[Bonus chapter]Aaron's Hope 

The smile on Stefi's face disappeared when she saw her husband just changed his clothes without looking at her, who was already standing in a sensual pose and showed her low cleavage.

"I need a moment with Wayne and the others. You better stay in your room and don't go anywhere. But if you want to stay out, I can't stop you," Leon said without pause as he walked away towards the half-open door and walked away with Wayne and all his men who were waiting at the door.

Stefi was frozen to see Leon just leave, ignoring her who was already prepared. Her eyes were glaring at the back of her husband, as he moved away. 


"Arrgghhhh...! Wayne, you bastard, damn it!!! How dare you take my husband away!" Stefi screamed crazily after throwing the glass on the floor full of emotion. She really couldn't contain her anger and hatred for Wayne Scott any longer.