Get Me Pregnant 

Stefi arrogantly followed a hotel staff to the VIP room that she ordered long before coming to Tromso. As the wife of a CEO, Stefi must always be up to date with whatever was on trend among the public. Like this time, the purpose of coming to Tromso, Norway, was because many of her socialite friends talk about the auroras in Tromso's sky and the beauty of the Milky Way at night, which would also be clearly on a bright evening if you are lucky enough. That was why she forced Leon to come to Tromso for a vacation.

"Please, Madam. This is one of the best rooms in Tromso," said the hotel staff who escorted Stefi and Leon to their room.

Steffi, who had already entered the VIP room, was amazed at the view from her balcony. "Wow amazing!, I love this room. The view is very beautiful."

"It would be even more beautiful at night, Madam."

"Wow, really? I can't wait!!" Stefi shrieked excitedly.