
Holy Matrimony [R-18]

"Bow one, Bow all! Bow before the revered and majestic Highness of Baekmin, the lawful bride of the 7th Monarch of the state, Crowned Head Min Yun Ki. Bow down your head in respect!" Chief Hong pronounces, the loud sound of a gong heard persistently, following his orders.

With the reverb of the dull percussion instrument, Soojin walks into the Royal Court, head bowed down, hands tucked into her traditional Red Hanbok, wrists plastered before her chest, followed by the future parade of maidservants, her to-be-husband, had gifted her.

Stepping into the gates of the decorated, well endowed Court, Soojin feels a pang of hurt tug at her heart, the celebratory music being played by a traditional 40 piece orchestra contrary to the melancholy she was feeling in the depths of her soul. She was stepping out of the ranks of a commoner and escalating to the stature of the Queen Consort.

Her mother, walked behind her, feeling a sense of pride as her daughter was being celebrated.

Holding a golden ware plate studded with Dates and Chestnuts, her eyes bore tears of happiness.

Ministers bowed down to her, some out of respect, others out of compulsion.

Who would be willing to bare their heart to a petty villager, who'd presented herself as one of the King's mistresses 2 nights ago?

In the eyes of the servers of the Royal Family, Min Yun Ki had gone deranged. Deranged to make the decision of getting married to a young blossoming girl, half his age who'd serve no benefit to the Kingdom, had the genetic content shared by a brother who'd inherited Muscular Dystrophy and belonged to the rags.

Dark clouds of uncertainty surrounded this alimony.

Climbing up the steps that led to the throne, Soojin stood beside him.

Him, who'd been dressed in an auspicious blue Hanbok, had his hair tied back, the Persian Diamond studded crown adorned on his head, his face bore the golden mask, before his mass, that screamed and celebrated the unification between someone amidst them and their Ruler.

Bowing before the mass, the two entered the Chapel for Kunbere, where the family Priest would pronounce the vows.

This was the official ceremony, that'd swear them Man and Wife.

Yun Ki's mother, The Queen, stepped in late, staggering and being propped up by her courtesans.

She'd had too much to drink as she cussed loudly.

"This marriage is a sham! The King is far too lousy to know what marriage is..thinks he can bring in a mistress and turn her into a Queen Consort overnight, that's utter foolishness. I rue the day you were born.." She babbles, falling into the arms of her loyal maidservants.

Having her excused, Yun Ki proceeded with the ceremony, guardian-less.

Once they'd bee sworn in as one, they walked into the Chambers for a private ceremony, Pyebaek, arranged by Yun Ki's sisters.

This part of the ceremony was attended by the Groom's family exclusively.

Seating before her in-laws, Soojin fiddled with her dress, feeling alone in a room full of strangers, who'd been staring at her.

His sisters were older than her and they'd been passing disapproving looks all night. "Dear Sister-in-law, please keep brother Yun Ki happy." One spoke, sipping down her makgeolli.

"Please bless the Kingdom with a son, who God forbids, doesn't possess the bad genes your brother was endowed—"

"Enough" Yun Ki snarls, cutting her words.

Gaining a sense of the tight atmosphere, the eldest, Sooh Min announces the traditions they'd have to comply to.

A silk blanket was placed between Soojin and Yun Ki, the ends of the cloth held by them both on either sides.

The sisters threw Dates over the blankets, aiming at it.

The number of dates caught by the couple in the blanket would signify the number of children they'd have.


Despite more than 10 dates being hurled at them, they'd managed to catch only 1, being caused by a motionless and unwilling Soojin.

"One offspring only, That's a shame, brother." The youngest giggled.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure we have enough kids running down the halls of this Palace." Yun Ki speaks in a dominating tone while a hint of red appears over Soojin's cheeks.

For the next tradition, they'd have to share a Date between their mouth. The one who lands the seed would wear the pants in the relationship.

Propping a date in between Soojin's front incisors, Yun Ki leaned in, grasping her jaw, decreasing the distance between their mouth.

Leaning in, he stares at Soojin's eyes that are shut close, her lips whimpering.

Biting down over the other end, he pulls away, realising he didn't receive the seed in his part of the Date.

Soojin spits out the seed while cheers of teasing erupt.

Finishing the private ceremony with food and wine, the servants walk in to escort Soojin into her new chamber.

She'd be prepared for the first night with her husband, who gave her a small smile before she left with them.

Seating against the hard marble bath, her back was being lathered in a paste of rose and turmeric, perfumes of fresh Jasmine, being rubbed over her body and between her parted legs.

After today, Soojin felt dead from the inside.

She felt as though stepping into the vows, she'd lost her identity.

Seating her on a plush stool, she stares at her reflection in the mirror, her hair being combed and fumigated by one of her servants, while the other applied a soft lotion over her freshly abraded hairless skin.

Dressing her in a red ceremonial robe with a thin strapped silk nightgown below, her servants applied the shade of red over her parted lips.

Walking down the corridor towards the King's chamber, the servants sang a traditional folklore about a woman's first night with her husband.

Opening the doors to his Chamber, the servants bowed before her, closing the door behind her.

Giggles were heard echoing behind her as she found herself in the familiar room.

This time however, the white curtains that parted the seating area and the bed, were drawn open.

Yun Ki stood with his back against Soojin at the foot of the bed, staring down at the rose petals scattered around the ceremonial white mattress, that'd be turning red tonight. He wore a brown robe, his hair untied, blond locks cascading down the brown fabric. "Come to me." He says, in a low tone.

Monotonous, almost.

With feeble legs, Soojin walks up behind him, her heavy breath resonating in the silent room.

The room was lit up with candles, that produced a sensuous atmosphere, much different than the one Soojin felt on her first day here. Turning around, Yun Ki looks down at her.

Her glistening black hair combed back, behind her shoulders.

Her eyes, staring down at the floor, as her chest heaved at an uncontrollable rate to the extent, Yun Ki enjoyed seeing the flutter of her nostrils.

Advancing his hand under her chin, he raises it so that he has her looking into his lustful eyes.

Once she's met his hooded eyes, her pupils shake momentarily, until they steady themselves under him.

Running his hands through her straight mane, he pulls at the roots near the curve of her neck, causing her eyes to squint and her mouth to open,quivering.

He looks down at her rouge lips, running a thumb over her lower lip, painted in red.

Staring at the colour rubbed off over his thumb, he brings it to his mouth, sucking it, while staring into her eyes the entire time.

"Beautiful!' He whispers, feeling the velvety skin of her heated cheeks with the back of his rough hand.

What a contrast, he thought.

"My Queen, tonight, under the full moon, we must unite. Allow me to deflower you.Allow me to paint the sheets red, for my Kingdom to marvel over." His voice fills the room and there is a shift in his intention.

With that, Yun Ki's hands work over the laceworkover Soojin's robe, peering it open and sliding it down her shoulders.

Soojin's POV-

As the painful words of unity leave his lips, tears pool into my eyes.

His grasp over me is soft but his words leave wounds that will take forever to heal, for he has bought me.

I was sold off to him, with no part of myself I hadcontrol over.

Sliding the robe off of me, his eyes rake down my nightgown, causing him to gulp as I never leave my eyes off of him.

"They decorated you for me, tonight." He purrs, advancing his head into the crook of my bare neck, inhaling the scent.

The air that leaves his nose tickles my skin, causing goosebumps to travel down my spine.

"Jasmine. My favourite." He breathes Out, hands travelling to my back, caressing the curves of my body under his rough touch.

Seating me on the foot Of the bed, he crouches before me, his lips leaving wet kisses down my shoulders, my collarbones, over and over, peeling the thin straps down my shoulders, he rubs circles over my erect buds, watching them harden under his gaze.

"So beautiful and erect, all for me to devour." He mewls out, licking his lips.

Flattening his tongue over my nipple, his hands crawl down the material of my gown, parting my tightly clenched thighs.

His mouth makes lewd sounds of his sharp sucks, his tongue hitting my flesh as his fingers run over my wet slit.

Parting my labial lips, his finger enters my hole, causing me to gasp loudly, tears stinging my eyes, from the intense pain.

Watching my change in expressions he lays me down, his thick finger still seated deep in me.

"I-If you can't take my finger, how are you going to take me? Bear the pain.. The whole realm must echo with your moans.." He mutters in my ear, biting my earlobe.

I shake under him, my hands clawing the material of his robe at his chest that exposed his skin.

"S-Stings, it h-hurts.!" I say, rubbing the heel ofmy foot under him.

Stabbing me with his finger he moves it in and out of me at a fast pace, causing me to grab his back, lips parted dry.

He moves his face, hovering over mine, engulfing my lips in a needy kiss, his lips moving desperately over my static ones.

I don't reciprocate the kiss.

He threatens my entrance with another finger, accentuating the dull pain causing me to wince against his lips, his tongue plunging into my mouth as he grabs onto my jaw forcefully, making me take his kiss.

"Kiss me back." He says against my lips, while my eyes remain shut from the overwhelming sensation.

Opening my eyes, I watch his, fill with a tinge of red, anger written all over his face.

His hands trail down to grope my breast, trying to stimulate me into giving in but I turn my head to the side.

"Kiss your husband!' He says, increasing the force of the thrust of his fingers.

Shaking my head no, he sits between my parted legs, tearing my nightgown into two shreds of fabric, clinging off of my red hips.

Grabbing my throat, he pushes me into the mattress, his fingers retracting from my hole, causing me to jerk under him from the sudden void.

My sensitive walls clench as my breathing accelerates.

"Obey your master, right now!" He speaks, his pressure overwhelming at my windpipe.

Watching me struggle beneath him, he lets go, spitting at the pillow beside my head.

His own breaths are shallow as he wipes the sweat off of his forehead, flicking his hair back.

"Y-You can have my b-body, but you'll never have m-my love!" I choke out, grasping my throat, that was throbbing from the assault as I cough out mucus over my naked torso.

"I'm your owner and you'll crawl over to me right now, surrendering yourself and your freshly adorned modesty before me. " He spits out, his ego on the line.

"Over my dead body. " I retaliate, raising myself over the pillows, seating against the propped up cushions.

Grabbing me by my locks, he pulls me to the floor, grabbing my robe, he throws it over me, kicking my naked form out the gates of his chamber, that he closes with a loud thud.

Scrambling on my robe, I march back into my chamber watching the eyes of the servants go wide with concern.

"Madam, are you okay?" They enquire but my mind is filled with feelings of pure hatred towards the Monarch.

I was nothing without respect.

He'd pushed me too far this once.

I needed to escape.

Covering myself in decent clothes, I walk out of my chamber, my loyal cluster of servants following me as the Royal staff remains stunned at my appearance past midnight.

"Queen, a lady mustn't walk out past midnight, it's dangerous. "

The guards rush over to me as I pry open the gates of the Palace, holding me up against their swords.

"Let her go, she belongs in the streets." The Queen's voice booms after me, signalling to the guards as she watches, with a smirk over her face.

With that I rush out of the Palace, the empty streets bustling with crickets as I tread down the lonely path, past the closed stalls, drunken men playing cards on the side of the road basking under the heat of a makeshift bonfire, causing me to draw my stole closer to my face.

"I-ls that the newly wed Queen?" One whispers.

"What is she doing out on the streets on her first night with her husband?"

"The King is impotent, he can't satisfy the needs of this tender 19 year old. She needs a real man." One says, laughing.

"You mean..one of us..?"

Scrambling away from the scene, I hear the sounds of their feet against the hard concrete, following after me.

Running into a dimly lit lane, I'm pulled into a dark alley and pinned against a brick wall.

My mouth is plastered shut by rough hands, the lack of light causing me to hyperventilate at a foreign man having me held hostage.

Squirming under him, my eyes travel to his face, a ray of light splattered across his eyes and Im immediately met with the familiar man, up and close, before me.

On the other hand, the Kingdom breaks out in a chaos, the King's chamber being met by impatient knocks of Chief Hong.

A bedazzled and disrobed Yun Ki opens the door to be met by a panting and worried Chief.

"The Queen.. The Queen has r-run away.." He breathes out, blood pumping past Yun Ki's ear.