

Soojin was perplexed. 

Her life was slowly leaking past her clutches, like sand and all she could do was watch it pour out of her grasp, helplessly. 

She felt incapacitated. 

The feeling of your heart beating so fast that you can feel it in your throat, like a prominent beating. 

A feeling that has your palms coating in a sheen of sweat, when your chest rumbles and legs quiver in the livid fear of having something snatched from you, without your cooperation. 

What should she do? She thought as she ran her eyes over the letter. 

Over the rouge stained letter, jotted down using her brother's blood as ink. 

The brim of her eyes were filled with tears, hot streaming heavy droplets that trickled down her cheeks and yet she was familiar with the chord of isolation and unjust means. 

Her vision felt blurry and if she lifted her head, she was sure she'd feel dizzy, almost as though her world was rocking back and forth.