
By hook or by crook [R-18]

"We heard the King summoned you. Is that true?" My mother says, running up to me as I walk into the front door of my humble home, slipping out of my jute sandals.

Her eyes held intense shame and disgust as she looks over at my hasty attempts at tying my hanbok, my hair disheveled and my neck covered in thick fresh bruises. Avoiding the eyes of my sole guardian, I nod my head. "I-I was chosen to pleasure him, tonight." I mutter, covering the bruises with my black locks.

Ushering me inside, she guides me into my bedroom.

Seating me down at the foot of the bed, she brings out a pale of warm water.

"Are you hurt, did he go too rough?" She asks, eyes filling up with tears as she caresses my forehead.

Flashbacks of his hands crawling up my parts appear in the back of my head and goosebumps appear all over my limbs.

"I haven't lost my virtue, mother. He didn't penetrate me.." I mumble, scratching my arm, picking at an old scab.

Her mouth remains open as she wonders what the reason behind his refusal to touch his daughter was.

"I-I just hope you didn't argue, for the sake of your brother." She says, storming past me.

I nod my head no, climbing into the covers, wanting to be left alone, untouched.

My head throbbed and my throat went numb from all the pleading.

The last thing that I thought about before closing my eyes was, the unmissable scar.


Min Yun Ki's POV

With the dawn settling in, the King found himself stirring in bed all night, thinking about the pubescent teen who'd dared to look at him in the eyes.

Her eyes, that held no fear, stared back at him and mocked him.

There was something enticing about her, the way she'd been kept untouched, unaware that her secondary sexual characteristics had kicked in.

She was unaware of the beauty her innocence brought in, the minuscule whimpers and whines her mouth left as she stirred under him and subconsciously thrust her hips up in his grasp, whenever he came close to her untouched clenching core.

He had drawn a particular liking to her body, the way the curve of her waist dipped down to her broad hips, her full bosom, her creamy white skin that'd turn pink under his grasp.

He wanted to feel his skin on hers, when she was swollen and full with the future Prince inside her.

He'd find himself turning hard at the thought of her.

How could a female make him feel so powerless?

He was the Head of the State, for god's sake.

What was this obsession with wanting to gain control and overthrow someone who'd challenged his masculinity?

She was different and he liked different.

Yun Ki grew an outcast.

A trait he'd acquired as a boisterous teen had left a scar not only over his right eye but also one over his heart.

Ominous, his older brother would call him.

Hidden away and locked in a servant's chamber for 3 years had left him hard hearted, insecure, insensitive and aggressive beyond bounds.

He'd known that the world he lived in was cruel.

No one loved him because of the way he looked.

Yun Ki's father, The Crowned Head Min II, was a hard taskmaster.

He'd feigned over the neighbouring kingdoms, waging wars and claiming land.

He'd expanded the Baekmin Kingdom throughout the Southeast province in his time. He favoured Yun Ki's older brother, Seokmin, for he exhibited fine swordsmanship. He was being groomed to take over while Yun Ki spent time away from the masses, in a secluded Chamber, panting and writing.

He was an accomplished writer who published his work under an anonymous name.

Weaker in his Father's eyes, he'd grown to hate his family.

On the eve of Seollal, a rival kingdom unleashed their attack over Baekmin.

Underprepared, The King with his future successor entered the war field, alas, they succumbed to their injuries.

While the King had bled away on the field, Seokmin was abducted by the enemy troops and his decapitated head was delivered in the Royal Court, at the break of dawn.

The future of Baekmin was bleak as they'd lost both the King as well as the future of their domain.

That's when, the Queen brought in Yun Ki, out of the shadows, had him wear a mask that concealed his mid-face, under the pretext of having no enemy recognise the new King, as the realm was still under terror.

Yun Ki was brutal at first, unaware of the extent he could go to, mercilessly killed officials who dared to look him in the eyes or even crossed his path, before bowing down to him.

That's what happens when you turn over authority and power in the hands of a prisoner -he goes berserk.

Things weren't smooth under his reign, he was opposed by the masses for speaking too little, doing too less and being ferocious. It was almost as though they'd put an untrained Lion in a Circus.

Slowly coming to terms with his responsibilities, taking charge, Yun Ki did change.

But the violent streak in him never faded.

He'd listen to the masses, consult among his ministers and passes just laws. He took out his pent up frustrations over executing prisoners, by his very own hands, spreading the message that he was not someone to be messed with.

At night, he had uncountable mistresses by his side, who'd fulfil his bodily pleasures. After last night, Yun Ki had felt different.

7 years in his Ruling, people had started wondering when their Monarch would expand his family.

Baseless rumours of the King being impotent had started spreading like wild fire. Yun Ki didn't know what love was.

Sure, he'd read about it and written about it in his poems but he'd never felt it in his flesh and being.

Walking out of his chamber, adorned in his golden mask, he walked into his mother's chamber, a word on his mind, Marriage.

Bowing to the servants lined up outside her room, he walks in straight, met by the view of his mother, preparing herbal tea for herself, a Kayagum placed beside her on the carpet.

Seating before his mother, Yun Ki removed his mask, as a sign of respect.

"What brings the Monarch to my chamber, this morning?" She asks, lips turning to a smirk.

"Mother, I'd like to get married." He says, clearing his throat.

Raising her bows, she lets out a chuckle. "This is not a child's play. I hope you know what you mean. Matters as these have to be taken strategically but if you are serious, I will start looking for potential Brides for you.. Perhaps the daughter of King Taesung? We'll be on good terms with their Domain and can establish a mutualistic agree—"

Yun Ki stops her, mid-sentence. "I've picked out the girl." He says, looking down. "Well who?" She asks. Breathing out deeply, he utters courage.

"It's a commoner, mother." Staring at him in disbelief, she sterns up. "Yah, Min Yun Ki, commoners are for pleasure. Kings don't marry into their families. We're royalty. Don't ruin our revered bloodline."

"Our blood grew impure the day I was appointed King, Mother. Don't provoke me to reveal all that I know about our pristine Royal family."

Standing up before her, he bows, leaving her wide eyed.

"The preparations will start today, do attend the Nuptials." He says, before walking out, adorning his mask.

It was only right that he entered the nuptials.

He was growing old and needed to raise an heir for his Kingdom.

There were rumours of him being impotent, doing the rounds.

The Kingdom would be bustling with news the moment Yun Ki came clean with the announcement of him marrying a commoner.

Having his Chief make the royal announcement, the arrangements had started.

The orders reached Soo Jin's family house and they stood appalled.


Kim Soo Jin's POV-

"Married to the King?" I scream.

Tears fill my eyes as I crumble the royal order.

My mother, holds onto the Wedding dress that was sent by the Palace.

"T-This can't be true, Mother" I make out, between my sobs.

"D-Daughter, h-he's the King. He wants you as his partner. What's the matter? Must you react so harshly?" She asks, looking worried at my pale state.

"Mother, he's a monster. He's got the ominous scar…" I mumble, shaking down to my knees.

He'll ruin me.

Men with scars were dangerous, it was a sign of bad omen, they'd pass down bitter traits to their offsprings.

"Please save your brother, Soo Jin-ah. You know how brutal he is. Being affiliated to the royal family will alleviate our status. No one will ever bother us, again."

Soo Jin had lived a torturous life, herself.

Her father had been martyred at the war that broke out years ago.

She was just a young girl when the protector of their home had departed.

Growing up, she was viewed as on easy target.

Her appealing looks would always attracted the wrong attention.

Men would ogle at her, tease her and her widowed mother, touch them knowing they had no one to protect them.

Soojin's older brother was born a cripple.

It was a genetic disorder, Muscular Dystrophy, that'd left him as a prune, confined to his bed.

She'd grown bitter and cold to the world. This marriage was one of the many things she was being forced to do, to save her family.

3rd Person POV

Yun Ki had ordered his troops to bring Soojin over to his chamber, the day the announcement of marriage arrived at her door step.

He wished to talk to her and see things through, one last time.

Stepping into the familiar gates, Soojin was left facing the ruler, who was dressed in a black ensemble, his blonde locks, knotted tight as they no longer cascaded his form. Facing Soojin, he looked at her feeble form, the black blouse she wore, with a long red skirt that hid her feet clad in slippers.

It was the pale skin of her neck that was painted in blotches of purple, that called out to Yun Ki.

Walking over to her, he held her chin up, wanting her to face his eyes, the way she had last night.

Her breath quickened, he could tell, from the way her chest rose and fell, a shade of rouge capturing her cheeks as she was met with his Scar.

Slithering his cold hand down to her chest, he caressed the love bites he'd decorated her body with, peeling away the black stole that did a poor job at hiding her milky soft skin.

He noticed her eyes, leaving his, rolling to the back of her head as her mouth parted open, with his cold knuckles rubbing over the bruises.

Seeing this as a sign to carry on, Yun Ki pulls down the material of her blouse, her perky breasts coming into vision, as they'd been parted from the confines of the fabric.

Placing his other hand over her waist, he pulls her fragile form, closer.

Leaning into her face, he runs his lips over her sticky cheeks.

"You'd been crying.." He whispers, words that reach only her.

That was the thing about the King.

One moment, he was affectionate and portrayed how concerned he was and the next minute he was feeling her up and spewing lustful words that reduced her to an object, which was something she absolutely despised.

Engulfing his head in between her breasts, he kisses the marks that slither down her skin, growing purple by the minute.

Closing his mouth over her warm hard bead, he sucks at it, tugging her nipple between his teeth as his hands hold her squirming body in place. Replicating his movements over the other mound, he releases her bud with a pop, watching her legs wobble under the material of her thin inexpensive skirt.

"I sucked it, so it's mine." He says, a smirk appearing over his victorious face.

"You're disgusting.." She spits, her chest heaving from the stimulation, the palm of her hand digging at his muscular chest.

"That's not what you'll say when you carry my baby in your womb, for the entire Kingdom to see, Soo Jin-ah." He says, biting his own lip, staring at her shaky form, pale and pink from his small gesture.

"Be my Queen and enjoy the luxurious pleasures of life or, live the life of a deflowered spinster." He mumbles into her ear.