay, I'm glad that I had a chance to know all of you, maybe we can meet up tomorrow, I'll be there early in the morning

Alaric: I wish you didn't leave in the first place at all, I'd be spending the time with you

Jo: I had to, got work and stuff to do over here, but it was fun though, despite all of the whole me being dead thing

Alaric in a crying tone: I'll miss your voice so much

Jo: I'm sending you a recorded message, you can listen to it whenever you miss me

Alaric: I love you, I want you to know that

Jo: I know, and I like you too

*The next day*

Damon: I'm suggesting that we split up to cover more ground

Klaus: you have both the gears and a weapon against a female mind controlling freak, how do we know you're not betraying us?

Bonnie: you all helped us and we intend to do the same, as long as we're on the same page, there's no reason to not trust you so

*Bonnie gives Freya one of the two gears she has*

Damon: what are you doing?

Bonnie: confiding in them

Damon: last time I checked, it was Elijah who broke his word

Bonnie: they won't do such a thing, and also both the gears and the compass only work with Bennett magic, so they will need us, and we can use more help

Damon: alright alright just when they betray us I'll come to say I told you so

Klaus: right now my daughter is all that matters to me

Hayley: I would like to meet my daughter too

Kol: and I would like to meet that Davina girl, she sounds like a badass

Camille: I would like to help too, you're saving my life after all I can't just be a sitting duck here

Stefan: Damon is no longer wants me locked up so I'm coming too

Alaric: I'm taking the girls and going to see Jo, so we're not participating today

Caroline: then I'm going too

Enzo: and I won't let Bonnie go by herself so I'm in too

Gramz: and I'll be there for my child too

Elena: I want to come too

Damon: and do what exactly?

Stefan: he's not locking me up, but he's doing it to Elena, that's progress

Damon: whatever!

Elijah: so we can now team up, I'll go with Hayley to the island, Damon, the doppelganger, Caroline and Stefan can go together to the mountains after all they're baby vampires, they can use Freya's assistance, the Bennett witches and you.. you said your name was?

Enzo: it's Enzo mate

Elijah: this Enzo lad can go with them for extra protection and they can go to Morocco after all we'll need at least one of them, Kol and Rebecca can get the one in the ocean, and Klaus with  Camille can get the one in Egypt

Damon: you might want to send team Stefan to Egypt

Elijah: why is that?

Stefan: I've been there once during the war, so I know a little more about the culture and the pharaohs ancient history of traps

Elijah: alright then, just switch with Klaus and lets move

End of episode fifteen