

"I feel different." Yun Ki murmurs, holding Soojin against a ledge in the corridor leading to their Chambers, separated by a few metres. 

Soojin stares back at him, loomingly. 

His arms are wrapped around her waist as he stares into her eyes, longingly. 

Almost as though she'd disappear if he let her go out of his sight. 

"You love me, don't you?" He asks, leaning in, lips fluttering over Soojin's flush cheeks. 

"With my all." Soojin mumbles, in a hushed tone. 

She's pushed against a marble wall, the back of her jewelled head hitting against the framed portrait of the Royal Family. 

Yun Ki plants a kiss over her cheek, moving away. 

"I just had to hold you once more." He confesses, scratching the back of his neck as he now has a hand intertwined with Soojin's, thumb caressing the Red Sapphire that rests on her ring finger.