When he was exiled to France thanks to Kirari Momobami, some policemen told him
found in a garbage can, almost like a corpse from its current state
It is curious to see how to be living to the maximum the best moments of
your life, suddenly and out of nowhere begins the worst beating of my life. The memory
it sticks into my head like sharp knives cutting my neurons and
I almost feel them physically sliced my skull sliced my lobes
With no money, and no knowledge of the French language, he asked as his last hope
police found him made a corpse unless he had a pulse then it was
called to the hospital
by god this man is alive call an ambulance
when he takes him to the hospital he sees heaven I have even hell and was rejected
because even his destiny is uncertain
I feel death flirting with me with singular passion. After all
happened, I felt that I was living again, but for no real reason. I wanted to die but
something told me that I should keep breathing, because deep down maybe
I had to do something other than give myself to death without chasing a
Both the doctors try to save him while on the way to the hospital
attention we have a patient with severe trauma throughout the body lung
left collapsed solar plexus damage prepare for surgery
doctors tried to save his life, but they succeeded
wake up young gentleman
open your eyes and the first thing you do is ask
who are you and where am i
French: you are in Paris France
paris France (puzzled)
French: they found you in a garbage dump in paris almost dead you were found
for the police I have done the impossible to save your life, but you continue
I just want to go to Japan and finish a reckoning
before you must heal you must heal
I know
recovers slowly but satisfactorily, although her physical injuries healed the
of his soul, their minds never healed him and he decides to make a decision that
it will change your life; receives advice from the Gendarmerie Intervention Group
National, and the French Foreign Legion trains to finish off Kirari and
with all of them once and for all. with the difference that it will never be left
carry by bets will remain calm at all times
I know
martial arts training, weapons handling, stealth attacks guided by the
bushido (the way of the warrior)
incorruptible and inflexible, she adopts superhuman strength, but retaining her
intact human feature and a
well defined moral compass
I became the worst killing machine. The worst stone in
the shoe of those who believe that their plans are infallible. He was determined.
at the same time a man deranged despite his training his mind was
focused on a single thought with the soul shattered and on the edge of
mental breakdown post-traumatic stress disorder suddenly suffers from a slight cough and
after that two years passed, when
returned to Japan already turned into a legionnaire and discovers that
His parents were waiting for him, lying in the grave, beings that he loved the most apart from
his girlfriend lost them forever eaten by kirari and his family increasing
His anger and hatred returned home to his abandoned home, dark and the only thing
found were memories, memories of a life that he left behind but valuable indispensable and among them the
instrument of his revenge a revolver codenamed "magnum kurz"
, That his mother believed but that they were never used because they were not a revolver
ordinary and retrieves the music box and builds a mask that
reflects expressionlessness and coldness
inspects your home in search of your
fourth and puts bandages on his hands he puts on a black shirt a vest
blue uniform pants and some cowboy boots
I come home knowing that everything in our life is
upside down: my school with a "tradition" that my father and I refuse
to follow. This is the price of opposing such a corrupt system
both in the academy elections were held with gambling and everyone wants
dethrone Kirari including his family the academy that his father swore
wear with honor and distinction soon became a casino of bad
death and to top it off the order of the prefects was dismantled and
annihilated his companions were eliminated or sent into exile his story
was forgotten
but the momobami clan is unaware of a curse they cast on their family one
of the adults he was the craziest
it will be our end of our family no one survived the powerful and relentless anger
of the fallen and the nameless will swoop down on us like serpents to
rabbits "
this time the old man would soon be right after a shot is closed to the
both kaguari visit the cemetery to visit his beloved and then remember the
music box and the values of his family and his
old comrades of his
decides to enter the academy destroyed her family, but not her assets and money,.
without knowing the dangers and madness that a being with
self-consciousness settles, stalks and hungry and the embodiment of
madness the dreaded gambling madwoman the compulsive gambler "yumeko jabami"
will be
who will fulfill her revenge kaguto will kirari continue as president it will be that
their memories can save them from madness