After the pain and the origin of it all

[Momobami Residence, 8:30 pm]

Police Announcer: Attention to all units: terrorist attack on the Momobami farm. The number of deaths and injuries is unknown. Proceed with caution.

Kaguto: The nightmare is over, because death has already come and took them all. I take my finger off the trigger and put the gun in my holster while hell claims my soul.

But we go in parts.

Before the pain: two years before

In other times I was a simple student in the academy joining the Discipline and Ethics Committee. Back then life was boring and monotonous.

[Hyakkaou Academy]

Kaguto: Good afternoon. My name is Kaguto Kugari

Committee Leader: Nice to meet you. Now tell us, why do you want to join the Ethics and Discipline Committee?

Kaguto: The other clubs closed registration and told me there was a free spot here.

Committee Leader: Do you know the requirements to be part of it?

Kaguto: Yes sir. My father was part of it, just like my grandfather.

Committee leader: Your father is rector, do you want to continue his legacy?

Kaguto: Of course!

Committee Leader: Good. Submit these forms and come tomorrow morning.

Kaguto: It's okay.

Father: Son, let's go!

Kaguto: I'm coming, dad.

[A few weeks later]

It was a beautiful day at Hyakkaou Academy, the flowers were blooming and the sun was at its zenith. For my part, on the Discipline and Ethics Committee, I tried not to affect my grades and to get along with others. My colleagues and I solved everything from small things to quite dangerous problems. We confiscated everything: from small arms, hentai, cigarettes, phones with prohibited content, playing cards, etc. even drugs and firearms. Gambling was something we did not tolerate and when we stopped it, the students always hid behind human rights and their influences. Please!

Kaguto: What a end of the month!

Monotonous and boring disc, my father, who made decisions for the good of all, was not afraid of these sons of power: the "mirreyes", children raised with a golden spoon in their mouths. They believe that they can buy everything. They are nothing but hopeless and hopeless corrupt. The right ones and the good people are rare; among them Aoi Mibuomi, my only friend. He insisted that I join the Committee. At last we finished our work and walked slowly through the corridors of the academy while my father, the rector, talked with the father of one of my classmates.

Kaguto: Oh my friend, your singleness has already been resolved! I can not believe it.

Aoi: Arranged marriages still exist today.

Kaguto: So when you graduate you get married.

Aoi: Will your family attend the wedding?

Kaguto: Sure buddy, why not ?!

Aoi: You were always luckier than everyone.

Kaguto: Yeah, my parents are not very good at making arranged marriages.

Aoi: I hope you are lucky and, from my point of view, you will.

Kaguto: Yes, as if the love of my life is speaking to me through a loudspeaker.

[Meanwhile, in the direction of Hyakkaou Academy]

Family Guy: You must understand that it will be difficult to end the bets here: it is a tradition.

Rector: Sorry, but I can't overlook this: everything that happens in this academy after school. I can not allow.

Family Guy: You're getting into an eleven-rod shirt.

Rector: But with the new student council president, the stakes are off. Besides, you don't know my son. Since he is on the Committee, he has become unstoppable and has a strong enough hand to end the indiscipline that governs this school.

Family Guy: No one comes close to him, not even freshmen!

Rector: It is because of his lifestyle and the values ​​that I instilled in him. And I am proud of it.

Family Guy: Anyway. And when will the new president come?

Rector: He arrives today to occupy the position. And I must clarify that he won it by popular vote, not with his money or influence. Do you see how things are changing around here?

[Later, in class]

For me it was another day. In the academy the sky was gray, thick with clouds that not even the sunlight penetrated. But it wasn't raining when the light came into my life.

Teacher: Please everyone say hello to the new Student Council President.

President: (smiling) Good morning everyone!

Class students: Good morning!

When I saw her I was stunned: she was a beauty. Her hair was shining like the sun and I had barely noticed her incredible eyes when she approached me.

President: Hello, nice to meet you!

Kaguto: Hello, good afternoon president.

President: How serious. Are you in a bad mood?

Kaguto: Ah, no. Is not for you.

President: Don't be mad.

My heart was beating a thousand an hour. I never felt something like this, and I melted. She subtly leaned close to my ear.

President: You can come after school

Kaguto: (hesitant and blushing) Ah, of course!

The afternoon came with total violence and I was dead with nerves as if sentenced to death saying her last prayers.

President: Good afternoon! How these?

Kaguto: Fine, thank you.

President: Sit down, please.

I sat next to her and when she saw me she didn't run away, as is often the case with the other girls I get close to. Being on the Committee and doing my job made me unaccustomed to the kind treatment of people.

President: (staring at me while crossing her legs) They told me that you joined the Discipline Committee, but you don't get along with everyone else.

Kaguto: I think they don't like my lifestyle.

President (smiling softly): Well, I like it. To tell the truth, I really like you.

Kaguto: Really? But why?

President: (moving closer to me to the point where I can smell the sweet scent of her perfume) I don't know. I like people with character and decision. Besides, you made me very curious from the moment the others told me about you.

Kaguto: Well, thank you. That surprises me. And what did they tell you about me?

President: That doesn't matter and it shouldn't surprise you. I believe that opposites sometimes attract.

Kaguto: Do ​​opposites "attract"? What do you mean with…?

President (with obvious nervousness and looking at the floor): There is something I want to tell you.

Kaguto: (puzzled and increasingly nervous) What is it about?

President: (placing her delicate white hand on my knee and approaching me dangerously) Come out with me.

Kaguto: (totally paralyzed, had you heard right?) Like a date?

President: If that's what you want to call it, that's fine by me.

Kaguto (stomach knotted): Sure. Sounds good.

President: (quickly approaching me) Well, I hope you feel better than you sound.

And we merge into a big hug and a passionate kiss. Since then my life took a turn and I felt much better.

She was the most respected and admired girl in the entire academy. everyone longed for her. To me she was an angel fallen from heaven; the love of my life. Her smile came to light my path in darkness. I was beginning to be truly happy.

Before the pain: a year before

Sooner than I could imagine, my girlfriend, the Chairperson of the Committee, and I celebrated our first year together studying and doing our thing at Hyakkaou Academy, in all its glory and prestige. We were feeling great and getting ready for the first summer festival we attended as a couple.

President: Honey, we are celebrating our first year together and I want to give you something.

Kaguto: Really? I also. It took me several months to do it.

I took her gift and we sat together in the same leather chair that had witnessed our first kiss, a year ago. I carefully opened the fine paper wrapper and found in the box an official academy dress jacket with her shield and my name embroidered in gold and silver thread and carefully made with a fabric that could only be velvet or something like that. It was a bit long, but I decided not to mention anything to him. He was still delighted. No one gave me gifts frequently — at least not for anything other than buying my sympathy.

Kaguto: Incredible, it's magnificent. I love. I do not know what else to say. Thank you very much! But please open mine.

It was a yukata with fine floral embroidery in vivid colors from the best hands of tailors and embroiderers in southern Japan. I must confess that I had to ask my father for help at more than half the cost. But it was worth it to see my girlfriend's face light up.

President: Oh my love, it's beautiful!

Kaguto: Happy anniversary, love. Do you want to go to the summer festival?

President: Of course I do! With you wherever.

She kissed me so hard I almost took my breath away and her hug left me with sore ribs. I felt in paradise.

President: (thoughtful) You know? I think I finally made the best decision of my life.

Kaguto: And what did you decide?

President: The man I want to spend the rest of my life with.

Kaguto: (sighing) I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you too.

And while we were floating weightless in our dreams and eternal romance, the committee secretary abruptly planted our feet on the ground.

Secretary: Sorry for the interruption. President, the file of the new student arrived.

President: Good. What is your name?

Secretary: Kirari Momobami

President: Well, duty calls me, love.

Kaguto: I know. I too must go back. I call you at night, take care.

I took my briefcase and headed for the door. The secretary and my girlfriend stayed in the living room talking about this new student. I caught a glimpse of a pale, white-haired girl in the file photo. I had no idea that this was the semblance of someone who would destroy my life, plunging us into a vortex where everything beautiful and beautiful that I had would disappear forever. The devil's most desired waifu.

Before the gambling, before the madness, there was a story of a man who studied

here and that he was secretary to the president of the student council

his name

was kugari kaguto son of the director of the private academy hyakkaou where in

back then the stakes were only one. hobby and they did not take so

seriously where your attitudes and aptitudes prevailed where good grades and

physical skills counted and not your betting and negotiation skills that

It was until he arrived kirari momobami eldest daughter of the momobami clan.

After school - when everything was so easy and we

happy - my girlfriend, whose best hobby was ballet, and I went to the salon

dance, where he helped her by playing the piano while she glided with movements

graceful and smooth steps. For me, seeing her dance to my clumsy notes was

the greatest gift of our union: the one that would seal our love in a

sweet and beautiful melody. I keep reliving those days.

While Kirari made himself noticed, Kaguto helped his girlfriend with her dances while he

She played the piano, while she danced she stumbled and he rescues her

kaguto: you are fine my love

: Yes darling

approaches to kiss and he enjoys it, but sneakily and takes a

gift he had in his pocket in kaguto's sack and the kiss breaks out

kaguto: hey that was for you when we graduated

¿¿¿¿: I want to see it, don't be bad

kaguto: if you insist

when opening the gift she is amazed

¿¿¿: But if it is a music box

kaguto: you liked me it was a gift from the workshop club

she opens the box and hears the melody, falls in love with her and hugs him

¿¿: Kaguto is a nice gift, thanks, are you going to go with me to the summer festival?

Kaguto: you're welcome my love and there I'll be

They knock on the door and it was Kirari Momobami who came to

ask something

with a carefree tone in her voice to

both see them with a perverse look which was coming something

Kirari: Excuse me, I interrupt something?


Kirari: Miss President, we can talk

kaguto: see you tomorrow sky

kisses her on the cheek and says the last words

: I love you

"Although they both did not know that this would be the last day where they can be together"

because the next morning the phone and receives a very peculiar call from a person

who couldn't even wait, it was freshman sayaka igarashi

sayaka: kaguto grabs the phone

wakes up picks up her phone and says hello?


what's up sayaka who gave you that number?

sayaka: it doesn't matter is your girlfriend is in the hospital lost a bet against kirari and

I think it affected him

kaguto: what? Where is it

once they told him where his girlfriend was, without wasting time he goes

directly to the hospital. When you get to your room, where is your

couple in serious condition, but by the time he reached the room, the

ailments were put aside

the latter was weakly surviving thanks to machines that helped it to

stay alive she obviously didn't have much time left to


the poor man's heart shrinks and melts into tears

: love how are you? forgive me my love, but I don't think I can't attend the

summer festival with you

kaguto: but what

Who did this to you !?, y-you're going to be fine, the doctors will make you

recover from this.

the poor thing had no more strength left, so he just said his last


Listen, my love, this is going to be my last will, please take care of the academy

for me. The gift that gave you joy will help you with your sadness, take good care of it


the boy

sad had he lost the love of his life, he only limited himself to hugging the body

lifeless of your partner, while the sound of the beep that shocks your


and take

his musical box of his dead hands (which will be a key item)

this came out

from the room to seek help, which he found in a doctor who

was leaning against the wall outside the room, unfortunately the doctor

could not help, because the damage was irreparable, it was like a poison that destroyed

his mind from within and he committed suicide he burst all his organs but

as if his mind was eaten


this is the second case


What is not the first time?

doctor: come I will teach you

and Kaguto sees a woman who is folding money into origami

We try to see if we can return it to its state, but no treatments do not work

not at all that poor woman has no one except her sister

The day got worse, as her father had been fired from her position at the academy without

apparent reason, Kaguto was filled with anger, he was going to clear things up and in an act

reprehensible, was to attack the most suspicious person, the girl named Kirari Momobami,

but her attack was unsuccessful, since she stopped fighting thanks to a teaser

with a treacherous attack perpetrated by Sayaka but despite the

discharge manages to give a forceful blow to sayaka that leaves her

unconscious until passed out

the blow he received left sayaka half

stunned and left her lip split

kirari: kugari

kaguto despite your fierce resistance you can't with me, but I think I have

the shape

But then the light went out inside me. Now i would see

darkness and gloom and events getting worse every moment. An anger

irrepressible began to grow inside of me and grew as my best days to

side of my girlfriend were staying in an increasingly distant past.

and Kaguto is banished to an unknown location without leaving

trail leaving his parents totally devastated